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Showing: 341 - 360 of 911 results
  1. Adapting Toehold Switches to Detect Zika Virus

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    ...-specific diagnostics for the Ebola virus. Our original proof-of-concept work was exciting because it ...the spread of the virus by the Aedes mosquito (Messina et al, 2016). We quickly assembled a team of students...Asian-, African- and American-lineages). Strain discrimination is especially important in the current outbreak...setting. Molecular diagnostics for the Zika virus predominantly look at viral load in patient blood and urine...self-assembly for applications in health, energy, and sustainability.   References 1. Pardee, Keith, et al. "Rapid...25417167. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4243060. 4. Messina, Jane P., et al. "Mapping global environmental ...
  2. Split-BioID: An Improved Method for Studying Protein-Protein Interactions

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    ...two non-functional fragments: N-terminal BirA* (N-BirA*) and C-terminal BiraA* (C-BirA*). These two fragments...(PPIs). These interactions are often modeled as binary relationships, i.e. protein A interacts with protein...Split-BioID is that it allows for the validation of a binary PPI as well as the identification of additional...complementation assay that can be used to study binary protein interactions. However, FRET generally only...proteins were tagged with. It’s best to test all combinations and pick the conditions that give the strongest...
  3. Corralling and Cornering the Goldilocks Antibody

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    ...general availability of their recombinant antibodies. Since recombinant antibodies are a newer technology...chose monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and their recombinant forms (rAbs). mAbs and rAbs have higher homogeneity...produce the same results even to a different sample. Finally, as a lab we discuss the results together, explaining...Zhuhao Wu at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.  References and resources References Baker M. ...ValidationSelecting the Right AntibodyPlasmid-based Recombinant Antibodies    ...
  4. Addgene's Cancer Collection Pages Connect the Research Community

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    ...cells and eliminate them from the body. While effective, the immune system does not always eliminate every...with the goal of being able to discriminately and effectively eliminate cancerous cells from the body..... What is cancer, really? While cancer is extraordinarily complex at the molecular level, at the cellular...commit itself to the apoptotic pathway and be eliminated from the body. In the case of cancer, however...
  5. Hot Plasmids and Viral Preps - May 2021

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    ...Validated recombinant antibody toolbox for aminoacyl tRNA synthetases By Kate Harten Recombinant antibodies...library to study antibody escape in SARS-CoV-2 Recombinant antibodies for aminoacyl tRNA synthetases Nanocompartments... axonal projections and putative pre-synaptic terminals with one vector. AAV hSyn FLEx mGFP-2A-Synaptophysin-mRuby...Synaptophysin-tagged GCaMP6s is enriched in the pre-synaptic terminal providing better signal to noise for imaging calcium...dynamics in fine structures. We have expanded our recombinase-dependent virus selection to now include Flp-...
  6. Tips for a 1st time AAV user (by a Rookie AAV user)

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    ...°C instead of 37 °C and then screen for ITR recombination with a SmaI or XmaI restriction enzyme digest...RecA, a protein that aids in the homologous recombination of duplicated regions like the ITRs. Restriction... concentrations of iodixanol to separate out contaminants from an impure AAV preparation. 15%, 25%, 40%...standard and AAV transfer plasmids. It’s easy to contaminate a workspace with plasmid, not that I would know...adeno-associated virus serotype 2-derived inverted terminal repeat sequences. Human gene therapy methods, ...R.A., & Samulski, R.J. (2007). Production of recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors for in vitro and...
  7. Plasmids 101: Optimizing Plasmid Yields

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    ...stability and yield. If a plasmid is prone to recombination Use a strain optimized for plasmids with repeat...elements, such as viral plasmids with inverted terminal repeats. We use NEB Stable to transform and prep...Stbl3 have been engineered to reduce plasmid recombination, but are also endA+. endA encodes a thermostable...volume of culture used for inoculation if we get inadequate plasmid DNA yields. Why would volume make a difference...recommended range of the filter or you might inadvertently lower the amount of DNA you purify! Additionally...should be determined for each plasmid/strain combination individually, based on determining the cell density...
  8. Advice on Career Paths and the Green Card Process for International Researchers and Entrepreneurs

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    ...developments.  Further, this post may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.  No action should be...patents and letters of recommendation. EB-1A extraordinary ability category The EB-1A - is similar to national...journal editor) of the work of those in your field. Original contributions to the field that have had a major...include the fact that you are a classically trained ballerina who has performed at Lincoln Center. Your case...of permanent, tenured or indefinite (no fixed termination date) employment at a university or institution... the same or allied academic field Evidence of original scientific or scholarly research, alliance management, business development, finance, and operations. To learn more, visit
  9. Great Results Start with Great Standard Curves

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    ...sure that the sample is pure and free of any contaminants that could affect the measurements. You'll need... if not, since buffer components can affect the final readout. When preparing a standard curve, change...even when the same protocol is being followed.  Finally, standard curves must be validated for each to calculate the data’s coefficient of determination, R2. R2 is the square of the correlation between... to increase the accuracy of your experiment.  Finally, carefully analyze the data and use the trendline...Addgene's Ready-to-Use Antibody collection Addgene's Recombinant Antibody Plasmids collection  ...
  10. DNA Purification Without a Kit

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    ...a wash solution removes contaminants while nucleic acids stick around. Finally, purified total nucleic...sample can be treated with RNase to remove RNA contamination and you can use a phenol chloroform extraction...extraction to remove remaining proteins and RNase. Finally, DNA is precipitated with alcohol and resuspended...into this mixture to absorb the nucleic acids. Containinants bind cellulose less tightly than nucleic acids...with 1M phosphoric acid and re-used, but trace contamination could interfere with interpreting the results...
  11. Droplet Digital PCR for AAV Quantitation

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    ... digital PCR is a sensitive assay, so cross contamination into a no template control (NTC) well is common...reduce aerosols that could potentially lead to contamination. Optimize your PCR For a good starting on what PCR parameters to use, see Lock’s seminal paper on AAV titration (Lock et al., 2014). If you...tool for titration and integrity evaluation of recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors." Human Gene Therapy...PMID: 29548643. Lock, Martin, et al. "Absolute determination of single-stranded and self-complementary adeno-associated... PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5915492. Witte, Anna Kristina, et al. "A systematic investigation of parameters...
  12. Isolating Genomic Regions of Interest with the CRISPR System

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    ...alterations. These studies utilize a catalytically inactive form of Cas9 known as dCas9 (Jinek et al., 2012... mammalian cells by expressing dCas9 with an N-terminal 3xFLAG tag (3xFLAG-dCas9) and a gRNA targeting...this form, the CRISPR complex, consisting of a recombinant dCas9 protein and synthetic gRNA, is incubated...DUX4, a transcriptional regulator that when inappropriately expressed can cause facioscapulohumeral muscular...non-coding RNAs associated with telomeres using a combination of enChIP and RNA sequencing." PLoS One 10.4 ...chromatin by in vitro enCh IP technology using recombinant CRISPR ribonucleoproteins." Genes to Cells 21.4...
  13. AAVs CREATed for Gene Delivery to the CNS and PNS

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    ...gene-transfer tools in the study of the brain and spinal cord, which together are known as the central nervous...transduction of both the CNS and PNS.That is until the Gradinaru Lab at Caltech stepped up to the challenge. the CREATE method?  CREATE stands for Cre Recombinase-based AAV Targeted Evolution. In this technique...short DNA sequences that contain all possible combinations into a region of the cap gene. In this special... one RGB AAV and red, green, or blue are the predominate colors expressed (figure 4c).   AAV Vector...therapy treatments for neurological diseases). The Gradinaru Lab has a lot going on. Here are the key takeaways...
  14. Capturing a Moment with Marc Zimmer’s “The State of Science”

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    ...was over 300 years ago. Teaching by example No examination of the state of science would be complete without...story has its own Franklin in Doug Prasher, who originally isolated the GFP gene but was not included amongst...spends some time on Addgene’s role in the rapid dissemination of these technologies, proposing that “Addgene...undermining of the scientific process and the marginalization of science, particularly public health and ... observations and suggestions are not so much inaccurate as already somewhat dated. Zimmer could not have...continue to be a “critical consequence of ...the marginalization of science,” we know now in the summer of 2020...
  15. Meet Aavery, Blugene's New Virus Friend!

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    ... input and polling, Blugene's new virus friend finally has a name! We thank you for your participation...* Aavery! Welcome to Addgene, Aavery!       Original post: In December, we introduced you to Blugene...names and we’ve recently chosen four names as finalists. Now, we’re asking you to help us make the decision...meaningful names…. Watch the video to find out the final four! (Note: For cases where the same name was submitted...submitted by more than one person, we selected the finalist based on the first time of submission.)     ...
  16. Using Video to Share Your Science: We Share Science

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    ...growing amount of interdisciplinary research while at the same time increasing interdisciplinary citations in...continue to rely on printed journal articles as the dominant tool for sharing ideas. This leads to everyday... solutions to complex challenges. As a cross-disciplinary researcher, the challenge of keeping up on studies...interactive chart where you can see the yearly interdisciplinarity index of research for single or multiple ...2009): 858-862. 2. Van Noorden, Richard. "Interdisciplinary research by the numbers." Nature 525.7569 ...
  17. CRISPR-based Genome Editing Systems For Editing in E. coli

    Blog Post
    ... of these CRISPR systems. The original pCas/pTargetF system Our original pCas/pTargetF system consists...Originally published Apr 13, 2021 and last updated Aug 12, 2021. This post was contributed by guest bloggers... to yield pEcCas. In pTargetF, we replaced the original 20 bp specific sequences on pTargetF with the ...of the pEcCas/pEcgRNA system Compared with the original system, the pEcCas/pEcgRNA is superior in several.... The pDonor plasmid pRE57-Ter with multiple terminators can serve to interrupt genes (or gene clusters...
  18. CRISPR 101: Which Cas9 Do I Choose for My CRISPR Experiment?

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    ...cytosine or adenosine deaminases to facilitate a single base pair edit. (Cytosine deaminases edit C-to-T and...and adenosine deaminases edit A-to-G.) In short, the impaired Cas9 localizes the deaminase to where the...This post was originally written by Joel McDade and significantly updated in 2022 by Susanna Stroik.  ...choose this system.  Fig. 1: Cytidine deamination takes place on the free strand of DNA and converts...
  19. Avoiding the Dark Side of Fluorescent Protein Fusions with mOX FPs

    Blog Post
    ... and decide whether you will create an N- or C-terminal fusion based on your experimental needs. Equally...have reported that FP cysteine residues form inappropriate disulfide bonds in the secretory pathway (Figure...localization. For example, the formation of inappropriate inter-chain disulfide bonds between FPs blocks...and blue variants that can be used in various combinations. For example, with standard fluorescent microscope...can label multiple proteins of interest with a combination of green and blue or cyan and yellow moxFPs. ...postdoctoral fellow at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Under the co-mentorship Blossom...
  20. Our New Antibody Mascot is....

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    ...  The Addgenies will choose up to four finalists, and the final winner will be determined by popular vote...cloistered consideration, and with much debate, we have finally narrowed it down to three choices.   Fig...unveil the winning name on Feb. 24. Stay tuned!    Original Blugene and Aavery would like your attention, ...Additionally, anyone whose submission is included in the final four will receive some rockin’ newly designed Addgene...
Showing: 341 - 360 of 911 results