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Showing: 321 - 340 of 934 results
  1. Fluorescent Proteins 101: GFP Fusion Proteins - Making the Right Connection

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    ...instance, GFP may occlude catalytic sites or obstruct binding sites or motifs that are necessary for post-translational...avidity because it doubles the number of binding sites per unit.  There are several ways to measure stickiness...Where should the fluorescent protein be inserted? Sites that are less likely to disrupt the structure of...this is not conclusive evidence that the fusion operates in the same way as the native protein. Although...PMC4927352. Janetopoulos, Chris, Tian Jin, and Peter Devreotes. "Receptor-mediated activation of heterotrimeric...
  2. CRISPR Methods for Bacteria: Genome Engineering, CRISPRa, CRISPRi, Base Editing, and More

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    ...   This system is distinct from those used in eukaryotes in that CRISPR isn’t the primary editing force... similarly to CRISPR/Cas9 systems adapted for eukaryotes in that Cas9-mediated cleavage induces HDR more familiar to those using CRISPR in eukaryotes (Qi et al., 2013). As in other systems, catalytically...either Gram-negative bacteria or Gram-positive firmicutes, to bring CRISPRi to a much wider swath of bacterial...Pseudomonas syringae. These vectors contain BsaI sites for easy cloning of a gRNA of interest. Cytidine...organisms in the genus. Work from the Sun lab demonstrates the utility of cytidine and adenine base editors...variant of the BE3 that further improves editing rates. References Bikard D, Euler CW, Jiang W, Nussenzweig...
  3. Fueled by Coffee at #SfN14

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    ...follow #SfN14 on Twitter for live tweeting updates and the latest news from attendees. And for those of you...students and postdocs, which accounts for many, many lattes and espressos. The energy boost is well needed ...symposium discussing progress made in reprogramming astrocytes to functional neurons in vivo. And I’ve seen ...cup and get back to our booth, I will have more updates coming soon. Stop by booth #3431 if you’re at #...
  4. Inntags: Innovative Protein Epitope Tagging

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    ...each tagged protein must be tested carefully to ensure it retains the attributes of the native protein. Since...accessibility to an antibody. From their initial pool of candidates, they selected 12 candidate protein domains from... from non-vertebrate systems. Preliminary testing indicated that inntags IT5, IT6, and IT10 expressed ...expressed well in cells and did not form undesirable aggregates. Using budding yeast as a model system, Georgieva...
  5. Quick, Versatile Plant Transgenesis with GreenGate Plasmids

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    ... frequently used elements in plant expression cassettes: plant promoters, N-terminal tags, coding sequences...C-terminal tags, plant terminators and resistance cassettes for selection of transgenic plants. The complete... gives the option to stack several expression cassettes onto a single T-DNA in subsequent rounds, dramatically...always have the same recognition site but distinct sites where the enzyme will cut. You only need a single...available here.) Although Lohmann said they’ve only tested GreenGate in Arabidopsis, it should in principle...
  6. Antibodies 101: The Basics of Western Blotting

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    ...efficiently transfer a range of protein sizes in minutes without any transfer buffer. These systems, however...Different immunoassays detect proteins in different states. For example, in immunoprecipitation (IP) the antibody...physiologically relevant levels. Some vendors will also test their antibody in a variety of tissues to demonstrate... methylation and ubiquitination. For example, to test if a protein is phosphorylated following a specific...for subcellular fractionations, a procedure that isolates proteins from different cellular compartments ...antibodies that are validated for your application and test the antibody in your specific system. If you found...
  7. Some Like it Hot: Thermostable GeoCas9

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    ...Harrington et al tested GeoCas9’s love of heat in two ways. The first set of experiments tested the ability...following heat treatment. The second set of experiments tested the ability of GeoCas9 RNPs to cleave substrate...genomic edits in mammalian cells. Harrington et al tested GeoCas9’s editing skills by transfecting HEK293...thermostability also had a longer lifetime in human blood. To test if this was also true for GeoCas9, Harrington et...
  8. "What Makes a Good Mentor?" and 6 More FAQs About Science Mentoring

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    ..."The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own...characteristics of a good mentor: Yoda image courtesy of jorenl/ Helps set concrete... helps you reach your goals Listens well and communicates clearly and openly Gives honest feedback take risks A great Mentor is often one that devotes time and energy to thinking about how to be a great...professor at a research university in the northeast, writes a thoughtful treatise on the kind of advisor/mentor...
  9. Cre-ating New Methods for Site-specific Recombination in Drosophila

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    ...induce recombination at pseudo- or cryptic loxP sites (estimated to occur at a frequency of 1.2 per megabase...used successfully in Drosophila, so Rubin sought to test the suitability of four additional yeast recombinases...recombination site for each enzyme, were generated to test recombination efficiency. When expressed in neuronal...each recombinase and reporter construct pair were tested for excision efficiency. B2 and R showed partial...doi:10.1007/s004270100167. PubMed. Cryptic loxP sites in mammalian genomes: genome-wide distribution and...
  10. FLEx Technology and Optogenetics: Flipping the switch on gene expression with high spatial and temporal resolution

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    ...mismatched recognition sites, its presence induces first opsin inversion, and then lox sites excision, therefore...Mei and Zhang, 2012). For example, blue light activates channelrhodopsins that, in turn, trigger neural...neural excitation, whereas yellow light activates halorhodopsins to silence neuronal activity (Figure 1) ...induce DNA recombination at defined recognition sites (i.e., loxP and FRT, respectively) (Abremski and...floxed”) by two sets of incompatible recognition sites (e.g., loxP and lox511) in opposite orientations...
  11. 9 tips for a successful postdoctoral experience

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    ...from the NIH, in the United States) Strong letters of reference that attest to your talent and expertise...fellowship lasts five years. Most universities and institutes annually advertise for Group Leader positions... a postdoctoral mentor. A good mentor typically writes the grants that fund your research, guides the ...Here is my personal list:   Exercise - nothing dissipates stress and improves your perspective like intense... Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz at the National Institutes of Health, was an Associate Professor at Albert...
  12. Networking and Inspiring Young Scientists at Freshers Fairs

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    ...talks by prominent scientists, including Nobel Laureates, who speak about their work and current, trending...society currently has 1,283 members, who comprise undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, faculty members...The society encourages interactions between undergraduates and PhD students so that they can help support...students to attend. It also hosts high level academic debates for its members to become involved with. The society...over 170 members in its first year. The society facilitates opportunities to learn about Synthetic Biology...
  13. Plasmids 101: Positive and Negative Selection for Plasmid Cloning

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    ...recombination sites. To introduce a gene of interest into the destination plasmid, recombination sites must first... fragment within the gene or loss of the gene alleviates its toxic effect. Negative selection is sometimes...and integration of the gene of interest at these sites in the plasmid excises the ccdB gene and the cells...gene is used for negative selection on 5% sucrose plates. Exchange of the sacB gene for the gene of interest...
  14. Viral Vectors 101: Parts of the AAV Packaging Plasmid

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    ...and Rep40) Rep proteins. Alternative splicing generates the different C-terminal regions of the Rep proteins...key role in AAV genome replication. Replication initiates from the AAV genome ITRs on the transfer the ITRs, uses its endonuclease activity to generates a ssDNA substrate which is then nicked by its ...Alternative splicing and differing translational start sites generate the three VP proteins. The three VP proteins...alternative open reading frame (ORF). While AAP promotes virion assembly, the role of MAAP has not been...
  15. Bringing Sustainable Practices to the Lab: Recycling

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    ...drop off the box at any location where the United States Postal Service picks up mail. NEB actually started...drop off the box at any location where the United States Postal Service picks up mail. Recycle has to be packaging (no coated tissue culture plates, for example). Check the link for more details ...back. Be that person! If you use serological pipettes from Corning®, Falcon®, or Axygen®, set up a sustainability. Sign up for blog posts and updates from Labconscious. If you’re inspired by this...
  16. Oh, The Places You Can Go: Careers in Science Communication - Curriculum Development

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    ...also write test question banks, case studies, and experiments for labs, in addition to testing those experiments... at eScience Labs, an educational company that creates hands-on science lab kits and digital curricula.... [We ask them,] 'Can you read this lab. Can you test this experiment? Can you follow and understand the...working with students and faculty, Caitlin also collaborates with the sales and operations departments at...
  17. History of CRISPR Cas - A tale of survival and evolution

    Blog Post
    ...year, scientists hijacked survival tactics of prokaryotes to deliver the technological biological blockbuster...demands of the biotech field, let's look at how prokaryotes originally utilized CRISPR/Cas as a powerful ...experiments exposed S. thermophilus to predatory phages to test if the exogenous DNA would be incorporated into ...these studies led scientists to hypothesize that prokaryotes developed an adaptive immune system that interesting "arms race" between phages and prokaryotes; the ultimate victor will be the species who ...
  18. Plasmid Cloning by PCR

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    ... of DNA and at the same time adding restriction sites to the ends of that piece of DNA so that it can ...following figure, in which we add EcoRI and NotI sites to Your Gene of Interest (YGOI) for ligation into... (usually 18-21bp) When selecting restriction sites, you should use a DNA analysis tool, such as Addgene...Analyzer, to allow you to identify which restriction sites are present in a given sequence. You want to choose...sanger sequencing. DNA replication by PCR has error rates that range from roughly 1 per 500bp to roughly 1...
  19. A New Optogenetic Tool Based on AraC Controls Gene Expression with Blue Light

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    ... one that represses transcription to one that activates transcription.However, this system lacks spatio-temporal...led to functional BLADE variants, too. The team tested different linkers between VVD and the DNA-binding...light, the VVD domains of the BLADE dimerize and activates transcription. The team created two constructs... cannot do with AraC,” says Di Ventura. BLADE activates transcription with the flick of a light switch...difficult to regulate quickly. Arabinose also circulates within growth media and can’t be contained to...
Showing: 321 - 340 of 934 results