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Showing: 301 - 320 of 911 results
  1. Addgene-Seeding Labs Plasmid Grant: Accelerating Science Globally - 5 Scientists, 4 Countries & 3 Continents!

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    ...dietary supplements Dr. Mrinalini Nair, University of Baroda, India Dr. Mrinalini Nair, Associate Professor... viruses. Now focusing on plant biology, she coordinates the Network for the Genetic Improvement of Cowpea... order to manage insect pests and to support sustainable agriculture. For this project the expression ...LIC cloning vector and the pOKD plasmids. The recombinant Cry proteins will then be screened for toxicity...oxidase. The goal is to determine potential water contaminants and to subsequently develop technologies to ...who applied, and to Seeding Labs who helped us coordinate and promote the awards. References 1. Martinez-Klimova...
  2. What the HEK?

    Blog Post
    ...produce recombinant proteins at high levels. In a case where clinical applications of recombinant proteins...wondered where human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells originated from? Or why they are such a commonly used cell...difficult to determine its true tissue origin. Originally, it was assumed HEKs were a common cell type ... necessary, HEKs are human in origin, so they eliminate non-human PTMs which is a concern with other protein...cultured human cell lines are susceptible to contamination by mycoplasma and bacteria, but HEKs are also...., HEK293 Cell Line as a Platform to Produce Recombinant Proteins and Viral Vectors. Front Bioeng Biotechnol...
  3. Science Careers: Unruly Interests Feed Many Paths

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    ... mountain – with many routes up and only one destination – a career in the sciences is more like an intergalactic...a simple egg is packed with information. I am fascinated with how developmental programs unfold, absorbing...comparative anatomy showed me that some of the most fascinating biology is found in weird and rare organisms ...stick to vertebrates alone.  And a longstanding inclination to be a teacher was looking for an outlet. I ...Association for Women in Science); others were visiting seminar speakers. My eye was caught by a couple of punctuation can be wildly funny as well as financially critical. Those who work on the publishing side...the right audiences and how open access affects financial models in information publication. Take a look...
  4. Using CRISPR/Cas9 to Edit Disease Out of the Genome

    Blog Post
    ...conductor receptor (CFTR) by homologous recombination in cultured intestinal stem cells of patients with cystic...This post was originally written in 2014 by Kendall Morgan and updated in 2022 by Lucie Wilson. Lucie...CRISPR/Cas9 could be used to edit several autosomal-dominant mutations that have been connected to the early...Chinese Academy of Sciences found that mice with a dominant mutation in a gene that causes cataracts could... chose to explore its potential in mice with a dominant cataract disorder caused by a single copy of a... "Functional Repair of CFTR by CRISPR/Cas9 in Intestinal Stem Cell Organoids of Cystic Fibrosis Patients...
  5. Viral Vectors 101: Gamma-Retroviral Packaging Systems

    Blog Post
    ...interest: The transgene sequence is flanked by long terminal repeat (LTR) sequences, which facilitate integration...line that stably expresses Gag-Pol and/or Env, eliminating the need to deliver these genes in trans by specific...feature may be useful for the transduction of terminally differentiated (non-dividing) cells. Both lentiviruses...produce additional virus. Are γ-retroviruses self-inactivating (SIN)? They can be. Plasmids that encode SIN... LTR Subcomponents: -U3 -R -U5 LTR; Long terminal repeats; U3-R-U5 regions found on either side ...U5 and the rest of the provirus. 3’ LTR Terminates transcription started by 5' LTR by the addition...written and updated by multiple Addgenies. It was originally published in 2018, in the Viral Vectors 101 eBook...
  6. New and Upcoming Viral Vectors - May 2020

    Blog Post
    ...pAAV-hSyn-DIO-hM3D(Gq)-mCherry Bryan Roth   Recombinases Recombinase systems such as Cre-lox allow for more...types, recombinases allow you to further restrict gene expression to areas in which the recombinase and ...and construct are coexpressed. Three new recombinases from the Cepko Lab are now available as AAV1. CRE-...constructs 69570 and 69571 together encode the N and C terminal segments respectively of a GFP dependent Cre. form a functional Cre enzyme that induces recombination of lox sites. This system takes advantage of...
  7. Developing a cold tolerant E. coli using specialized chaperones

    Blog Post
    ...efficiency.  Finding recombinant psychrophilic enzymes for the host The expression of recombinant proteins for...conditions decrease the potential for microbial contamination. Additionally, the high activity of these enzymes...well under suboptimal conditions. This means recombinant proteins can aggregate or precipitate out as ...would allow the stable folding and expression of recombinant psychrophilic proteins. As the figure below shows... as engineering and regulating psychrophilic recombinant proteins.  To infinity, and beyond! Keeping ...brainstorm with each other. The event also featured a seminar on “Tools to increase scientific reproducibility...
  8. Channelrhodopsins with improved light sensitivity for minimally-invasive optogenetics

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    ...With no blue light, the channelrhodopsin remains inactive and neurons don't fire. With blue light, ions ...minimally-invasive, Frances Arnold’s lab and Viviana Gradinaru’s lab used machine learning to design new channelrhodopsins... To overcome these challenges, the Arnold and Gradinaru Labs developed a machine-learning model to help...information about parental channelrhodopsins to create recombinant channelrhodopsin sequences. The model first removed...their success in vivo. Therefore, the Arnold and Gradinaru Labs expressed ChRgers in mice to see if they ...broad transduction of the nervous system which eliminates the need for intracranial injections. When packaged...Bedbrook CN, Yang KK, Robinson JE, Mackey ED, Gradinaru V, Arnold FH (2019) Machine learning-guided channelrhodopsin...
  9. Mouse Modeling, Part 2: Breeding and Crossing Mice

    Blog Post
    ... for the production of offspring that have a combination of the mutations engineered into each of their...journey towards producing mice with your desired combination of mutations. Assuming your parental mice were...crosses. In Part 1, we explained how genetic recombination in mice expressing both Cre and LoxP occurs.... Part 1 of this series). In any case, Cre is a dominant phenotype, while you’ll want the floxed gene to... to be homozygous in order for Cre-mediated recombination to affect every copy of your target gene in ... you see in your experiment are a result of recombination at the floxed site, your control should be littermates...29768166. Zickler, Denise, and Nancy Kleckner. "Recombination, pairing, and synapsis of homologs during meiosis...
  10. Popular Retroviral Vectors and Their Uses in Scientific Research

    Blog Post
    ...vectors and 5 lentiviral Destination vectors. These vectors can induce combinatorial constitutive or inducible...vector from the Gage lab encodes GFP and Cre-recombinase. The Cre-lox system is a technology that can ...can be used to induce site-specific recombination events and is widely used in the field of mouse transgenics...(Plasmid #44246) Expression of a catalytically inactive (dead), human codon-optimized Cas9 under the control...deposited by Dr. Tyler Jacks. It carries CRE recombinase and a puromycin resistance cassette. No time... higher titer of lentiviral particles than the original lentiCRISPR v1. Special note from the Zhang lab...
  11. Rabies and Neuronal Tracing

    Blog Post
    ...neural connectivity (Nassi et al. 2015). The recombinant viruses typically used in neuroscience research...transmitted transsynaptically). This is because the recombinant forms of these viruses typically used in research...G receptor is restricted to presynaptic nerve terminals (Lafon 2005). Therefore, once RABV is released... it is only taken up by the presynaptic nerve terminals of adjacent neurons (i.e., it is taken up by projection... neural tracing. Using these technologies in combination with molecular tools (e.g., optogenetic or chemogenetic...characteristics of a G-deficient rabies virus recombinant: an in vitro and in vivo study. J Gen Virol. ...Osakada F, Callaway EM. Design and generation of recombinant rabies virus vectors. Nat Protoc. 2013;8:1583...
  12. Plasmids 101: Modular Cloning

    Blog Post
    ...with a terminator. A simple TU could be comprised of just three parts: promoter, gene, and terminator.   ...functional relevance following a set hierarchy. MoClo originally developed from Golden Gate Cloning, in which ...this category also includes promoters, UTRs, terminators, etc. Once selected, individual units can be ...modularity — many parts can be assembled into many combinations. Even with current technologies, it can be extremely... name implies, gene stacking is the use of a combination of multiple genes to achieve a desired effect...resistance. MoClo is a great tool to deliver many combinations of different candidate genes at once to identify...
  13. Special Delivery: Fluorophore Targeting for FRET Studies

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    ...Miyawaki, Griesbeck, Heim, & Tsien, 1999), monitoring kinase activity (Ni, Titov, & Zhang, 2006), quantifying...tRNA suppression competes with natural chain termination at stop codons, expression levels of these tagged...acceptors, then biarsenicals are a good option. Originally developed by Roger Tsien and co-workers (Griffin...compounds such as British anti-Lewisite (which was originally developed to treat heavy metal intoxication in...insert your protein of interest, resulting in a C-terminal fusion of a tetracysteine tag. In addition, don’t be afraid to try novel, unpublished combinations of labeling strategies. FRET experimental design...Roger Y. Tsien. "Specific covalent labeling of recombinant protein molecules inside live cells." Science281.5374...
  14. Podcast: Interview with Addgene's Founders

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    ...guests, Melina Fan, Kenneth Fan, and Benjie Chen! Melina Fan is a co-founder of Addgene. Melina received... podcast, we sit down with Addgene’s Founders - Melina Fan, Ken Fan, and Benjie Chen. We learn what it...University, where she studied diabetes and metabolism. Melina has worked at Genetics Institute in Cambridge, ... led business efforts at Addgene as the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer. Prior to ...
  15. Finding nucleic acids with SHERLOCK and DETECTR

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    ...Originally published Aug 30, 2018 and updated April 16, 2020. Sensitive and specific nucleic acid detection... diagnose the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA, but inadequate access to reagents and equipment has become a... from a sample is first amplified using RPA (recombinase polymerase amplification) or reverse transcriptase...detection by Cas13. This amplification step in combination with the ssRNA reporter enables SHERLOCK to detect..., Cox DBT, Shmakov S, Makarova KS, Semenova E, Minakhin L, Severinov K, Regev A, Lander ES, Koonin EV,...2018) CRISPR-Cas12a target binding unleashes indiscriminate single-stranded DNase activity. Science 360...Makarova KS, Wolf YI, Gootenberg JS, Semenova E, Minakhin L, Joung J, Konermann S, Severinov K, Zhang F,...
  16. Antibodies 101: Immunoprecipitation

    Blog Post
    ..., Bjorck 1984). Protein A, Protein G, or the recombinant Protein A/G are conjugated to agarose or magnetic...their primary antibody. To circumvent this, a recombinant protein, Protein A/G, was developed, which can...primary antibody and serum immunoglobulins indiscriminately, causing competition for binding sites. In...antibody will not co-elute with the target protein, eliminating the risk of the primary antibody interfering ...antibodies conjugated within the pores are often inaccessible to their targets. Magnetic beads are solid spheres...need to be verified using alternative methods.  Finally, IP can also be used to study proteins that interact...on Find plasmids encoding recombinant antibodies at Addgene  ...
  17. Plasmids 101: Stringent Regulation of Replication

    Blog Post's replication machinery for elongation and termination. These types of plasmids tend to be high copy...synthesizes a new DNA strand at each replication fork. Termination sequences present in the chromosomal DNA ensure... although ATP does get hydrolyzed over time, inactivating the protein binding it (Grimwade et al., 2018...replication and balance population growth against sustainability. Plasmid DNA replication and regulation Plasmids...which replication of the plasmid proceeds (and terminates) similarly to the bacterial chromosome. Since.... Thanks, stringent regulation! This post was originally written by Jason Niehaus in December 2015 and...Leonard, A. C. (2018). Origin recognition is the predominant role for DnaA-ATP in initiation of chromosome...
  18. Plasmids 101: Broad Host Range Plasmids

    Blog Post
    ...nature can inform us on how to create better recombinant vectors. In this blog post, we’ll define plasmid...harness those features to create broad host range recombinant vectors.  A plasmid’s host range is determined...phylogenetic groups (Jain and Srivastava 2013).  Recombinant vectors that are made from broad host range   Building broad host range recombinant vectors Replicons, which consist of a plasmid...broad host range plasmids can be used to create recombinant vectors that can replicate in different incorporating broad host range replicons, recombinant vectors can be modified further to increase the...cloning sites (Keen 1988).  Find broad host range recombinant vectors at Addgene!  This post was written by...
  19. Changing Labor Laws Bring Increased Postdoc Wages

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    ...not. The lack of an exemption for postdocs in the final ruling was, for a lot of us, frankly quite surprising...which leads to many complications, including the inability of some institutions to know exactly how many ...of 10.4%. The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York is raising the minimum from $43,692 ... funding climate combined with the lack of a sustainable research enterprise, there is no easy way trainee workforce has clearly not been a sustainable approach to biomedical research in the U.S. and...we must make real changes to make the system sustainable. For years, there have been recommendations that... they are necessary to produce a healthy and sustainable research ecosystem and that we cannot ignore ...
  20. Four Base Editing Reporters to Monitor and Enrich Editing in Real-time

    Blog Post
    ...three codons in eGFP to eliminate fluorescence. This created three inactivated eGFP reporters- eGFP L202...reporter that monitors APOBEC (a family of cytidine deaminase proteins) and Cas9-mediated editing in real time...downstream constitutively active eGFP. To create the inactive mCherry, the lab introduced a 43 base-pair insertion...conversion to GFP after being targeted by a cytidine deaminase base DNA editor. Specifically the BFP mutant (... Figure 3: Targeting pEF-BFP with a cytidine deaminase base editor results in shift in emission spectra...resistance markers, and other enzymes such as Cre-recombinase drastically expanding the base-editing reporter...
Showing: 301 - 320 of 911 results