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Showing: 281 - 300 of 563 results
  1. Troubleshooting and Optimizing a Western Blot

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    ... that all look exactly alike.      Figure 2: Reagent gradient. Here, the lanes are lightly The gel is then removed from the membrane (2) and the membrane is cut so each lane is its own the bands, you may want to consult Tables 1 and 2 in our Technical Design of a Western Blot post to ...the antibody’s dynamic range. Specifically, the 1:2, 1:1, and No dilution samples all have approximately...conditions are 4 °C overnight or room temperature for 1–2 hours, there is some evidence that antibodies may ...check its subcellular location and solubility. If it’s membrane-bound or located in a subcellular compartment...reagent. Be aware that this approach requires excellent attention to detail, since you’ll end up with ...
  2. PiggyBac-ing Through the Genome Editing Field

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    ...models or cells lines, including stem cells, without leaving behind any accessory DNA sequences [2], [3]....leaving behind only those cells with a Footprint-Free™ genome edit.   Figure 2: Editing DNA using the...PMID: 26211958. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4663986. 2.  A. M. Singh, V. V Adjan Steffey, T. Yeshi, and D...transgenic cell lines? One of the major uses of the piggyBac™ system is to create stable transgenic cell lines...efficiency is likely to be cell line-dependent, and should be tested in the cell line of interest. Importantly...If the cell’s chromatin structure undergoes significant rearrangement (such as when a stem cell initiates...applications, including making transgenic cell lines and genetically-modified cell lines. Furthermore, the use of...
  3. History of CRISPR Cas - A tale of survival and evolution

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    ...phages but to also destroy the phage upon re-exposure (2, 3). More specifically, specialized Cas proteins snip..., accessed 25 November 2013. Author: James Atmos (2). Many CRISPR/Cas moieties carry out these functions...devise new strategies to reproduce within a host cell. A few virus particles have learned to circumvent...
  4. Viral Vectors 101: Inverted Terminal Repeats

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    ...ITR, which can either be “flip” or “flop” (Figure 2). Additionally, the ITR contains a 4-nucleotide for Rep proteins (Savvy et al. 2013). Figure 2: AAV2 wild type ITR in flip and flop orientation. ...allow scientists to express a gene of interest in a cell or animal model. AAV plasmids contain several important...Integrity on rAAV8 Production Using the Baculovirus/Sf9 Cells System. Hum Gene Ther Methods, 28(5), 277–289. https...
  5. Targeted Mutagenesis with EvolvR

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    ...while increasing the standard mutation rate by only ~2-fold over nCas9 levels. Two sets of modifications ...10-3 mutations per nucleotide per generation, and (2) the addition of the thioredoxin-binding domain (TBD...EvolvR could also be a tool for lineage tracing cells that do not tolerate double-strand DNA breaks by...researchers to trace the progeny of a single starting cell. Additionally, multiplexing of guides allows EvolvR...
  6. R Bodies: Membrane-Rupturing Microscopic Tools

    Blog Post decorated with proteins and remain functional, 2) break membranes outside of their natural context ...PubMed PMID: 3759909. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC213417. 2. Schrallhammer, M. et al. Tracing the role of R-bodies... can rupture E. coli spheroplasts (cells which have had their cell walls removed with lysozyme). This ...protein fusions allowed us to image R bodies inside cells, and these constructs may be useful to future scientists...applications. For example, you could use them to lyse cells (and surrounding membranes) in keeping with their...penetrate other barriers (like vasculature or extracellular matrices) in response to pH changes. Beyond...assemble and function, we might be able to endow cells with new ways to interact mechanically with their...
  7. Expanding the Targeting Scope and Editing Efficiency of Adenine Base Editors

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    ... systems to engineer better and faster ABEs (Fig. 2). These systems allow for rapid continuous protein...and less stringent phage selection. Figure 2: Phage-assisted evolution of base-editing a talk at the Cell Symposia: Gene- and Cell-based Therapies: CRISPR, Stem Cells, and Beyond meeting...III product is produced and can infect bacterial cells. If a phage does not deliver an active variant, ...passage from the infected to a fresh uninfected host cell culture). This dilution step represents the major...but gets manually passaged from an infected host-cell culture to an uninfected culture which results in...
  8. Recombinase-based State Machines Enable Order-dependent Logic in vivo

    Blog Post
    ... machines in living cells. Science. 353, aad8559 (2016). PubMed PMID: 27463678. 2. Green, Alexander A....certain states of interest. For example, in Figure 2 below we present a two-input, five-state GRSM register...linking RSM inputs to endogenous gene expression (2). Our paper (1) explains how to arrange attB-attP... require minimal cellular perturbation. Also, this method requires live, intact cells; the sequencing ...Synthetic recombinase-based state machines in living cells” (1), into a more straight-forward, concise explanation...mutations, and environmental conditions drive certain cellular behaviors, but little is known about the order... may be used to better understand and engineer cellular processes that are influenced by temporally ordered...
  9. Antibodies 101: Polyclonal Antibodies

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    ...animal is given additional booster immunizations every 2-3 weeks to increase the antibody titer. The titer ...level of antibodies is reached - typically within 2-4 months. After the animal has the desired level of...system, antibodies are produced by B cells. Each individual B cell produces antibodies that all recognize...also all the same isotype. But together, all the B cell clones in the immune system make different isotypes...antibodies starts with selecting just one of these B cell clones for further antibody production, polyclonal... blood from the immunized animal. The red blood cells and the serum are separated, and the serum - which...
  10. Plasmids 101: Repressible Promoters

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    ...immediate early gene expression. Genes Dev. 1988 Jun;2(6):718-29. doi: 10.1101/gad.2.6.718. PMID: 2843425...Targeted Gene Expression in Drosophila.” Genetics 186(2) (2010): 735-55. PubMed PMID: 20697123. PubMed Central... in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.” FEMS Yeast Res. 12(2) (2012): 197-214. PubMed PMID: 22129153. Additional... by ~3,300-fold in Drosophila cells and ~24,000-fold in human HeLa cells as compared to basal, Tet systems function well in mammalian cells, and TRE-containing promoters can be used in the...cumate switch system functions well in mammalian cells, and can be used in the repressible manner described...While originally developed for use in mammalian cells, this system has also been implemented in a variety...
  11. Summer SciComm: Preprints

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    ... to share information about the emerging SARS-CoV-2 virus quickly and openly. By sharing results faster...Open Scientific Communication Ecosystem Fig. 2: The scientific ecosystem, enriched by open access...from peer-reviewed publishing in a journal.  Accelerating Scientific Communication Preprints have been...Fig. 1: Stand aside, CERN - it's a new age of accelerating science! Photo courtesy of under a CC license...Lacy was also employed by the American Society for Cell Biology in a position working with preprints in ...
  12. Teaching an Old DOG New Tricks: Controlling Protein Activity with GFP

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    ...from this publication at Addgene. 2. Tang, Jonathan C.Y., et al. “Cell type-specific manipulation with ...successfully regulated expression of channelrhodopsin-2, commonly used in optogenetics, opening up the possibility...lines expressing GFP in specific cell types to do more than just label cells. If GFP could be co-opted to ...reporter output was observed in their 293 cell culture system. In cells cotransfected with GFP and the GBPs,...expression was induced in ~76% of GFP+ cells, and 100% of DsRed+ cells also expressed GFP. Using AAV constructs...fluorescent proteins as scaffolds for cell-specific gene manipulation.” Cell 154(4) (2013): 928-939. PubMed ...wanted to express a variety of proteins in single cell types in the mouse, but knew it would take years...
  13. CRISPR Methods for Bacteria: Genome Engineering, CRISPRa, CRISPRi, Base Editing, and More

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    ... pCRISPomyces-2 contains Cas9 and a gRNA cassette. The simpler system of pCRISPomyces-2 displays a higher...and a subsequent curing protocol that requires only 2-3 hours incubation. E. coli and T. citrea scarless...four major components including (1) a CRISPR RNA, (2) four proteins forming the QCascade DNA-targeting ...Control of Gene Expression. Cell 152:1173–1183 . Ronda C, Pedersen... is primarily a means of selection that targets cells in which homologous recombination has not occurred...ensures high editing efficiency; the only non-edited cells to survive have inactivating mutations in the or more genes in E. coli. and in a mammalian cell line (Qi et al., 2013). Two important features of...
  14. BeHeard Award 2018: Diseases of Glycosylation, Arginine Mutagenesis, & Neural Development

    Blog Post
    ...studies have shown that the conditions Sotos-type 2 and Marshall Smith Syndrome are due to mutations in...accurate diagnosis of NFIX-related syndromes (Sotos-type 2 and Marshall-Smith) and could be expanded to NFIA-...are being awarded free plasmids form Addgene to accelerate their research. Read on to learn how these researchers...the physiological and pathological roles of human cell glycans. Accordingly, she joined efforts with the...aspect of immunology, participating in events such as cell development, recognition and migration, the immune... is not surprising. However, the molecular and cellular mechanisms behind the immune defects in CDG patients...plasmids to immortalize CDG patient-derived immune cell lines and use these lines to study how immune processes...
  15. Choosing the B(right)est Fluorescent Protein: Photostability

    Blog Post
    ...linear fashion. This implies that reducing the power 2-fold does not reduce photobleaching by half. How exactly...prolonged time). Other illumination strategies, such as 2-photon-excitation, selective plane illumination, TIRF...intensity evolves over time in living cells at a power used for live-cell imaging. To conclude, the most photostable...molecule will photobleach at some point. For live-cell imaging, it is desirable to have fluorescent proteins...experiment. The best fluorescent proteins for live cell imaging can be excited many times, thereby producing...these factors, environmental conditions such as cellular redox state and oxygen concentration may affect...protein is a key requirement for quantitative live-cell imaging, it is important to be able to quantify ...
  16. GPCRs: How Do They Work and How Do We Study Them?

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    ...plasmid kit consists of 20 plasmids encoding 14 alpha, 2 beta, and 4 gamma subunits of the heterotrimeric G...activation via bioluminescence resonance energy transfer 2 (BRET2). Check out our blog post on GPCR signaling...with heterotrimeric G proteins on the intracellular side of the cell membrane. Heterotrimeric G proteins...induce or inhibit intracellular signaling cascades as a response to the extracellular stimuli. Ligand dissociation...Peroxidase-Catalyzed Proximity Labeling. Cell 169:338-349.e11 . Roth BL ( the seven alpha helices that transverse the cellular membrane. The receptor recognizes the appropriate...signaling is initiated when a ligand binds to the extracellular surface of the GPCR. This results in a conformational...
  17. CRISPR 101: Cas9 vs. The Other Cas(s)

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    ...endonuclease of a class 2 CRISPR-Cas system. Cell, 163(3): 759-771 (2015). 10.1016/j.cell.2015.09.038 Harrington...and Cas13 are 1). non-specific RNA cleavage and 2). cell toxicity. Cas7-11 does not display collateral ... Stem Cells Using Type I CRISPR-Cas. Molecular Cell, 74(5): 936-950.e5 (2019). 10.1016/j.molcel.2019.03.014...cleavage and is significantly less toxic to mammalian cells than Cas13 (likely due to the lack of collateral...
  18. Uncertainty about Labor Law Brings More Uncertainty to Postdoc Wages

    Blog Post
    ...increase have had that increase cancelled. Rounding out the remainder, 2% of postdocs who weren’t going...continuing with their plans, and 17 have cancelled their plans. 2 of those raising - the University of Illinois...level, in the case of some public institutions) to cancel plans to raise salaries. What are institutions ...Illinois and the University of Michigan - initially cancelled their plans, but have since reversed their position...announced that they were reversing their plans to cancel raises). A further 9 institutions, whose plans ... In addition, PIs at some of the institutions cancelling plans are going ahead with raises anyway, including...injunction, as we started to hear of institutions cancelling plans to raise salaries, the only postdocs we...
  19. Retrograde AAV viral preps

    ...Calcium sensor Ting 83899 pAAV-mDlx-GCaMP6f-Fishell-2 mDlx GCaMP6f expression under the control of the mDlx... of Cre, and expresses NLS-EGFP in Cre-positive cells. Control Harvey 137164 pAAV-nEF-Con/Fon/Von eYFP...
  20. Will You Be My Mentor? Finding and Asking for Mentoring Support

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    ...article in the Addgene Blog Mentoring series will cover 2 of the 7 mentoring questions I set out to answer. ...101-Building Relationships for Success”. Choose 1-2 tactics to try. One of my favorites is making the ...Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association hosts an excellent group mentoring program in many of its chapters...
Showing: 281 - 300 of 563 results