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Showing: 241 - 260 of 262 results
  1. The Pleiades Promoter Project

    ... pEMS1301 cre/EGFP/NLS N/A pEMS1308 EGFP/cre N/A pEMS1302 EGFP/cre/NLS N/A pEMS1306 EGFP/NLS N/A pEMS1307...pEMS1153 EGFP/NLS Ple37 CRH pEMS1154 EGFP/NLS Ple38 CRH pEMS1155 EGFP/NLS Ple39 CRH pEMS1156 EGFP/NLS Ple44...pEMS1113 EGFP/cre/NLS Ple51 DBH pEMS1362 EGFP/NLS Ple52 DCX pEMS1198 EGFP/NLS Ple53 DCX pEMS1199 EGFP/NLS ...pEMS1167 EGFP/NLS Ple63 DRD1 pEMS1168 EGFP/NLS Ple64 FEV pEMS1129 EGFP/cre/NLS Ple64 FEV pEMS1398 EGFP/NLS ...pEMS1160 EGFP/NLS Ple93 GPR88 pEMS1161 EGFP/NLS Ple94 GPR88 pEMS1162 EGFP/NLS Ple95 GPR88 pEMS1163 EGFP/NLS...pEMS1216 EGFP/NLS Ple99 GRP pEMS1371 EGFP/NLS Ple100 GRP pEMS1372 EGFP/NLS Ple101 GRP pEMS1373 EGFP/NLS Ple102...pEMS1171 EGFP/NLS Ple151 OLIG1 pEMS1172 EGFP/NLS Ple152 OXT pEMS1237 EGFP/NLS Ple153 OXT pEMS1238 EGFP/NLS ...
  2. Allen Institute for Cell Science Plasmid Collection

    ...Structure 87420 PXN-EGFP AICSDP-1 EGFP Paxillin Matrix Adhesions 87421 TUBA1B-mEGFP AICSDP-4 mEGFP Alpha-tubulin...87422 LMNB1-mEGFP AICSDP-10 mEGFP Lamin B1 Nuclear envelope 87423 TOMM20-mEGFP AICSDP-8 mEGFP Tom20 Mitochondria...Mitochondria 87424 DSP-mEGFP AICSDP-9 mEGFP Desmoplakin Desmosomes 87425 ACTB-mEGFP AICSDP-15 mEGFP Beta-actin Actin... SEC61B-mEGFP AICSDP-7 mEGFP Sec61 beta Endoplasmic reticulum 87427 FBL-mEGFP AICSDP-13 mEGFP Fibrillarin...101782 LAMP1-mEGFP AICSDP-19 mEGFP LAMP-1 Lysosome 101783 MAP1LC3B-mEGFP AICSDP-25 mEGFP Autophagy-related...101786 ST6GAL1-mEGFP AICSDP-26 mEGFP Sialyltransferase 1 Golgi 109122 NPM1-mEGFP AICSDP-50 mEGFP Nucleophosmin...109120 GJA1-mEGFP AICSDP-43 mEGFP Connexin-43 Gap junctions 109121 HIST1H2BJ-mEGFP AICSDP-52 mEGFP Histone...
  3. Kazuhiro Oka Lentiviral Vectors

    ...promoter pCDH-EF1-copGFP 73030 Expresses copGFP from the EF1 promoter pCDH-EF1s-Nluc-P2A-copGFP-T2A-Puro 73032...pCDH-EF1s-copGFP 73034 Expressed copGFP from a truncated EF1 promoter pCDH-CMV-Nluc-P2A-copGFp-T2A-Puro...Lentiviral Vector ID Purpose pCDH-EF1-DIO-copGFP 72253 Expresses copGFP under EF-1 promoter when Cre is expressed... N-acethyl-transferase) pCDH-CB-copGFP-T2A-iCre 72256 Expresses copGFP and iCre under from the CB promoter...CB promoter pCDH-CB-FLPe-P2A-copGFP-T2A-Puro 72258 Expresses FLPe, copGFP and the puromycin resistance...tdTomato from the CB promoter pCDH-EF1-Fon-copGFP 72260 Expresses copGFP from the EF1 promoter when FLP is expressed... from the EF-1 promoter pCDH-EF1-copGFP-T2A-Puro 72263 Express copGFP and the puromycin resistance gene...
  4. Chemogenetics AAV Preps

    ...IRES EGFP PSAM4 GlyR - Inhibition IRES EGFP none 5 Sternson 119744 AAV CAMKII PSAM4 GlyR IRES EGFP PSAM4...119741 AAV SYN flex PSAM4 GlyR IRES EGFP PSAM4 GlyR - Inhibition IRES EGFP Cre-dependent 5, 9 Sternson 119742... Fusion tags mCherry HA Non-fusion tags mCitrine EGFP dTomato Activity Cre-dependent Flp-dependent Cre...PSAM4 GlyR - Inhibition IRES EGFP none 5 Sternson 121538 pAAV SYN1 HA-hM4D(Gi) hM4D(Gi) - Inhibition HA ...
  5. Boxem Lab CRISPR Plasmids

    ...generated variants with and without a C-terminal EGFP fusion. For the sgRNA, vector pMB60 allows in vitro...47944 pMB62 : Expresses C. elegans optimized Cas9::mEGFP from the eft-3 (eef-1A.1) promoter. 47945 pMB63 ...47946 pMB66 : Expresses C. elegans optimized Cas9::mEGFP from the hap-16.48 promoter. 47947 pMB67 : Expresses...
  6. SARS-CoV-2 Pseudotyped Virus

    ...mCherry and firefly luciferase. pLentiEGFPdestablized - EFS-EGFPd2PEST-2A-MCS-Hygro - Lentiviral vector...vector expressing destabilized EGFP. Lenti-luciferase-P2A-Neo - Lentiviral reporter vector expressing firefly...
  7. Bikard Lab - CRISPR Repression Collection

    ...carrying two CRISPR guides. The first one binds to sfgfp with either 0, 10, 11, 14 or 20 matching nucleotides...for these two reporters simultaneously. By fusing sfGFP and/or mCherry to genes of interest, it is thus ...
  8. AAV for Neuronal Tracing

    ...Description Serotype PI 52473 pAAV-synP-FLEX-splitTVA-EGFP-B19G Can be used to complement deletion-mutant rabies...virus AAV1 Wickersham 100798 pAAV-syn-FLEX-splitTVA-EGFP-tTA These AAV together can be used to complement...
  9. Arf GTPase Family

    ...Arap2 116984 1704 GAP Arap3 64411 1544 Mammalian (pEGFP-C2) GAP Acap1 9744 740 Mammalian (pFLAG-CMV2) GAP... 9267 398 Gateway GEF Cyth2 9266 400 Mammalian (pEGFP-C1), Gateway GEF Cyth3 9265 399 Gateway GEF Cyth4...
  10. COVID-19 Resources

    ...libraries . FlipGFP-based activity reporter of SARS-CoV-2 main protease Mpro. (Unpublished) A FlipGFP-based ...
  11. TALEN Engineering

    ...TALENs for Endogenous Human Genes TALENs for the EGFP Reporter Gene Additional Plasmids compatible with...
Showing: 241 - 260 of 262 results