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Showing: 221 - 240 of 883 results
  1. Genome-wide Screening Using CRISPR

    Blog Post a 1-plasmid system, in which Cas9 is included on the gRNA-containing plasmid, or a 2-plasmid system...contain thousands of gRNA plasmids, discerned only by a unique barcode on each plasmid. As such, sequencing...sequences and ease of generating gRNA-containing plasmids. CRISPR genome wide-screening experiments commonly...other types of experiments, check out our CRISPR Plasmids and Resources Page. References McDade JR, Waxmonsky...Lentivirus Get Tips on Titering Your Lentivirus Plasmids 101: NGS Quality Control for Pooled Libraries ...More CRISPR Resources at Addgene: Find CRISPR Plasmids Read our CRISPR Guide Find tools to design your...
  2. Five Popular Model Organisms, Part 2

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    ...our plasmid collection page Find more plasmids and resources for plant resources on Plant Plasmids” for its common use in plasmid manipulation and genetics research. Plasmids are ideal tools for studying...Model Organisms blog post Read more about plasmids in our Plasmids 101 blog series Learn more about CRISPR...disease models.  Check out Addgene’s collection of plasmids containing Rattus norvegicus genes! Mexican axolotl...several vectors for use in the axolotl including plasmids for use in CRISPR and Tol2 transposase induced... and after embryogenesis. Addgene has over 600 plasmids that contain Xenopus genes and a tool-kit from...model organisms in the lab, check out Addgene’s plasmid collections to help start your experiments! References...
  3. What's New in CRISPR - December 2019

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    ...CRISPR plasmids available at Addgene. We will still periodically focus on specific CRISPR plasmid tools...CRISPR guide Find CRISPR plasmids by function Find recently deposited plasmids ...Nucleic Acids Research Find the gRNA and packaging plasmids   Cytosine deaminase for RNA editing Feng Zhang...RESCUE. Read the paper in Science Find RESCUE plasmids If you have a new CRISPR tool you’ve recently...
  4. Easi-CRISPR: Generating Knock-In and Conditional Mouse Models

    Blog Post
    ...editing. How to use Addgene plasmids for Easi-CRISPR You can use Addgene plasmids to create a repair template...of Addgene plasmid options for templates - see the example at right using blue flame plasmid pmScarlet_...favorites, all of which have blue flames.   Plasmid ID Plasmid Name Tags 69090 pMJ915 MBP (N ...out our CRISPR Guide Find Plasmids for Cas9 Purification Find CRISPR Plasmids for Mammalian Expression ...pre-CRISPR was very arduous. First, you’d construct a plasmid with your desired changes, long homology arms and...template! If you have a plasmid with your desired insertion feature (e.g., a fluorescent protein), you can...described in Figure 2.  You can also use Addgene plasmids to purify Cas9 protein. The table below contains...
  5. Bright Monomeric Fluorescent Proteins: mNeonGreen, mTFP1, and mWasabi

    Blog Post
    ...Biotechnology which allows researchers to deposit plasmids containing the fluorescent protein mNeonGreen....with other fluorescent proteins. Find mNeonGreen plasmids here! mTFP1: a monomeric teal fluorescent protein...physiologically relevant changes in pH. Find mTFP1 plasmids here! mWasabi: a bright green fluorescent protein...excite at 400 nm while EGFP does. Find mWasabi plasmids here! One of the most notable things about these...are best suited for certain studies. If you have plasmids containing mNeonGreen, mTFP1, or mWasabi that ...with the scientific community, please deposit the plasmids at Addgene! References Ai, Hui-wang, et al. "...collection Check out Addgene’s fluorescent protein plasmids and resources Find fluorescent protein kits ...
  6. CRISPR 101: RNA Editing with Cas13

    Blog Post mediated by ADAR2DD, not PspCas13b. Find the plasmids for the RESCUE RNA editors here! Testing and improving...for viral delivery.  Find the RESCUE RNA editing plasmids here! Future directions Building on previous RNA...Science (2017):pii: eaaq0180. PMID: 29070703. Find plasmids from this paper at Addgene. Abudayyeh, Omar O...550(7675) (2017):280-284. PMID: 28976959. Find plasmids from this paper at Addgene. Abudayyeh, Omar O...27256883. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5127784. Find plasmids from this paper at Addgene. East-Seletsky, Alexandra...) (2016):270-273. PubMed PMID: 27669025. Find plasmids from this paper at Addgene. Gootenberg, Jonathan...28408723. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5526198. Find plasmids from this paper at Addgene. East-Seletsky, Alexandra...
  7. Streaking for Single Colonies: The Streak Plate Challenge

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    ... Find fluorescent protein plasmids at Addgene Find chromoprotein plasmids at Addgene Check out additional...other species.  When he found the chromoprotein plasmids available from Addgene, he knew it would be a ...molecular biology. “What I'd like to do with the plasmids from Addgene is have the students transform them...plate skills? Find the chromoprotein expressing plasmids here, and check out our streak plate protocol ...
  8. An Interview with Connie Cepko - Gene Therapy, Plasmid Tools and Insights to Success

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    ...23953120. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4096992. Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. 2. Tang, Jonathan...2015): 1334-1341. PubMed PMID: 26258682. Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. Resources on...Blog Read our Recent Blog Post on GFP Activable Plasmid Tools Being Developed in the Cepko Lab Listen to...Addgene Website Find Cepko Lab Plasmids at Addgene ... plasmid tools...
  9. dTAG - You're it!

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    ...1). Plasmids: We generated a series of plasmids that are available from Addgene. These plasmids enable...Resources on Browse all CRISPR plasmids CRISPR plasmids for protein tagging Find validated gRNAs...Detailed protocols describing the use of these plasmids are available here. The Methods section of Nabet...cloning procedures used to construct the deposited plasmids. Molecules: We synthesized dTAG molecules by conjugating...terminus should be tagged, the dTAG lentiviral plasmids can serve as a rapid means of comparing functionality...Cas9 Nickase Design and Homology Directed Repair Plasmids for endogenous gene tagging in human cells Resources...
  10. Split-BioID: An Improved Method for Studying Protein-Protein Interactions

    Blog Post Find plasmids from the Bethune Lab Find Plasmids from the Roux Lab Find Plasmids for FRET ...BirA* fusion proteins are expressed in cells via plasmids or by the creation of stable cell lines and these...Interested in using Split-BioID with your research? Plasmids are available from Addgene! References Schopp... Central PMCID: 5467174. Find the Split-BioID Plasmids Here! Munter, S.D., Görnemann, J., Derua, R., than in Schopp et al. Find these Split-BioID Plasmids Here!   Burke, B., Kim, D.I., Roux, K.J., & Raida...PubMed Central PMCID: 3308701. Find the BioID Plasmids Here! Macneill, S., & Varnaitė, R. (2016). Meet...techniques for visualizing protein turnover Learn about plasmids for in vivo biotinylation of bacterial fusions...
  11. Visualizing Your Plasmid Request Data

    Blog Post
    ...insight to the most requested plasmid, the number of requested plasmids, or trends of requests over, allowing depositors to download their plasmid request data, as a CSV file, anytime. The CSV is... Visualizing the data So, after downloading my plasmid request data, I started to explore how I could ...file is open for anyone to use.  View the Addgene Plasmid Request Data Dashboard! Figure 1: The ...
  12. Recombinase-based State Machines Enable Order-dependent Logic in vivo

    Blog Post
    ... in E. coli with two plasmids (Figure 3 below): Input Plasmid: The input plasmid (high copy, ColE1 origin...inducible promoter (PPhlF).  Output Plasmid: The output plasmid (single copy, bacterial artificial chromosome...through Addgene. Their plasmid maps and GenBank files can be found on their plasmid pages. All two-input...indicated figures in our paper (1)) Input Plasmid Output Plasmid Fig. 3A pNR64 pNR160 Fig. 4A pNR220...two-input RSMs and three three-input RSMs. The plasmids used to construct these RSMs are listed in the...paper (1). These parts are also annotated on the plasmid maps and GenBank files uploaded to Addgene. We ... Visit Our SynBio Pages Check Out More Lu Lab Plasmids Find More Genome Engineering Tools  ...
  13. Technologies Enabled by NanoLuc® Luciferase

    Blog Post
    ...Turquoise (CeNL; Plasmid #85199), Yellow (YeNL; Plasmid #85201), Orange (OeNL; plasmid #85202) and Red ... Researchers have been sharing plasmids ever since there were plasmids to share. Back when I was in the...specific strategies and tactics for getting the plasmids he wanted. Addgene makes it so much easier to ...kDa. An example is the CRISPaint-NLuc construct (Plasmid #67178) for use in the system outlined in Schmid-Burgk...CyOFP1-NLuc-CyOFP1; Antares). Direct injection of plasmids for Antares or firefly luciferase into mouse livers...Red (ReNL; plasmid #85203) NLuc fusions. The Nagai lab has additionally deposited more than 25 fusions of.... This construct is available through Addgene (Plasmid #83926). Live-Cell Voltage Sensor  Ingaki and ...
  14. Hot Plasmids - June 2020 - Barcoded CRISPR Library, Sparse Cell Labeling, Calcineurin Reporter, and DNA Staining Dye Alternative

    Blog Post
    ...highlight a subset of the new plasmids in the repository through our hot plasmids articles. These articles ...recent plasmid deposits and we hope they'll make it easier for you to find and use the plasmids you need...need. If you'd ever like to write about a recent plasmid deposit please sign up here.  Human whole genome...attached fluorescent protein to the DNA. They created plasmids for purification of tTALE-eGFP and tTALE-mCherry...digestion of single molecules in real-time. Find plasmids expressing tTALE-FP Shin et al., Sci. Rep. 2019...
  15. Chromoproteins: Colorful Proteins For Molecular Biology Experiments

    Blog Post the cells on the plate. For example, if your plasmid contains a gene encoding a blue chromoprotein, ...colonies to determine which cells have taken up the plasmid. Of course, other follow up methods like sequencing... chromoprotein sequences into E. coli BioBrick plasmids (meffRed, eforRed, asPink, spisPink, scOrange,...chromoproteins. In some cases, cells containing high-copy plasmid-borne chromoproteins lost color overnight in liquid...problem. There is no single “ideal” chromoprotein plasmid that combines the most desirable features: intense...Chromoproteins for allelic exchange Figure 3: pTOX plasmids expressing amilCP and tsPurple genes. Image: Lazarus...sequential homologous recombination events: The plasmid carrying the desired genetic modification integrates...
  16. CRISPR 101: Engineering the Plant Genome Using CRISPR/Cas9

    Blog Post
    ...for creating plant expression plasmids, including plant CRISPR plasmids from the Yiping Qi lab and the...plant-specific modifications to commonly used CRISPR plasmids are necessary to use the CRISPR system in al., 2013). Addgene carries Cas9-containing plasmids for knockout, activation and repression of target...expression of both Cas9 and the gRNA off of the same plasmid. Delivering CRISPR components to plant cells Luckily, you don’t have to look far for plasmids that have the plant-specific modifications required...targeting your favorite plant gene; you can find many plasmids for a wide variety of CRISPR applications in plants... available through Addgene. In addition to the plasmids described above, Addgene carries several useful...
  17. Hot Biosensors 2022: Year-End Roundup

    Blog Post
    ...summer or just a bright new plasmid. One area with lots of bright new plasmids is our Fluorescent Biosensors...SF-iGluSnFR. Image from Aggarwal 2022.   Find iGluSnFR3 plasmids here! Find viral prep here: pAAV.hSyn.FLEX.iGluSnFR3.... 2022, under CC-BY-NC license.   Find JEDI-2P plasmids here! Find viral preps here: al. 2022, under CC-BY license.   Find pYtags plasmids here!   Farahani PE, et al. pYtags enable spatiotemporal... suitable for AAV packaging.    Find iGECInano plasmids here!   Matlashov ME, et al. Design and Initial...CC-BY-NC-ND license.   Find KRaION and Kbp sensor plasmids here!   Torres Cabán CC, et al. Tuning the al. 2022, under CC-BY license.   Find LiLac plasmids here!   Koveal D, et al. A high-throughput multiparameter...
  18. pCXLE toolkit: Efficient episomal plasmid-based method to reprogram peripheral blood cells to iPSCs

    Blog Post
    ...and to model diseases in vitro. Find stem cell plasmids at Addgene Many sources of adult somatic cells...Episomal vectors- extrachromosomally maintained DNA plasmids that express reprogramming factors To date, is an optimized mixture of three episomal plasmids (Table 1) encoding the reprogramming factors. ...enhance the reprogramming efficiency, an extra plasmid, pCXWB-EBNA-1 is used in the reprogramming cocktail...increases protein expression from the other episomal plasmids. When used on PBMCs, the pCXLE episomal vector...available at Addgene. Table 1: List of pCXLE episomal plasmids, their Addgene ID numbers and the reprogramming...reprogramming factors they encode Episomal Plasmid Addgene ID# Encodes pCXLE-hSK 27078 SOX2 and KLF4 pCXLE-hUL...
  19. Advanced Uses of Cre-lox and Flp-FRT - A Neuroscientist’s View

    Blog Post Find Cre-Lox Plasmids Find Optogenetics Plasmids Find Chemogenetics Plasmids ...vectors expressing light inducible ion channels (plasmid # 20298 for example) have revolutionized Neuroscience...neurons in the living brain   Figure 1: Plasmid mix to label neuronal morphology (eYFP) and the...recombinase. After in-utero electroporation, this plasmid mix results in sparse labeling of cortical neurons...labeling of individual neurons one could reduce the plasmids amounts to reduce transfection efficiency. However...visualized at the same time from two different plasmids this approach becomes problematic as it reduces...that most cells are transfected with all labeling plasmids and the low concentration of recombinase restricts...
  20. Tag Your Favorite Yeast Genes with Ease

    Blog Post
    ...Addgene distributes several ready-to-use, modular plasmids, combining fluorescent tags, epitope tags, protease...without the artifacts sometimes associated with plasmid-based overexpression. Tim Formosa, at the University...). Additionally, Dr. Formosa has deposited six plasmids with a multiple cloning site in place of the epitope...Jürg Bähler have deposited a large collection of plasmids for genome modification in yeast developed by ...Bähler et al.(2) describe a modular collection of plasmids for a wide variety of genome modifications in ...Longtine et al.(3) describe a complimentary set of plasmids for use in S. cerevisiae, with the additional ...
Showing: 221 - 240 of 883 results