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Showing: 221 - 240 of 248 results
  1. New Optimized Genome-wide CRISPRko, CRISPRi, and CRISPRa Libraries

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    ...CRISPRko sgRNA library The Brunello library consists of 77,441 sgRNAs with an average of 4 sgRNAs per gene...contains two sets of sgRNAs; A, the top 3 ranked sgRNAs, and B, the next 3 ranked sgRNAs. Dolcetto was able...containing only 3 sgRNAs (setA) also outperformed CRISPRi libraries with 10 sgRNAs in the sgRNA metrics, confirming...2014 to predict sgRNA activity. In this study scientists examined approximately 1,900 sgRNAs and identified...subsampling analysis of the sgRNAs, Brunello even with only a single sgRNA outperformed another CRISPR...CRISPR library with 6 sgRNAS, highlighting the benefit of sgRNA design in CRISPR libraries. Thus, the Brunello... CRISPRko sgRNA library as pooled library or lentiviral prep! Dolcetto: human CRISPRi sgRNA library While...
  2. Prime Editing: Adding Precision and Flexibility to CRISPR Editing

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    ...engineered pegRNA” or epegRNA. Although the addition of the RNA pseudoknot sometimes altered epegRNA expression...does just this by including an additional sgRNA. Using this sgRNA, the prime editor nicks the unedited strand...4.0 license. epegRNAs: Structured RNAs with improved stability Traditional sgRNAs are protected from...degraded, the truncated pegRNA can still guide Cas9 and compete with full pegRNAs for access to the target... compared to PEmax with normal pegRNAs, but combining PE7 with epegRNAs resulted in similar or reduced...     ~   3′ RNA pseudoknot (epegRNA) Improve pegRNA stability ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ✖ ...? First, an engineered prime editing guide RNA (pegRNA) that both specifies the target site and contains...
  3. Hot Plasmids Spring 2024

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    ...engineered pegRNAs (epegRNAs), which add a structural motif to stabilize the 3’ end of the pegRNA. As research...The team designed sgRNAs that include an internal barcode and separated multiple sgRNAs with tRNAs, which...BFP2.     Figure 1: CROPseq-multi uses two sgRNAs with internal barcodes (iBARs), multiplexed using...lentiviral integration, producing a second copy of the sgRNAs. Image reused from Walton et al. 2024 under a CC-BY-NC-ND...occurs on the RNA polymerase III transcript, the sgRNAs were encoded on the lentiviral minus strand in ...of host cell proteins, and modifications to the pegRNA. The Britt Adamson Lab recently used a CRISPRi La binding and stabilizing the 3’ end of the pegRNA, which is not well protected by Cas9. This is similar...
  4. Pooled CRISPR Libraries Offer Genome-Wide Control for Large-Scale Functional Screens

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    ... activator (CRISPRa) sgRNA library uses the sunCas9 system and contains 10 sgRNAs for each transcription...nucleolytically inactive Cas9-VP64 fusion; 2. A sgRNA incorporating two MS2 RNA aptamers at the tetraloop...gain-of-function screening when combined with a compact pooled sgRNA library. Our SAM-mediated screens exhibited a high...transcriptional repressor (CRISPRi) library contains 10 sgRNAs for each transcription start site in those 15,977...further optimize those now. They are also developing sgRNAs that will enable even more fine-tuning of gene ...
  5. A Needle in a Base-Stack: Cas9 Structural Biology

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    ...Once supplied with a guide RNA — whether it’s an sgRNA or a crRNA:tracrRNA duplex — Cas9’s two lobes move...yellow; REC lobe, light blue; bridge helix, purple; sgRNA, dark blue.   The REC lobe binds tightly to ...yellow; REC lobe, light blue; bridge helix, purple; sgRNA, dark blue.   DNA sequence recognition Once ...yellow; REC lobe, light blue; bridge helix, purple; sgRNA, dark blue; target DNA strand, light gray; non-target... and marks the transition back to a DNA duplex. sgRNA, dark blue; target DNA strand, light gray; non-target...yellow; REC lobe, light blue; bridge helix, purple; sgRNA, dark blue; target DNA strand, light gray; non-target...
  6. Transgenic Organisms, Cas9 Gene Drives, and Appropriate Safeguards

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    ...cassette encoding the cas9 gene and single guide RNAs (sgRNAs) with appropriate flanking homology into a germline...don't use a DNA vector that encodes both Cas9 and sgRNA. What if I want to work with gene drives? Then do...organisms but not wild organisms. For example, an sgRNA-only drive will spread exclusively through Cas9 from an unlinked locus, while a Cas9+sgRNA drive targeting a synthetic sequence will only spread...restore the wild-type sequence (save for the residual sgRNAs and possibly cas9 gene). An immunizing reversal...
  7. Hot Plasmids: Fall 2024

    Blog Post
    ...recombination methods). By using mCherry for selection of sgRNA plasmid transformants, they avoid M. abscessus’ ...Using an inducible Cas9 expression and removing the sgRNA plasmid after identifying successful knockouts limits... KanR. This strain is then transformed with the sgRNA cassette on a plasmid expressing mCherry and resistance... of the target gene. Lastly, curing the mCherry-sgRNA plasmid leaves an edited strain carrying Cas9 allow the introduction of additional sgRNAs. Image reused from Neo et al., 2024 under CC-BY license...
  8. Hot Plasmids and Viral Preps - September 2021

    Blog Post
    ...Veening is now available with one sgRNA per operon or gene. The sgRNA pool can also target core operons... cell lines. The Turner Lab Human messenger-RBP sgRNA Library targets human mRNA binding proteins with...operons in other pneumococcal strains. The BARBEKO sgRNA library uses CRISPR cytosine base editors to disrupt...
  9. Uncovering Ancestral Bias in CRISPR Research

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    ...indicating loci where SNPs reside on sgRNA target sequences for sgRNAs that target ancestry-associated genes...that could analyze CRISPR sgRNAs and report the likelihood of any given sgRNA having an ancestral bias....
  10. Rewiring Metabolic Circuitry with CRISPR RNA Scaffolds [Video]

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    ...activity coupled with a customizable single guide RNA (sgRNA) that bears complementarity to a 20bp target sequence...multidirectional control, a new study repurposes the sgRNA to include modular synthetic RNA scaffolds that ...modules are comparatively small allowing multiple sgRNA constructs to be introduced simultaneously in a ...
  11. Hot Plasmids February 2024

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    ...endosomal escape. Combining Cas9-PAGE with lentiviral sgRNA expression yielded editing of 80–90% in human (likely due to its long, negatively charged sgRNA), RNP delivery was much better with Cas12, which...Workflow to assess Cas9-PAGE editing with viral sgRNA targeting mCherry reporter (mChe), with co-incubation...
  12. Viral Vectors 101: Viral Applications

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    ...shRNA sequence specific to your gene’s mRNA or a sgRNA targeting an exon in your gene of interest, for ...with many applications. These libraries include sgRNAs targeting the entire genome, overexpression of ...
  13. Analyzing CRISPR Editing Results with ICE from Synthego

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    ...those generated by multiplexed delivery of multiple sgRNAs. Since multiplexing is commonly used to create ...helps the researcher see which of the multiplexed sgRNA was involved in a particular edit, and which type...
  14. The 12 Days of CRISPR: 2021

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    ... day of CRISPR, Addgene gave to me: engineered pegRNAs to improve prime editing efficiency. On the third...
Showing: 221 - 240 of 248 results