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Showing: 201 - 220 of 791 results
  1. CRISPR-based Genome Editing Systems For Editing in E. coli

    Blog Post
    ...University, Jieze Zhang, an intern in the Yang Lab, and Sheng Yang, a professor in synthetic biology from the ...pEcCas/pEcgRNA system. This system works well for engineering single genome edits but the double strand breaks...interrupt genes (or gene clusters) in metabolic engineering. So far, we’ve used the MUCICAT system in two...compared to the industrial strain. In our metabolic engineering case study of N-acetylglucosamine biosynthesis... systems to choose from. Ready for metabolic engineering with improved cargo dedicated to gene (cluster... optimizing strains with low efficiency.       Sheng Yang obtained his Ph.D. from Shanghai Institute ... phenotypes and to design a new generation of engineered cells for green chemistry and biomedical applications...
  2. Hot Plasmids: Summer 2024

    Blog Post
    ... protect samples during cryo-EM grid freezing Engineered and evolved optimizations for prime editing CHARM...    Engineered and evolved optimizations for prime editing By...applications! Delivering prime editors (PEs) via engineered virus-like particles (eVLPs) offers an option...the donor sequence. The latest work evolves and engineers Bxb1 recombinase variants to optimize PASSIGE ..., P. Z., Palczewski, K., & Liu, D. R. (2024). Engineered virus-like particles for transient delivery of...recombinases and prime editing. Nature Biomedical Engineering, 10.1038/s41551-024-01227-1. doi: prion protein by AAV-mediated delivery of an engineered compact epigenetic editor. Science, 384(6703)...
  3. Fluorescent Proteins 101: When GFP lets you down

    Blog Post
    ... problem when the excitation wavelength is shifted to longer wavelengths. Therefore, the use of bright...binds a synthetic, fluorescent analogue have been engineered (Thorn, 2017). These fluorescent analogues are...28 kDa protein that resembles a cylinder with a length of 4.2 nm and a diameter of about 2.4 nm (Hink ...above. The smallest tags are peptides that are engineered to bind specifically and with high affinity to...., 2017) may improve detection. Since longer wavelengths have better tissue penetration, (infra)red fluorescent...usually dim relative to fluorescent probes, recent engineering efforts have increased the brightness of these...fluorescent proteins, biosensors, and optogenetic tools engineered from phytochromes." Chemical reviews 117.9 (2017...
  4. CRISPR 101: Homology Directed Repair

    Blog Post and genome engineering CRISPR-Cas9 has revolutionized the genome engineering world and made targeted...immediately applicable in DSB-induced genome engineering, it has biological importance for the repair ...CRISPR forum moderated by the Zhang lab CRISPR Challenges: Standardization and HDR CrispyCrunch Optimizing... (2018). Pubmed. CRISPR References: Genome engineering using the CRISPR-Cas9 system. Ran FA, et al. ...546; (2015). PubMed. Optimization of Genome Engineering Approaches with the CRISPR/Cas9 System. Li, K...PubMed. Making designer mutants in model organisms. Peng, Y. et al. Development 141; (2014). PubMed. Enhancing..., et al. Poster at Keystone Precision Genome Engineering. 2017.  Easi-CRISPR: a robust method for one-...
  5. Natural or synthetic? How Addgene’s dataset reveals trends in biological innovation

    Blog Post
    ...or intentional release of engineered organisms. “Is [the organism] engineered? Where did it come from? ...reached out to MIT labs in the Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Consortium. That is how Aditya Kunjapur...organism in the lab. Predicting lab-of-origin of engineered DNA This isn’t the only time researchers have...plasmid datasets) to predict the lab-of-origin of engineered DNA. Both of these groups have generated robust...complementary tools in a time where biological engineering and synthetic biology is expanding rapidly.  ...Deep learning to predict the lab-of-origin of engineered DNA." Nature communications 9.1 (2018): 3135....
  6. Intro to Our Summer SciComm Series!

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    ...theoretically, at least) fully and freely engage or disengage at will.  Informal education is education...typically ad hoc, for learners who can choose to engage or disengage with a very high level of independence, such...than average and are more likely to spend time engaging with science communication efforts.  Scientific...however, many others partner with formal learning to engage students at all levels.      Jargon is for people outside of the primary audience to engage if they so wish. (And let’s be honest: are you ...
  7. Rewiring Metabolic Circuitry with CRISPR RNA Scaffolds [Video]

    Blog Post
    ...summarizes Zalatan JG, et al.'s recent paper, "Engineering Complex Synthetic Transcriptional Programs with...However, these approaches are often met with the challenges of regulatory bottlenecks and their scope is ... ‘biofactories’, most successes in metabolic engineering have been limited to the overexpression of, beyond the oft published metabolic engineering realm of S. cerevisiae and E. coli. The utility...scRNA design is readily apparent in metabolic engineering. The authors elegantly demonstrated the potential...By no means limited to the field of metabolic engineering, this is such a powerful and flexible technique... 1173-1183. (2013). PubMed. Zalatan, J. G. Engineering Complex Synthetic Transcriptional Programs with...
  8. Hot Plasmids - September 2019 - CRISPR, Auxin Inducible Degradation, MerMAID Channelrhodopsins, and Genome Looping

    Blog Post
    ... versatility of the engineered SpCas9-NG and its variants can be used to engineer specific sites that ...Expanding the targeting range of CRISPRCas9 by engineering SpCas9 Article contributed by Shreya Vedantam...editing. PAM sequences can be from 2-6 base pairs in length and follow the DNA sequence targeted by the Cas9...PAM to recognize the target. Osamu Nureki’s lab engineered SpCas9 (SpCas9-NG) with relaxed preferences for...recognizes NG rather than NGG. In addition to the engineered SpCas9, they also fused the SpCas9-NG with the... promoters and enhancers, or have attempted to engineer loops to create genomic interactions that wouldn...
  9. CRISPR Meets Synthetic Biology: A Conversation with MIT’s Christopher Voigt

    Blog Post
    ... genetic engineering, with the ultimate objective of genome design.” It’s genetic engineering on a genomic...needed for anyone to begin considering genetic engineering projects in a very big way. In one of his latest... with Cas9 guided by different promoters. The challenge in building genetic circuits is getting enough...scale could be created. Someone could take on an engineering project including hundreds of genes and regulation...complete toolbox for taking on very large genetic engineering projects. Addgene: How easy is it to do this ...animals make. That will be an outcome of genetic engineering.   Thank you to Chris Voigt for speaking with...
  10. Pooled CRISPR Libraries Offer Genome-Wide Control for Large-Scale Functional Screens

    Blog Post
    ....  The question for her then was this: Can you engineer CRISPR-Cas9 activators that work well enough on...that they could be used by people with little bioengineering expertise? “This is the next step in high-throughput...Nature in December, Konermann and her colleagues in Feng Zhang’s lab describe just such a system, which they...Synergistic Activation Mediator or SAM. SAM is an engineered protein complex for the transcriptional activation..., unlike the mouse, we can’t rely on genetic engineering to optimize humans for CRISPRi and CRISPRa.” ...activating any human gene, go to Crystal structure of Cas9 in complex with...Genome-scale transcriptional activation by an engineered CRISPR-Cas9 complex. Konermann S, Brigham MD,...
  11. Finding Your Science Policy Path

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    ... explore their Local Engagement Playbook for step-by-step guides on how to engage in your local community...That’s what makes it so wonderful. The most challenging part of jumping into this career path from academia...ranges from astronomy to bioethics to chemical engineering and everything in between. Plus, there are many...folks is on Twitter- start an account and start engaging with the #scipol hashtag. Often there will be ...advocacy as a supplement to your career through engagement with your local or state governments. Most communities... your hair out, your successes, failures, and challenges you’ve overcome. This information may help you...completely new field without issue. This may be more challenging if you are trying to apply for an outright job...
  12. Chemogenetics Guide

    ...References Introduction Chemogenetics refers to the engineering of protein receptors to respond to are unresponsive to native ligands and are engineered to respond to small molecules that do not affect...esigner D rugs (DREADDs), like RASSLs, are based on engineered G-protein coupled receptors, but unlike RASSLs...Ligands Muscarinic-receptor based DREADDs were engineered to respond to nM concentrations of clozapine ... M odules (PSAMs, pronounced SAMs). PSAMs are engineered α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) domains...clinically approved drug, the PSAM domain was engineered to respond specifically to the anti-smoking drug...through viral injection or use of genetically engineered mouse models. For viral injection, Adeno-associated...
  13. Plasmids 101: Golden Gate Cloning

    Blog Post
    ...Sainsbury Lab website or Engler & Marillonet. Golden Gate and genome engineering In early 2011, the Bogdanove...within both the synthetic biology and genome engineering fields. We’ll walk you through how to apply this...ligation process is close to 100% efficient. Another strength of Golden Gate cloning is its scalability. Unique...overhangs to be efficiently assembled. Scientists can engineer unique enzyme recognition sites that flank their...cloning method with high throughput capability. Engler C, Kandzia R, Marillonnet S. PLoS One 2008;3(11...Epub 2011 Apr 14. PubMed.   Golden Gate cloning. Engler C, Marillonnet S. Methods Mol Biol. 2014;1116:119...
  14. Transferable Skills Guide: Cross-team Communication

    Blog Post
    ...would work with our research team and software engineers to update our Lab Inventory Management System ...notice something: even though our scientists and engineers were attending the same meetings and hearing the...always knew from context what a “plate” was. Our engineers thought they knew.  As long as you have context...of “plates” (Fig. 1). When you have to tell an engineer that you want the LIMS software to create a barcode...meetings and 2) creating a pictorial guide for our engineers (Fig. 2). Creating this guide was relatively easy...not have to communicate with a team of software engineers in your lab, you likely will need to write protocols... convey the same concept to Morgan, our senior engineer? The answer to these questions--which were real...
  15. Hot Plasmids - October 2020

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    ...elegans Fluorescent timers for studying cell cycle length The CRISPR corner New from the viral service ...synaptic connections and physiology is particularly challenging as they are great in number, generally very small...come together, they fuse and fluoresce. The team engineered C. elegans cell lines to express wrmScarlet1-... small wrmScarlet11 which is less than 60 nt in length to tag the target protein. The team validated this...10.1101/2020.07.02.185249 Predicting cell cycle length with a histone-fused fluorescent timer By Kate ...fusion protein can be used to determine cell cycle length by examining the ratio of blue to red cells. Cells...plasmids at Addgene Sc++ is a codon-optimized, engineered Streptococcus canis Cas9 nuclease that has a ...
  16. Savvy Advocates Needed to Navigate a Scientific Enterprise in Flux

    Blog Post
    ...since the Future of Research Symposia Ongoing challenges facing the scientific enterprise and the way ...revealed that young scientists are aware of, and are engaged in, these issues which will continue to shape the...landscape of the scientific enterprise will provide challenges and opportunities for us all.  For example, implementation...categorize all postdocs at institutions, will be challenging. At the same time, there is much opportunity ...the pressure on for further increases will be challenging, but will be aided by the development and funding and funding mechanisms require an engaged sector with effective advocacy skills. Advocating... is an important way to push the balance from challenge to opportunity. We hope to see you at the upcoming...
  17. Science communication: 9 Strategies to Get Your Foot in the Door

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    ... Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) provides on-site courses in public engagement for institutions blogs like @WIRED Science. Don’t be scared to engage with them. Comment on their activities and participate...using social media as a scientist here. 2) Public engagement - Participate in science festivals and outreach...talking in public, volunteer at science festivals. Or engage with non-scientists in an unusual setting: advertising your blog on social media and by engaging with other science bloggers. If you don’t have...guest blogger, Sarah Schmidt! Sarah Schmidt is engineering resistance against Fusarium wilt disease in bananas...
  18. Story of a SynBio Startup: RevBio's Epiphany (or Lack Thereof)

    Blog Post
    ...of Revolution Bioengineering.  Last year we started a company. Revolution Bioengineering is two responsible... We both had an applied science bent, so the engineering aspect of this job appealed to us. However, since... publish or attend conferences makes it very challenging to compete in today’s tough academic or We have confidence that we can take on any challenge and quickly become experts in something, even ...comment.  In our day job, we worked on plants engineered to detect explosives and rapidly indicate to build something new and beautiful, to engage with the public in a meaningful way about science...
  19. Summer SciComm Series: Modes of Communication

    Blog Post Science communication should be fun and engaging for the communicator as well as the audience, ...enjoy and that plays at least slightly to your strengths. Otherwise, you’re going to drop your project for visuals. However, it’s much more challenging to design a hands-on interactive activity using... Small tidbits and fast/fun facts are easy and engaging on social media, but deep dives are often more...complexity. Podcasts Medium Easy for audience to engage while multitasking. Easy to host guests remotely...etc… Low (except for space) Real-time audience engagement and response. High connection levels and interaction...geographic location) Opportunity for real time engagement while allowing for recording/future access. Remote...
  20. Interview: Hodaka Fujii on enChIP, New CRISPR Tools, and More

    Blog Post
    ...those engineered DNA-binding molecules for the first time and named the new technology as engineered DNA-binding...insertional chromatin immunoprecipitation (iChIP) and engineered DNA-binding molecule-mediated chromatin immunoprecipitation... locus, which is the rate-limiting step. When engineered DNA-binding molecule technologies such as TAL...However, it struck me that direct use of such engineered DNA-binding molecules even enables us to skip...Identification of telomere-associated molecules by engineered DNA-binding molecule-mediated chromatin immunoprecipitation... and identification of associated proteins by engineered DNA-binding molecule-mediated chromatin immunoprecipitation...
Showing: 201 - 220 of 791 results