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Showing: 201 - 220 of 438 results
  1. Editor's Choice, October 2016

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    ...Click on the links below to catch up on ways to use CRISPR in plants, to learn techniques for detecting genome...Posts from October 2016: Sequencing Options for CRISPR Genotyping Grad School Advice Part 2: Building ...Building Community Engineering the Plant Genome Using CRISPR/Cas9 Healthcare Consulting: A Door to the Business...
  2. Using Addgene's New Viral Service for Your Research

    Blog Post
    ...Service, we’re distributing lentivirus (with many CRISPR tools included among the preps that are currently...lentiviral vectors in the repository are used to produce CRISPR tools, we’re starting the Viral Service with lentiviral... activators, Cas9 repressors, select gRNAs, and CRISPR pooled libraries. Whether you’d like to knockout... in experiments other than just those involving CRISPR and so we also have lentivirus for delivering control...
  3. CRISPR Guide

    ...started using CRISPR in your own research. Generating a Knockout Using CRISPR You can use CRISPR to generate...lentiviral CRISPR libraries? Pooled lentiviral CRISPR libraries (often referred to as CRISPR libraries).... Browse Plasmids: Anti-CRISPR Plan Your CRISPR Experiment Get Started CRISPR is a powerful system that...References Website CRISPR plasmids and resources at Addgene CRISPR 101 eBook (2nd edition) CRISPR software and... Addgene Blog CRISPR topic page How to design your gRNA for CRISPR genome editing CRISPR 101: Homology...Guide CRISPR Guide Jump To: CRISPR Guide Overview Knockout Generation Nickase HDR Base Edit Activation ...Publications CRISPR Overview Class 2 C lustered R egularly I nterspaced S hort P alindromic R epeat (CRISPR) systems...
  4. Rett Syndrome: A History of Research and Therapeutic Outlooks

    Blog Post
    ...and MECP2 protein, showing mutations corrected by CRISPR/Cas9 in wild-type human iPSCs. Image modified from... from Le et al., 2019. Gene editing via CRISPR/Cas9 and RNA-mediated correction of MECP2 mutant alleles...disease. Klaus Rajewsky’s group recently used the CRISPR/Cas9 system to both precisely insert the MECP2-...Keith Joung, PhD, and Feng Zhang, PhD, is pursuing CRISPR/Cas9 technology for precise correction of Rett facilitate MECP2 curative strategies, such as CRISPR and RNA editing or the induction of iPSCs, are ...Rajewsky K, Chu VT (2019) Efficient and Precise CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated MECP2 Modifications in Human-Induced...
  5. 28 Hot Plasmid Technologies from 2015

    Blog Post
    ...Nature Methods. 2015 Aug 31. CRISPR-Display: A novel CRISPR technology for targeting RNA cargos...technique, called CRISPR-Display, that may help answer this difficult question. CRISPR-Display uses the...system provides users greater temporal control over CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome modification and gene expression...139-42. doi: 10.1038/nbt.3149. Light-inducible CRISPR-Cas9 system for endogenous gene activation Optogenetics...Nucleases, the Gersbach lab has modified the RNA-guided CRISPR-Cas9 system to create a tool that is quick, versatile...robust. Dubbed the LACE system for light-activated CRISPR-Cas9 effector, Polstein and Gersbach fused the ...targeted to a very specific site on the genome via the CRISPR system. The ease and flexibility of the LACE technology...
  6. Addgene's Top Blog Posts from 2020

    Blog Post
    ... Based on CRISPR/Cas by Shravanti Suresh Guest blogger Shravanti Suresh who studies CRISPR at Iowa State...State University detailed five methods for using CRISPR to detect SARS-CoV-2, including many with plasmids...
  7. Addgene-Seeding Labs plasmid grant round 3: microbial drug resistance and biofilms, antidiabetic plant components, visualizing brain injury - and a glowing robot fish

    Blog Post
    ...Resources at Check out our CRISPR resources and CRISPR for plants Bacterial Expression Systems...PZA-resistance by using different approaches, including CRISPR and recombination-mediated genetic engineering ...more information on bacterial engineering using CRISPR on our blog). Her research should provide us with...
  8. Plasmids 101: Gibson Assembly and Other Long-Homology Based Cloning Methods

    Blog Post
    ...mixing and matching of parts. Gibson assembly meets CRISPR Gibson can be adapted to more complicated cloning...use of Gibson assembly combined with the popular CRISPR technology and is described in a recent publication...second example of using Gibson Assembly along with CRISPR was also described recently (Jiang et al. 2015)...chromosome (up to 100 kb) were specifically cut out via CRISPR and then assembled into a vector using Gibson assembly...homology with the bacterial chromosome fragments. CRISPR cutting was used to circumvent the need to PCR ...Wang A, Li K, Wang B, Jin S, Reiser M, Lockey RF. CRISPR/Cas9 nuclease cleavage combined with Gibson assembly...
  9. Lentiviral Vector Uses and Overview

    Blog Post
    ...Lentiviral vectors are the vector of choice for many CRISPR applications, and they’ve also had success in clinical...transgene-expressing or knockout cell lines. Many CRISPR plasmids are designed for lentiviral use, including... Improved vectors and genome-wide libraries for CRISPR screening. Sanjana NE, Shalem O, Zhang F. Nat Methods...Lentiviral Plasmid FAQs Answered Learn How Lentiviral CRISPR Libraries Enable Genome-Scale, Knockout Screening...Screening Read about Genome-Wide Screening Using CRISPR/Cas9 Additional Resources on Check out...including Addgene’s top requested plasmid in 2015: lentiCRISPR v2, used both for targeted modification and genome-wide...
  10. Why and how to start studying chromatin (with Addgene's help)

    Blog Post
    ...Chromatin Interactions: Using CRISPR-dCas9 to Study Gene Regulation CRISPR 101: Epigenetics and Editing...Studying Protein-DNA Interactions CRISPRainbow and Genome Visualization CRISPR Between the Genes: How to Experiment...or DNA repair, or replication, or any number of CRISPR applications and thought “OK, but how does this...
  11. PiggyBac-ing Through the Genome Editing Field

    Blog Post
    ...piggyBac™ Transposon Catch up on Everything CRISPR with Our CRISPR Guide Deposit Your piggyBac™ Vectors! ... to the development of site-specific nucleases (CRISPR/Cas9, TALENs, and ZFNs). However, several challenges...piggyBac™ transposon system can be combined with CRISPR/Cas9 to efficiently perform genetic manipulations...interest, along with a site-specific nuclease (such as CRISPR/Cas9) to create a double-stranded DNA break. After...technologies including Zinc Fingers, TALENs, and CRISPR-Cas9 nucleases. Mathew applies his specialized ...
  12. Addgene at the ASM Microbe 2016 Conference

    Blog Post
    ...morning, John Doench’s opening presentation at the CRISPR screens symposia outlined the fantastic work this... Institute lab is doing creating well-optimized CRISPR screening technology. Addgene got several shout-outs...Use Addgene's Microbiology Pages Read Our Post on CRISPR Methods for Bacterial Genome Engineering Learn ...
  13. Plasmids 101: Modular Cloning

    Blog Post
    ...assemble and test many variables all at once. CRISPR CRISPR arrays and libraries depend on many gRNAs delivered...etc. MoClo is especially useful for more complex CRISPR experiments (e.g., many guides/parts delivered)...delivered) in certain model organisms. In mammals, most CRISPR libraries are assembled and delivered virally, ...
  14. Donations from Addgene to Yield Answers for Rare Disease Researchers

    Blog Post
    ...induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS) technology and CRISPR-Cas9 constructs from Addgene to gene-edit mutations...looking at a bunch of different strategies with CRISPR-Cas9. There are so many different variants and ...functional role of those mutations, they now plan to use CRISPR-Cas9 technology to create cell lines and/or mouse...
  15. Addgene's eBook Collection

    ...Close About Overlay Select CRISPR 101 January 2021 | Third Edition About CRISPR 101 January 2021 | ...Overlay Select CRISPR 101 en español January 2024 | First Edition, trans. About CRISPR 101 en español...experimental advice such as tips for planning your CRISPR experiment and designing your gRNA and how to use...traducción al español de nuestro libro electrónico, CRISPR 101. Close About Overlay 0 of 0 Selected Download...
  16. Five Popular Model Organisms, Part 2

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    ...101 blog series Learn more about CRISPR and genome editing in our CRISPR 101 blog series Resources on in gene modification tools and methods such as CRISPR have vastly improved scientists’ ability to use...use in the axolotl including plasmids for use in CRISPR and Tol2 transposase induced transgenesis.  Xenopus...Xie, Z., Zhang, C., & Xing, X.-H. (2018). Pooled CRISPR interference screening enables genome-scale functional...
  17. Harnessing Bacterial Toxins for Allelic Exchange

    Blog Post
    ...genomes using exogenous enzymes: Lambda red and CRISPR Developed over the past 20 years, Lambda Red recombineering...used  (Thomason et al., 2014). In recent years, CRISPR-Cas9 technology has also aided in the creation ... "RNA-guided editing of bacterial genomes using CRISPR-Cas systems." Nature biotechnology31.3 (2013): ...15109831. Pyne, Michael E., et al. "Coupling the CRISPR/Cas9 system with lambda red recombineering Read our Plasmids 101 blog posts Find our CRISPR blog posts Learn more about Lambda Red recombineering...
Showing: 201 - 220 of 438 results