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Showing: 1 - 20 of 239 results
  1. Five Popular Model Organisms

    Blog Post
    ...Morgan Model organisms are vital tools used by researchers around the globe. These organisms share many ...molecular mechanisms underlying the disease (Menezes et al., 2015). As yeast are unicellular organisms, they...Looking for more model organisms? Check out Part two in the popular model organisms series, and read about...this blog post, we’ll cover five popular model organisms, but there are many more out there. The house...physiologically similar to humans than many other model organisms, they are often used to study human diseases. ... rest of the body than studies in other model organisms or cell culture. For example, Scott Lowe’s Addgene. Another advantage of mice as model organisms is that they are genetically tractable. Mice can...
  2. Five Popular Model Organisms, Part 2

    Blog Post
    ...covered five model organisms in a previous blog post, but here are five more model organisms that have left...emerging model organisms!) Escherichia coli One of the most recognizable and utilized model organisms is Escherichia...: Read more about model organisms in the first Five Popular Model Organisms blog post Read more about... biological processes and developments. Model organisms often feature genetic, physiological, or developmental...Mexican axolotl is one of the most unique model organisms, recognized for its incredible regeneration abilities... create fluorescent fusions in a multitude of organisms including Xenopus. Overall, the ability for of, if not the most, recognized plant model organisms in the world. With its extensive scientific history...
  3. Transgenic Organisms, Cas9 Gene Drives, and Appropriate Safeguards

    Blog Post
    ...populations of transgenic laboratory organisms but not wild organisms. For example, an sgRNA-only drive ... Medical School. Scientists making transgenic organisms with Cas9 should be aware of the potential hazards... extreme caution. Why does making transgenic organisms with Cas9 risk creating a gene drive? The simplest...experiments in a geographic area where escaped organisms won't be able to find mates2. For example, ongoing... confinement involves working with laboratory organisms that can't reproduce with wild ones. For example... gene drive experiments are less hazardous in organisms that seldom reproduce sexually because the drive...spread. Barrier confinement seeks to keep the organisms in the laboratory. It varies by organism, but ...
  4. AAVED

    ... K, Cepko C, Guerin KI, Rego MA, Ersing I, Bachle SM, Kamens J, Fan M. Front Neuroanat. 2019 Nov 26;13...
  5. Plasmids 101: FLEx Vectors

    Blog Post
    ...PubMed PMID: 12665802. 2. Branda, CS and Dymecki, SM. Talking about a Revolution: The Impact of Site-Specific...14723844. 3. Atasoy D, Aponte Y, Su HH, and Sternson SM. 2008. A FLEX switch targets Channelrhodopsin-2 to...
  6. Viral Vectors 101: Viral Applications

    Blog Post
    ...Sullivan JS, Roche M, Zaunders JJ, Gabuzda D, Crowe SM, Mills J, Lewin SR, Brew BJ, Cunningham AL, Churchill... virus used. All of these expression control mechanisms require a specific modification of the viral ...specifically AAV, are also being exploited as delivery mechanisms for gene therapy. The tractability of AAV, low...
  7. Chemogenetics Guide

    ...Neuron 63:27–39. PMID: 19607790 Atasoy D, Sternson SM (2018). Chemogenetic Tools for Causal Cellular and... Lee PH, Atasoy D, Su HH, Looger LL, and Sternson SM (2011). Chemical and genetic engineering of selective..., Hu X, Galvan A, Basu J, Michaelides M, Sternson SM (2019). Ultrapotent chemogenetics for research and... J Biol Chem. 276:1596-6. PMID: 11402033 Sternson SM, Roth BL (2014). Chemogenetic tools to interrogate...
  8. Microbiology Resources

    ...these model organisms. See below for plasmid kits and other resources relevant to these organisms, or use ...depositors are making this possible in a range of organisms. Find CRISPR tools for use in genome editing of...
  9. Pipetting Protocol

    ...different types of pipettes that have different mechanisms to disperse liquids, this protocol is focused...
  10. Pouring LB Agar Plates

    ... you are working with any weird and wonderful organisms. While your samples are sterilizing in the autoclave...
  11. SARS-CoV-2 Pseudotyped Virus

    ...Viral Pseudotyping SARS-CoV-2 Pseudotyped Virus Mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 infection remain poorly understood...This approach allows researchers to safely study mechanisms of infection and to determine methods of neutralizing...
  12. p53 Pathway

    ...characterized as gain-of-function, expanding the mechanisms by which mutant p53 is known to function in cancer...Thrombospondin 1 Return to top References Unravelling mechanisms of p53-mediated tumour suppression. Bieging KT...
  13. CRISPR Guide

    ...compatibility and high DNA specificity.. 2018. Hu JH, Miller SM, Geurts MH, Tang W, Chen L, Sun N, Zeina CM, Gao ...knock out target genes in various cell types and organisms, but modifications to various Cas enzymes members inhibit CRISPR by a variety of mechanisms. Some Acr proteins interfere with DNA binding...these principles apply to using CRISPR in other organisms. First, consider the genetic manipulation that...S A . 112(10):3002-7. PMID: 25713381 Multiple mechanisms for CRISPR-Cas inhibition by anti-CRISPR proteins...
  14. CRISPR History and Development for Genome Engineering

    ... aeruginosa . Anti-CRISPR genes employ varied mechanisms to block CRISPR. Some prevent the CRISPR-Cas ...Wiedenheft B, Maxwell KL, Davidson AR. 2015. Multiple mechanisms for CRISPR-Cas inhibition by anti-CRISPR proteins...
  15. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Biosensors

    ...biosensors can be introduced into cells, tissues, or organisms for long-term imaging and can be designed to specifically...calcium sensors (fRCaMP1/2, GECO1/2) The kinetic mechanisms of fast-decay red-fluorescent genetically encoded...
Showing: 1 - 20 of 239 results