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Showing: 1 - 20 of 61 results
  1. EXPRESs Plasmids for Plasmodium falciparum

    ...for screening in Plasmodium falciparum.... Plasmid Collections EXPRESs Plasmids Plasmodium falciparum EXPRESs...EXPRESs Plasmids for Plasmodium falciparum You may also like... Gavin Wright Lab plasmids This is a collection...receptor essential for erythrocyte invasion by Plasmodium falciparum. Crosnier C et al., Nature. 2011 Nov...
  2. EXPRESs plasmids for Plasmodium vivax

    ...EXPRESs Plasmids Plasmodium vivax EXPRESs Plasmids for Plasmodium vivax You may also like... Julian Rayner...Plasmodium vivax merozoite protein plasmids for screening protein interactions Special...
  3. Why Add Sucrose? Improved Yields for Adeno-associated Virus Preparation

    Blog Post
    ...shown that cells treated with sucrose or other osmolytes to induce hypertonicity display enhanced monoclonal...Shen, 2011). To our knowledge the effect of hyperosmolarity on AAV production yields had yet to be examined...References 1. Coroadinha, A. S., et al. "Effect of osmotic pressure on the production of retroviral vectors...Substantial overproduction of antibodies by applying osmotic pressure and sodium butyrate." Biotechnology and... and antibody production under conditions of hyperosmotic stress." Advances in animal cell biology and...., and Bernhard O. Palsson. "Effect of medium osmolarity on hybridoma growth, metabolism, and antibody...18597326. 5. Shen, Chun Fang, and Amine Kamen. "Hyperosmotic pressure on HEK 293 cells during the growth ...
  4. Tips for Using FRET in Your Experiments

    Blog Post
    ...interest fused to the N-terminus of LSSmOrange pLSSmOrange-C1 Orange Mammalian Express a gene of interest... (a GFP variant) commonly used with mRuby2 pLSSmOrange-N1 Orange Mammalian Express a gene of interest...interest fused to the C-terminus of LSSmOrange mRuby2 Red Mammalian Expresses mRuby2 (a RFP variant) commonly...
  5. Centrifugation

    ...clean and that everything appears to be working smoothly. Place your sample tubes into the rotor so that...
  6. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Empty Backbones

    ...Expression LSSmOrange 437 572 23 5.7 2.3 hr Monomer pLSSmOrange-C1 - Mammalian Expression pLSSmOrange-N1 - ...Mammalian Expression PSmOrange 548 / 634 565 / 662 58 / 9 6.2/5.6 1.6 hr Monomer pPSmOrange-N1 - Mammalian ...Mammalian Expression pPSmOrange-C1 - Mammalian Expression pFA6a-link-yoPSmOrange-SpHis5 - Yeast Expression PSmOrange2... 6.6/5.4 3.5 hr Monomer pPSmOrange2-N1 - Mammalian Expression pBAD-PSmOrange2 - Bacterial Expression Jump...- Mammalian Expression pBAD-LSSmOrange - Bacterial Expression mKeima Red 440 620 3 6.5 4.4 hr Monomer ...Verkhusha Lab Plasmids - Enhanced colors, including PSmOrange, iRFP Gradia Lab Mammalian Plasmids - Includes...
  7. Seeing Red: Simple GFP Photoconversion

    Blog Post
    ...proteins Newly developed photoconvertible FPs like PsMOrange and mEos add another layer of complexity to imaging...photoswitchable orange-to-far-red fluorescent protein, PSmOrange. Nat Methods. 2011 Jul 31;8(9):771-7. doi: 10.1038...
  8. 28 Hot Plasmid Technologies from 2015

    Blog Post
    ...developed a mitochondrially-targeted variant of PSmOrange, a photoswitchable fluorescent protein which transitions... sequence enhances mitochondrial targeting of PSmOrange, as well as other photoactivatable proteins PAGFP. Co-expression of LOC8R-PSmOrange and LOC8R-PAGFP provides a novel strategy for assaying the...subpopulations within the same cell; by photoswitching PSmOrange and photoactivating PAGFP in separate subpopulations...
  9. Another Pathway into Cells: iTOP

    Blog Post
    ...coined the term iTOP (induced transduction by osmocytosis and propanebetaine) to describe this method of...macromolecules into cultured mammalian cells by osmotic lysis of pinocytic vesicles. Okada CY, Rechsteiner...
  10. The MTA at Addgene

    Blog Post
    ...the last twenty years, we’ve developed a pretty smooth system for this process. We often get positive ...expectations from the beginning makes the sharing process smoother, more consistent, and more pleasant for everyone...
  11. Fluorescent Protein Guide: FRET

    ...interest fused to the N-terminus of LSSmOrange pLSSmOrange-C1 Orange Mammalian Express a gene of interest fused...Clover (a GFP variant) commonly used with mRuby2 pLSSmOrange-N1 Orange Mammalian Express a gene of interest... fused to the C-terminus of LSSmOrange mRuby2 Red Mammalian Expresses mRuby2 (a RFP variant) commonly ...
  12. Plasmids 101: Biotinylation

    Blog Post
    ...sequestering biotin from being absorbed. In 1940 Esmond E. Snell was able to purify the protein responsible... D. S. and R. L. H. “The Discovery of Avidin by Esmond E. Snell.” J Biol Chem 279.e5 (2004). PubMed PMID...
  13. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Biosensors

    ...Aug 20;524(7565):309-14. Richard Youle Osmolarity SED1 osmolarity biosensor, for expression in E. coli ...sensor Differential patterning of cGMP in vascular smooth muscle cells revealed by single GFP-linked biosensors...biosensor tracks the physical-chemical effects of osmotic stress on cells. Nat Commun. 2021 Sep 14;12(1):...subcellular compartmental redox signaling in vascular smooth muscle cells. Circ Res. 2010 Feb 19;106(3):526-...
  14. Deep Dive: qPCR

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    ...the temperature drops, single intensity should smoothly increase as the DNA amplicon transitions from ...curve does rely on the assumption that there is a smooth, single-step transition between ssDNA and dsDNA...
  15. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Subcellular Localization

    ...EGFP Carol Otey 31923 pPaxillin-PSmOrange Focal Adhesions paxillin PSmOrange Vladislav Verkhusha 79999 pZyxin-miRFP703...junctions, gap junctions, tight junctions, and desmosomes. Browse or search the table below to find markers...
Showing: 1 - 20 of 61 results