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  1. FastCloning: A Newer, Simpler Cloning Technique

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    ...these include, TA cloning, ligation independent cloning, TOPO cloning, one step cloning, and overlap extension...Standard Restriction Cloning and Fast Cloning Requirement Restriction Cloning Fast Cloning Choose Restriction...restriction cloning is still routinely performed by many labs, a variety of other cloning techniques with...the multi-cloning site, and the reverse primer is located in the 5’ end of the multi-cloning site. The...excessive time requirements. FastCloning is a simpler yet reliable cloning technique that was developed...efficiency cloning Now that you have a better understanding of the step by step procedure of FastCloning, here...Science at the University of Connecticut. Molecular cloning is the isolation, insertion and amplification of...
  2. Plasmid Cloning by PCR

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    ...outlined in our restriction cloning post with a few quirks specific to the PCR cloning process - please check...primers for PCR based cloning     The basic PCR primers for molecular cloning consist of: Leader ...for primer design: Because we are cloning an ORF, we want to clone from the start codon (ATG) to the ...our restriction cloning post. However, even more than with standard restriction cloning, it is essential...In its simplest form, PCR based cloning is about making a copy of a piece of DNA and at the same time...ends of that piece of DNA so that it can be easily cloned into a plasmid of interest. You can use similar...Restriction Site: Your chosen restriction site for cloning (usually 6-8bp) Hybridization Sequence: The region...
  3. Plasmids 101: Gateway Cloning

    Blog Post
    ...attL-entry clone to create the expression clone.    Figure 6: Generating an expression clone. The reaction...recombination Used to generate entry clones by TOPO cloning or by Restriction Cloning Destination vector attR ...with the entry clone to generate an expression clone   Ready to try out Gateway cloning?  Many scientists...facing a cloning project, scientists are no longer limited to traditional restriction enzyme cloning. Instead...Gateway cloning method and its advantages. An introduction to Gateway technology The Gateway cloning method...creates an attL-flanked entry clone. The LR reaction creates an expression clone with all of the components... E. coli cells and select the positive clones. The entry clone and destination vector carry different ...
  4. Cloning Mammalian Cells with the Agarose Method

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    ...dried out and died. The alternative to cloning rings, dilution cloning into 96-well plates, is extremely time...give rise to single clones, and thus many plates must be examined for single clones and then handled. Additionally... to the expense of dilution cloning. Taking a page from bacterial cloning, we reasoned that we should...cell clones with sterile truncated pipet tips. Indeed, an experienced operator can pick 48 clones from...Tips for using the agarose cloning method Test your agarose temperature. Cloning cells using an agarose overlay...late-arising clones, and making sure we always maintain a backup replicates of each clone in case of contamination...individual cell clones with different expression characteristics from a population of transfected clones. The technique...
  5. Plasmids 101: 5 factors to help you choose the right cloning method

    Blog Post
    ... thing since CRISPR; you are ready to clone! Cloning is no longer limited to restriction - what cloning approach should you use if the budget is particularly tight? Most cloning processes ...for traditional restriction cloning. Sequence and Ligation Independent Cloning (SLIC) could also be a great... The general Gateway cloning protocol is fairly flexible and adaptable to cloning different types of DNA...guarantees, some cloning techniques do tip the scales in your favor. For starters, Golden Gate cloning is extremely...quickly generate multiple clones. Difficulty: If you’re an experienced cloner, you’re likely not intimidated...: Speed Cost Difficulty Efficiency For cloning in particular, another important consideration ...
  6. Plasmids 101: CcdB - The Toxic Key to Efficient Cloning

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    ...Plasmids 101: TOPO Cloning Plasmids 101: Golden Gate Cloning Read all of our Plasmid Cloning Posts Resources...more recently developed Gibson Assembly Cloning and Gateway® cloning technologies, as well as several others...time-consuming aspects of traditional cloning is the identification of clones that actually contain your insert...positive identification of desired clones.   ...Becomes a powerful cloning tool Molecular biologists first...system for enhancing cloning efficiency about 20 years ago and developed cloning vectors to harness it...number of clones that do not contain the recombinant plasmid and therefore makes the cloning process much...strains for more strain info. Additional cloning resources As cloning continues to evolve, understanding all...
  7. Plasmids 101: Golden Gate Cloning

    Blog Post
    ...Advantages of Golden Gate cloning Golden Gate cloning is one of the easiest cloning methods in terms of hands-on...enzyme-based cloning methods. Each method has its own pluses and minuses, but Golden Gate cloning has been... and easy-to-use system to your cloning efforts. Golden Gate cloning technology relies on Type IIS restriction...construct, allowing for precise, scarless cloning. The cloning scheme is as follows: the gene of interest...number of potential clones. Golden Gate assembly has a few advantages over other cloning methods. Exonuclease-based... leveraged the power of Golden Gate cloning into a modular cloning strategy. Sometimes referred to as ...easy.  Disadvantages of Golden Gate cloning Golden Gate cloning is not 100% sequence-independent: to ...
  8. Plasmids 101: Colony PCR

    Blog Post
    ...kind of test, with a positive clone amplifying a product and a negative clone resulting in no product. Additionally...insert site. A positive clone will produce a larger size product then a negative clone without the insert....   Saving clones for later culture: At this point, you will want to hang onto your clones for later use...start cultures of your positive clones. If you want to store your clones longer term, just streak the colonies...insert-specific primers (1), positive clones (+) will give a band, while a negative clone (-) will not. Backbone-specific...larger sized products for positive clones (+) compared to negative clones. Finally, orientation-specific ...identifying a few positive clones, the last step is to mini-prep these clones and submit the plasmids for...
  9. Troubleshooting Your Plasmid Cloning Experiment

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    ...the steps in the cloning process, there are also many ways to troubleshoot the cloning experiment. Here..., and try a different cloning strategy. Once you've identified potential clones after the screening, sequence... DNA Custom Cloning Service since 2009. He has  developed a proprietary, low cost cloning protocol that... contributed by Oskar Laur, head of the custom cloning core at Emory University, and Paolo Colombi, a ...a product development scientist at Addgene. Cloning can be quite an arduous process. The PCR could fail...Here are some tips that will help you with your cloning project, and hopefully obtain your coveted plasmid...technique you are going to adopt (i.e. restriction cloning, Gibson Assembly, Golden Gate etc.), and try to...
  10. Simplify Cloning with in vivo Assembly

    Blog Post
    ... bacterial in vivo cloning is now able to come of age. The in vivo assembly cloning protocol In Vivo Assembly...assembled using IVA cloning, although the efficiency of assembly decreases as the cloning complexity increases...Watson, and Ingo H. Greger. "IVA cloning: a single-tube universal cloning system exploiting bacterial in...before choosing a cloning method Check out all of our blog posts on plasmid cloning Resources on MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology. Plasmid cloning is an essential part of any molecular biology project... experimental process. The majority of current cloning techniques involve the assembly of a circular plasmid...recombination pathway that is present even in common lab cloning strains. This intrinsic bacterial recombination...
  11. MXS Chaining

    Blog Post
    ...other high throughput cloning strategies There are several high-throughput cloning strategies available...between various cloning methods are listed in Table 2. For example,  chaining-based cloning methods require... used to clone cDNAs from them. These enzymes might not, however, be appropriate for cloning genes from...chaining-based cloning methods are listed in Table 3. The goal of high throughput cloning is to facilitate...High-throughput cloning, in a nutshell, is the systematic combination of different genetic sequences ...sequences into plasmid DNA. In high throughput cloning techniques, although the specific sequences of the genetic... set of various mammalian promoters), the same cloning procedure can be used to incorporate each element...
  12. Plasmids 101: Gibson Assembly and Other Long-Homology Based Cloning Methods

    Blog Post
    ...ways to clone DNA fragments which have provided appealing alternatives to restriction enzyme cloning. These...circular polymerase extension cloning) and SLiCE (Seamless Ligation Cloning Extract) to name two more. Likewise... Assembly (NEB) Cold Fusion Cloning (System Biosciences) In-fusion Cloning (Clontech) Although these ...smaller fragments. Know your cloning methods There are two other common cloning methods that are easy to ...your insert. Gateway cloning utilizes λ integrase to catalyze directional cloning of DNA parts that are...different ways to clone these days. Gibson and the other long-homology based cloning methods are useful..., Gateway, or Golden Gate cloning methods. Whether it is for routine cloning, assembly of multiple fragments...
  13. Plasmids 101: Sequence and Ligation Independent Cloning (SLIC)

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    ...If cloning methods had personalities, SLIC (sequence- and ligation-independent cloning) would be a true...starting point: Ligation-independent cloning Ligation-independent cloning (LIC) was first developed in the... doing large amounts of cloning. Assembly is scarless, unlike Gateway cloning, and the method’s flexibility...Ligation-Independent Cloning Protocol Gibson Assembly Blog Post Choosing a Molecular Cloning Technique Choosing...the 1990s. While traditional restriction enzyme cloning uses short sticky ends to insert genes into plasmid...plasmid together through transformation, so the cloned vector must be ligated. But in LIC, longer single-stranded...bacteria after transformation. LIC is a reliable cloning method, but it is limited by its sequence constraints...
  14. Plasmids 101: Modular Cloning

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    ...strangers to cloning. If you’re reading this, then chances are you have been in the cloning trenches yourself...yourself. Modular cloning, or MoClo, is a systematic cloning strategy designed by synthetic biologists...experiments it enables. What is modular cloning? Modular cloning, or MoClo, is an organization scheme for... MoClo reactions use Golden Gate cloning, not all Golden Gate cloning is MoClo. That’s because MoClo specifically...biologists to perform large scale, one-tube cloning reactions. In this blog, we’ll cover the basics of what MoClo...hierarchy. MoClo originally developed from Golden Gate Cloning, in which a type IIS restriction enzyme and a ligase...schema described above, and not any particular cloning technique. Though rarer, you can find MoClo that...
  15. Plasmids 101: TOPO Cloning

    Blog Post
    ...Topoisomerase based cloning (TOPO cloning) is a DNA cloning method that does not use restriction enzymes...TOPO-TA) cloning; however, the TOPO cloning technique has also be adapted for blunt end cloning. So how...positive clones. Once you introduce your 3’-end “A” overhang insert, the magic of TOPO cloning does TOPO cloning work? As illustrated in the Figure below, the “A” overhang on the blue PCR product...commercially available TOPO kits provide vectors or cloning arms with overhanging 3´ deoxythymidine (T) residues...procedure Let’s break down the steps needed for TOPO cloning: 1. Create Your PCR Product: Design standard primers...using your favorite PCR protocol.  2. Set Up TOPO Cloning Reaction: Mix together the PCR product and TOPO...
  16. Plasmids 101: Common Lab E. coli Strains

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    ...purpose: fast growth, high-throughput cloning, routine cloning, cloning unstable DNA, preparing unmethylated...NEB Stable   For cloning into and storage of lentiviral and retroviral vectors or cloning or repeated sequences...JM109-derived. For cloning into and storage of lentiviral and retroviral vectors or cloning or repeated sequences...from HB101. For cloning into and storage of lentiviral and retroviral vectors or cloning or repeated sequences...promoter for your gene of interest, painstakingly cloned into the perfect empty backbone, made sure to add...lac Lac operon mutations Blue/white screening of clones   lacIq lac repressor overproduced, expression...expressing the ccdB gene (important in Gateway cloning). F-mcrA Δ(mrr-hsdRMS-mcrBC) Φ80lacZΔM15 ΔlacX74...
  17. Addgene’s Newest Way to Speed Your Research: The Cloning Grade DNA Service

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    ...bacteria and prep the plasmid before you begin your cloning experiment? What if after receiving the plasmid...collection has been prepared as part of our new cloning grade DNA service and is ready to use out of the...the box. We estimate that providing cloning grade DNA could save scientists up to three days of work. ...discovery.” Here are the details. Plasmids offered as cloning grade DNA As we begin testing out this service,...markers or protein tags, and suitable for molecular cloning. Plus, we decided to include 10 plasmids that can...of target organisms (from bacteria to mammals), cloning techniques, and experimental use (CRISPR, viral...communities using plasmid tools. Details about the cloning grade DNA beta project We will ship you  2 µg of...
  18. Making CRISPR Plasmids Using Fragmid

    Blog Post
    ...quickly clone their vector of interest. And it truly is plug-and-play. Because of its modular cloning approach...Plasmids 101: Modular Cloning Addgene's CRISPR Guide Plasmids 101: Golden Gate Cloning...not working, or spend a few weeks designing and cloning the vectors you actually want. But now you can ...designed for a quick, plug-and-play approach to cloning CRISPR vectors (McGee et al., 2024). It reduces...interns, were able to use Fragmid to design and clone their vectors in five days. Did you say… easier?... overview and timeline of the Golden Gate (GG) cloning approach. Individual modules and a sample ligation...them into a destination vector via Golden Gate cloning, perform an exonuclease cleanup, transform, plate...
  19. Plasmids 101: Blue-white Screening

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    ...α-complementation cloning vector. When a cloning reaction goes to plan and your DNA (red) is cloned into this even more specific method of screening your cloning reaction. Being able to select for colonies that...that contain your plasmid is a great start when cloning, but how about being able to choose those that ...following way. Scientists engineered a multiple cloning site (MCS) into the α-peptide (represented as an...cell's β-galactosidase mutation. An unsuccessful cloning reaction leaves the α-peptide intact, and therefore...of AN insert, not necessarily YOUR insert. Any cloning artifact that disrupts the α-peptide DNA will also...proper plasmid (i.e. contains the α-complementation cloning MCS): pGEM-T, pUC18 and pUC19, and pBluescript ...
  20. Plasmids 101: Restriction Cloning

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    ...When cloning by restriction digest and ligation, you use restriction enzymes to cut open a plasmid (backbone... digests.   Overview of the restriction cloning process. Both the plasmid (blue, backbone) and ... proper orientation. For instance, if you were cloning a gene into an expression vector, you would want...downstream of the promoter as part of a multiple cloning site (MCS). Having multiple sites allows you to...instructions for your competent cells. For most standard cloning, you can transform 1-2μl of your ligation reaction...your purified DNA with the enzymes you used for cloning. Run your digest on an agarose gel. You should ...Verify Your Plasmid Try Out Golden Gate or SLIC Cloning Read Other Plasmids 101 Posts Resources on
Showing: 1 - 20 of 322 results