Plasmid#230057PurposeAAV plasmid that expresses a a single chain variable fragment (scFv) for anti- GluA2 with a C-terminal mNeon. Encodes an ER retrieval motif (KDEL) at C-terminus of mNeon.DepositorInsertAnti-GluA2 single chain variable fragment (scFv)
UseAAVTagsER retrieval motif (KDEL) and mNeonExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterhuman synapsinAvailable sinceJan. 6, 2025AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#230056PurposeAAV plasmid that expresses a single chain variable fragment (scFv) for anti-GluA1 tagged with mNeon. Encodes an ER retrieval motif (KDEL) at C-terminus of mNeon.DepositorInsertAnti-GluA1 single chain variable fragment (scFv)
UseAAVTagsER retrieval motif (KDEL) and mNeonExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterhuman synapsinAvailable sinceJan. 6, 2025AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#228762PurposePlasmid expressing Cas9 and 2 gRNAs for mouse Pkd2. Use for disruption of mouse Pkd2 in cultured cells.DepositorInsertPkd2 gRNAs (Pkd2 Mouse)
UseCRISPRTags3XFLAG and GFPExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterhU6Available sinceDec. 10, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#228258PurposeTemplate plasmid for yeast gene knockout, confers antibiotic resistance to hygromycin BDepositorInserthph
UseTagsExpressionYeastMutationPromoterSSA1 S.c.Available sinceDec. 9, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#228259PurposeTemplate plasmid for yeast gene knockout, uses auxotrophic marker his5 (Schizosaccharomyces Pombe) (complements S.c. his3)DepositorInserthis5
UseTagsExpressionYeastMutationPromoterTEF1 S.c.Available sinceDec. 2, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#228256PurposeTemplate plasmid for yeast gene knockout, uses auxotrophic marker TRP1 (Kluyveromyces lactis)DepositorInsertTRP1
UseTagsExpressionYeastMutationPromoterBBC1 S.c.Available sinceNov. 21, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#228261PurposeTemplate plasmid for yeast gene knockout, allows the use of acetamide as sole nitrogen sourceDepositorInsertamdS
UseTagsExpressionYeastMutationPromoterENO2 S.c.Available sinceNov. 21, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#228262PurposeTemplate plasmid for yeast gene knockout, uses auxotrophic marker LEU2 (Kluyveromyces lactis)DepositorInsertLEU2
UseTagsExpressionYeastMutationPromoterLEU2 K.l.Available sinceNov. 21, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pAAV-CMV-dSa VP64 Afp
Plasmid#99697PurposeExpresses dSa Cas9 fused to gold standard VP64 activator domain and Sa sgRNA for Afp promoter, vector allows for activation of mouse Afp, can be packaged and delivered as AAVDepositorInsertdCas9 and gRNA targeting Afp (Afp Synthetic)
UseAAV and CRISPRTagsVP64ExpressionMutationdead Cas9PromoterAvailable sinceNov. 4, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pRS416 CUP1pro-Htt103QdeltaP125-134-YFP
Plasmid#224882PurposeLow copy plasmid for inducible yeast expression of the Htt exon 1 construct without the first 10 amino acids of the proline-rich region (125-134) tagged with YFP using copper.DepositorInsertHtt103QdeltaP125-134 (HTT Human)
UseTagsYFPExpressionYeastMutationdeltaP125-134PromoterCUP1Available sinceOct. 8, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pRS416 CUP1pro-Htt103QdeltaP135-170-YFP
Plasmid#224878PurposeLow copy plasmid for inducible yeast expression of the Htt exon 1 construct without the last 36 amino acids of the proline-rich region (135-170) tagged with YFP using copper.DepositorInsertHtt103QdeltaP135-170 (HTT Human)
UseTagsYFPExpressionYeastMutationdeltaP135-170PromoterCUP1Available sinceOct. 8, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pRS416 CUP1pro-Htt103QdeltaP141-160-YFP
Plasmid#224886PurposeLow copy plasmid for inducible yeast expression of the Htt exon 1 construct without the middle 20 amino acids of the proline-rich region (141-160) tagged with YFP using copper.DepositorInsertHtt103QdeltaP141-160 (HTT Human)
UseTagsYFPExpressionYeastMutationdeltaP141-160PromoterCUP1Available sinceOct. 8, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pRS416 CUP1pro-Htt103QdeltaP125-160-YFP
Plasmid#224883PurposeLow copy plasmid for inducible yeast expression of the Htt exon 1 construct without the first 36 amino acids of the proline-rich region (125-160) tagged with YFP using copper.DepositorInsertHtt103QdeltaP125-160 (HTT Human)
UseTagsYFPExpressionYeastMutationdeltaP125-160PromoterCUP1Available sinceOct. 8, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pRS416 CUP1pro-Htt103QdeltaP141-170-YFP
Plasmid#224880PurposeLow copy plasmid for inducible yeast expression of the Htt exon 1 construct without the last 30 amino acids of the proline-rich region (141-170) tagged with YFP using copper.DepositorInsertHtt103QdeltaP141-170 (HTT Human)
UseTagsYFPExpressionYeastMutationdeltaP141-170PromoterCUP1Available sinceOct. 7, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pRS416 CUP1pro-Htt103QdeltaP161-170-YFP
Plasmid#224876PurposeLow copy plasmid for inducible yeast expression of the Htt exon 1 construct without the last 10 amino acids of the proline-rich region (161-170) tagged with YFP using copper.DepositorInsertHTT103QdeltaP161-170 (HTT Human)
UseTagsYFPExpressionYeastMutationdelta161-170PromoterCUP1Available sinceOct. 7, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#215544PurposeDonor plasmid for knock-in P2A-NLS-mClover3 into the human SOX2 locusDepositorInsertSOX2 homologous recombination arms with IRES-Puro selection cassette (SOX2 Human)
UseCRISPRTagsExpressionMutationPromoterAvailable sinceMarch 11, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#212148PurposePlasmid expressing alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase, glutamate-pyruvate aminotransferase and tyrosine aminotransferase under constitutive promoter PgyrA control.DepositorInsertUseTagsExpressionBacterialMutationPromoterPgyrAAvailable sinceJan. 30, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#196242PurposePlasmid expressing the nCas9-AID fusionDepositorInsertnickase Cas9 fused to AID
UseCRISPRTagsExpressionBacterialMutationPromotertac promoterAvailable sinceNov. 13, 2023AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#199781PurposePlasmid for the expression of GFP labelled NEMO (SMC Internal No. 1977).DepositorInsertNEMO (IKBKG Human)
UseTagsGST-Thrombin-TEV-EGFPExpressionBacterialMutationPromoterAvailable sinceMay 19, 2023AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only