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The resulting plasmid was used to generate a Gal4x5-E4-Gless 210bp construct for ampilifying the immobilized template for assays. Originally came from Michael Carey, was submitted with his permission
A template plasmid for amplification of the cI-hok-neo cassette, which contains a truncated H207 promoter of T5 phage. The promoter is directed toward the cI gene.
A template plasmid for amplification of the cI-hok-neo cassette, which contains a truncated H207 promoter of T5 phage. The promoter is directed outward the cI gene.
A template plasmid for amplification of the cI-hok-neo cassette, which contains LacI-repressible A1O4 promoter. The promoter is directed outward the cI gene.