Plasmid#46792PurposeTo express a version of Fun30 with a mutated CUE domain in budding yeastDepositorInsertFUN30, CUE domain mutated (FUN30 Budding Yeast)
UseTagsV5ExpressionYeastMutationFP82AAPromoterAvailable sinceAug. 8, 2013AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pJRL2 GAL1(TATA-A1T6)pr VYFP (EB#1573)
Plasmid#14849DepositorInsertGAL1 promoter TATA-A1T6 (GAL1 Budding Yeast)
UseTagsVYFPExpressionYeastMutationTATA-A1T6. TATA box mutated from TATATAAG to AATA…PromoterAvailable sinceMay 25, 2007AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pJRL2 GAL1(TATA-A1T6)pr ECFP (EB#1574)
Plasmid#14850DepositorInsertGAL1 promoter TATA-A1T6 (GAL1 Budding Yeast)
UseTagsECFPExpressionYeastMutationTATA-A1T6. TATA box mutated from TATATAAG to AATA…PromoterAvailable sinceMay 25, 2007AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pJRL2 GAL1(TATA-C2)pr VYFP (EB#1577)
Plasmid#14851DepositorInsertGAL1 promoter TATA-C2 (GAL1 Budding Yeast)
UseTagsVYFPExpressionYeastMutationTATA-C2. TATA box mutated from TATATAAG to TCTATA…PromoterAvailable sinceMay 25, 2007AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pJRL2 GAL1(TATA-C2)pr ECFP (EB#1578)
Plasmid#14852DepositorInsertGAL1 promoter TATA-C2 (GAL1 Budding Yeast)
UseTagsECFPExpressionYeastMutationTATA-C2. TATA box mutated from TATATAAG to TCTATA…PromoterAvailable sinceMay 25, 2007AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#101379PurposeName: pBluescript-empty vector. pBluescript-LANApi,K14 (pDD2000) bidirectional empty vector for backbone only.DepositorTypeEmpty backboneUseUnspecifiedTagsExpressionMutationPromoterAvailable sinceAvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#73440PurposeViolacein pathway (vioABECD) in monocistronic configuration, transcriptionally driven by orthogonal T7-lac promoter variants G6 (vioABE), 4A6 (vioC), and 3A2 (vioD) for orthogonal flux redirection.DepositorInsertPG6-vioABE-P4A6-vioC-P3A2-vioD
UseCRISPR and Synthetic BiologyTagsExpressionBacterialMutationPromoterPG6, P4A6, and P3A2 (orthogonal T7-lac variants)Available sinceMarch 1, 2016AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
dCas9-p300 HAT
Plasmid#179544Purposeencodes S. pyogenes dCas9 with c-terminal fusion of human p300 HAT domain (aa 1287-1664) driven by AF4 promoterDepositorInsertS. pyogenes dCas9 with c-terminal fusion of human p300 HAT domain (aa 1287-1664) (EP300 Human)
UseLentiviralTagsFlag TagExpressionMammalianMutationD10A; H840A in S.pyogenes Cas9PromoterEF-1alphaAvailable sinceFeb. 18, 2022AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#61356Purposeencodes S. pyogenes dCas9 with c-terminal fusion of FL human p300 (aa 2-2414) driven by CMV promoterDepositorInsertS.pyogenes dCas9 with c-terminal full length human p300 (aa 2-2414) (EP300 Synthetic, Human, S. pyogenes)
UseCRISPR and Synthetic BiologyTagsFlag, HA, and SV40 NLSExpressionMammalianMutationD10A; H840A in S.pyogenes Cas9PromoterCMVAvailable sinceApril 16, 2015AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pRS3 (CK2alpha, CK2beta)
Plasmid#27092DepositorUseTetracycline-regulated expressionTagsHA and MycExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterbidirectional tet-responsive promoterAvailable sinceOct. 14, 2011AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pmCherry-C1 R62D actin-3XNLS P2A mCherry
Plasmid#58477PurposeExpresses nuclear-targeted non-polymerizing R62D mutant of human actin, with an mCherry expression reporter after a P2A protease cleavage site, on a CMV promoterDepositorInsertsUseTagsmCherryExpressionMammalianMutationChanged Arginine 62 to Aspartic AcidPromoterCMVAvailable sinceSept. 18, 2015AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#101797PurposeReporter for mouse Fgf21 promoter activityDepositorInsertFibroblast growth factor 21 promoter (Fgf21 Mouse)
UseLuciferaseTagsLuciferaseExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterAvailable sinceSept. 27, 2017AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#101798PurposeReporter for mouse Fgf21 promoter activityDepositorInsertFibroblast growth factor 21 promoter (Fgf21 Mouse)
UseLuciferaseTagsLuciferaseExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterAvailable sinceSept. 27, 2017AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#101799PurposeReporter for mouse Fgf21 promoter activityDepositorInsertFibroblast growth factor 21 promoter (Fgf21 Mouse)
UseLuciferaseTagsLuciferaseExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterAvailable sinceSept. 27, 2017AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#89929PurposeExpresses Insulin-GLuc from the CMV promoter. Gaussia Luc is inserted within the C-peptide and is co-secreted with insulin.DepositorInserthuman insulin-Gaussia-Luciferase (INS Synthetic, Human)
UseTagsExpressionMammalianMutationDNA sequence for Gaussia luciferase was humanized…PromoterCMVAvailable sinceSept. 4, 2019AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pcDNA3.3-Nm-dCas9-p300 Core
Plasmid#61365Purposeencodes N. meningiditis dCas9 with c-terminal fusion of human p300 HAT core (aa 1048-1664) driven by CMV promoterDepositorInsertNm-dCas9-p300 Core (EP300 Synthetic, Human, Neisseria meningiditis)
UseCRISPR and Synthetic BiologyTagsHA tag and NLSExpressionMammalianMutationD16A, D587A, H588A, N611A in Nm Cas9PromoterCMVAvailable sinceApril 10, 2015AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pRS2 (CK2alpha', CK2beta)
Plasmid#27093DepositorUseTetracycline-regulated expressionTagsHA and MycExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterbidirectional tet-responsive promoterAvailable sinceOct. 14, 2011AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#179547Purposeencodes S. pyogenes dCas9 with c-terminal fusion of human CBP HAT domain (aa 1323-1701) driven by EF-1alpha promoterDepositorInsertS. pyogenes dCas9 with c-terminal fusion of human CBP HAT domain (aa 1323-1701) (CREBBP Human)
UseLentiviralTagsFlag TagExpressionMammalianMutationD10A; H840A in S.pyogenes Cas9PromoterEF-1alphaAvailable sinceFeb. 18, 2022AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pGV7 (CK2alpha' K69M, CK2beta)
Plasmid#27095DepositorUseTetracycline-regulated expressionTagsHA tag on CK2alpha' and Myc on CK2betaExpressionMammalianMutationK69M on CK2alpha'Promoterbidirectional tet-responsive promoterAvailable sinceOct. 14, 2011AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only