Plasmid#185914PurposepCMV and pT7 plasmid encoding human codon optimized ABE8e A-to-G base editor with nickase SpCas9-NG(D10A/L1111R/D1135V/G1218R/E1219F/A1322R/R1335V/T1337R) and P2A-EGFPDepositorInserthuman codon optimized ABE8e-nSpCas9-NG-P2A-EGFP
UseIn vitro transcription; t7 promoterTagsBPNLS and BPNLS-3xFLAG-P2A-EGFPExpressionMammalianMutationnSpCas9-NG=D10A/L1111R/D1135V/G1218R/E1219F/A1322…PromoterCMV and T7Available sinceJuly 20, 2022AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#196720PurposeTet-inducible expression of Cas9-T2A-TagBFPDepositorInsertCas9-T2A-TagBFP
UseCRISPR and LentiviralTags3xFLAG-SV40NLS and Nucleoplasmin NLSExpressionMutationPromoterTRE, PGKAvailable sinceApril 12, 2023AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#213969PurposeAAV vector for encoding SpCas9 driven by pCALM1 promoter targeting Shank3 locus in the presence of Cre recombinaseDepositorInsertShank3 sgRNA
UseAAV and CRISPRTagsExpressionMutationPromoterAvailable sinceMay 15, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#164131PurposeExpresses SpCas9 and mRFP in mammalian cells (an insertion vector to generate Cas9-knockin cell lines)DepositorInsertSpCas9 (cas9 Synthetic)
UseCRISPR and Synthetic BiologyTagsExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterCMVAvailable sinceFeb. 9, 2021AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#78311PurposeExpresses WT SpCas9, EGFP and Puromycin resistance from a CAG promoter.DepositorInsertWT SpCas9-T2A-EGFP-ires-puromycin resistance
UseCRISPRTagsT2A-EGFP-ires-puroExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterCAGAvailable sinceApril 12, 2017AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#64216PurposeExpression vector for a sgRNA against the mouse Rosa26 locus and Cas9 linked to BFP via a T2A peptideDepositorInsertsCas9
sgRNA targeting ROSA26-1
UseCRISPRTags3xFLAG, NLS, and T2A-BFPExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterCBh and U6Available sinceMay 19, 2015AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#223159PurposeExpression of KRAB and truncated MECP2 with dSaCas9 and empty gRNA scaffoldDepositorInsertKRAB-MECP2 (MECP2 Human)
UseAAV and CRISPRTags3xFLAGExpressionMammalianMutationEncodes aa 204-310 (MECP2)PromoterEF1aAvailable sinceAug. 22, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pX601 miniCMV-SaCas9-SpA-sgRNA scaffold
Plasmid#107055PurposeBackbone vector for cloning in target sgRNA for use with SaCas9 (SauCas9)DepositorTypeEmpty backboneUseAAV and CRISPRTagsExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterAvailable sinceApril 18, 2018AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#67620PurposeCo-expressed human optimized S. pyogenese dCas9 fused to KRAB repressor domain and GFPDepositorInserthumanized dead Cas9 KRAB T2A GFP
UseCRISPR and LentiviralTagsFlagExpressionMutationD10A and H840APromoterAvailable sinceMarch 19, 2020AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#184464PurposePlasmid encoding PRDM9-Cas9 fusion under CMV promoterDepositorInsertPRDM9(KRAB-SSXRD-PR/SET-ZF1-dC)-Cas9 (PRDM9 Human)
UseCRISPRTagsFLAGExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterCMVAvailable sinceApril 26, 2022AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#64113PurposeExpression of St1 dCas9-3XGFP in mammalian cellsDepositorInsertSt1 dCas9
UseCRISPR and LentiviralTags3XsfGFPExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterCMV-TOAvailable sinceApril 24, 2015AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#115694PurposeAll-in-one plasmid. Contains expression cassette for NmeCas9 with N and C NLS and HA tag at the C, plus cassette (for cloning of spacer in BsmBI) for expressing sgRNA under the control of U6 promoter.DepositorInsertsNmeCas9
UseCRISPRTagsNLS and NLS, HAExpressionInsect and MammalianMutationNone and fusion of repeat/tracrRNA to make a sgRNAPromoterEF-1 alpha and U6Available sinceSept. 20, 2018AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#196078Purpose(Empty Backbone) Constitutive CRISPRi vector conferring puromycin resistance, ready for insertion of gRNA targeting gene of interest using SapI restriction sites.DepositorInsertsdCas9-KRAB-MeCP2 repressor
hU6 promoter and gRNA scaffold
UseTagsExpressionMammalianMutationCatalytically dead mutant of the Cas9 endonucleas…PromoterAvailable sinceMarch 30, 2023AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pUC19-U6-BsmBI_cassette-Nme/Nme2Cas9-sgRNA (KAC32)
Plasmid#133794PurposeU6 promoter sgRNA entry vector used for all NmeCas9 or Nme2Cas9 sgRNAs (clone spacer oligos into BsmBI cassette) - similar to sgRNA architecture from Amrani et al. Genome Biology 2018DepositorInsertNmeCas9 and Nme2Cas9 sgRNA entry vector
UseTagsExpressionMammalianMutationsgRNA architecture from Amrani et al. Genome Biol…PromoterU6Available sinceMarch 30, 2020AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
dCas9 fused to nanobody (anti-beta catenin)
Plasmid#186420PurposeExpression of dCas9 with C-terminal nanobody fusion recognizing beta catenin tagDepositorInsertdCas9-nanobody fusion (anti-beta catenin)
UseCRISPRTags6HisExpressionMutationPromoterAvailable sinceOct. 28, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pLV hUbC-dSaCas9-KRAB-T2A-PuroR
Plasmid#106249PurposeLentiviral vector with puro selection for expression of S. aureus dCas9-KRABDepositorInsertdead S. aureus Cas9 KRAB T2A PuroR
UseCRISPR and LentiviralTagsHA-NLS and NLS-KRABExpressionMammalianMutationD10A and N580APromoterhUbCAvailable sinceMay 11, 2018AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pLenti spCas9 T2A iRFP670 P2A puro
Plasmid#122182PurposeThe plasmid codes for a Flag-spCas9 protein, a iRFP670 fluorescent protein and a puromycin resistance. The plasmid has two BsmBI acceptor sites to insert gRNA expressing sequences.DepositorInsertsUseLentiviralTagsT2AExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterAvailable sinceFeb. 28, 2019AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#158990PurposeVector G encodes pAAV-pCMV-dSaCas9-VP64-spA-pU6-sgRNA (BsaI) transgenes for AAV packaging and expression of CRISPR activator in mammalian cellsDepositorInsertdSaCas9-VP64
UseAAV and CRISPRTagsExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterpCMVAvailable sinceAug. 29, 2020AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pCMV-T7-ABE8.20m-nSpCas9-NG-P2A-EGFP (KAC1164)
Plasmid#185919PurposepCMV and pT7 plasmid encoding human codon optimized ABE8.20m A-to-G base editor with nickase SpCas9-NG(D10A/L1111R/D1135V/G1218R/E1219F/A1322R/R1335V/T1337R) and P2A-EGFPDepositorInserthuman codon optimized ABE8.20m-nSpCas9-NG-P2A-EGFP
UseIn vitro transcription; t7 promoterTagsBPNLS and BPNLS-3xFLAG-P2A-EGFPExpressionMammalianMutationnSpCas9-NG=D10A/L1111R/D1135V/G1218R/E1219F/A1322…PromoterCMV and T7Available sinceJuly 20, 2022AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pLenti spCas9 T2A mNeonGreen P2A puro
Plasmid#122183PurposeThe plasmid codes for a Flag-spCas9 protein, a mNeonGreen fluorescent protein and a puromycin resistance. The plasmid has two BsmBI acceptor sites to insert gRNA expressing sequences.DepositorInsertsUseLentiviralTagsT2AExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterAvailable sinceApril 11, 2019AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only