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Teichmann Retroviral Mouse Genome-wide CRISPR Knockout Library
(Pooled Library #104861)


Item Catalog # Description Quantity Price (USD)
Pooled Library 104861 gRNA pooled library 1 $540 Add to Cart
Available to Academic and Nonprofits Only
  • A Cas9 plasmid is NOT included with this item and will have to be ordered separately. Can be used in conjunction with other plasmid(s) or cell lines expressing mouse Cas9.

Library Details

  • Species
  • Genes targeted
  • gRNAs
  • Virus Type

Library Shipping

This library is delivered as suspended DNA in a microcentrifuge tube on blue ice. The tube's contents will not necessarily be frozen. For best results, minimize freeze/thaws.

  • Volume
    ∼50 µL
  • Concentration
    20 ng/µL

Resource Information

Depositor Comments

The depositing lab recommends 3–5 electroporations for amplification.

NOTE: Retroviral vectors can recombine during library amplification, resulting in an ~2 kb band containing the origin and ampicillin resistance cassette. This recombination product should not adversely affect library function as it does not contain retroviral packaging sequences or mammalian selection markers. If this 2 kb band forms the predominant product after amplification, we recommend starting with a larger prep (gigaprep) from the original sample or gel purifying the amplified library to remove the recombinant band and performing another transformation with the purified sample.

How to cite this pooled library ( Back to top )

These pooled libraries were created by your colleagues. Please acknowledge the Principal Investigator, cite the article in which the plasmids were described, and include Addgene in the Materials and Methods of your future publications.

  • For your Materials & Methods section:

    Retroviral Mouse Genome-wide CRISPR Knockout Library was a gift from Sarah Teichmann (Addgene #104861 ; ; RRID:Addgene_104861)
  • For your References section:

    Genome-wide CRISPR Screens in T Helper Cells Reveal Pervasive Crosstalk between Activation and Differentiation. Henriksson J, Chen X, Gomes T, Ullah U, Meyer KB, Miragaia R, Duddy G, Pramanik J, Yusa K, Lahesmaa R, Teichmann SA. Cell. 2019 Jan 7. pii: S0092-8674(18)31569-1. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2018.11.044. PubMed 30639098