Chen Mouse Tumor Suppressor Gene CRISPR Knockout Library
(Pooled Libraries #113584, #113585)
This AAV CRISPR knockout library targets mouse tumor suppressor genes (TSG). Each plasmid carries one TSG-targeting sgRNA in addition to one p53-targeting sgRNA. Because the backbone expresses both luciferase and Cre, the library can be used to interrogate tumorigenesis in vivo using a mouse line expressing Cre-dependent Cas9.
Vector Backbone
EFS-Vector (Plasmid #109395) and TBG-Vector (Plasmid #109396) - do not express Cas9; Luciferase and Cre are driven by EF1-alpha and TBG promoters, respectively
Depositing Labs
Item | Catalog # | Description | Quantity | Price (USD) | ||
Pooled Library | 113584 | mTSG CRISPR KO Library - EF1-alpha promoter† | 1 | $275 | Add to Cart | |
Pooled Library | 113585 | mTSG CRISPR KO Library - TBG promoter† | 1 | $275 | Add to Cart |
† A Cas9 plasmid is NOT included with this item. Can be used with other plasmid(s) or cell lines expressing Cas9 or in vivo with LSL-Cas9 transgenic mice.
Library Details
Genes targeted56
Virus TypeAAV
Library Shipping
This library is delivered as suspended DNA in a microcentrifuge tube on blue ice. The tube's contents will not necessarily be frozen. For best results, minimize freeze/thaws.
Volume∼20 µL
Concentration50 ng/µL
Resource Information
Depositor Data
Terms and Licenses
Academic/Nonprofit TermsIndustry Terms- Not Available to Industry
Trademarks- Zeocin® is an InvivoGen trademark.
These pooled libraries were created by your colleagues. Please acknowledge the Principal Investigator, cite the article in which the plasmids were described, and include Addgene in the Materials and Methods of your future publications.
For your Materials & Methods section:
Mouse Tumor Suppressor Gene (mTSG) CRISPR Knockout Library (EF1-alpha promoter) was a gift from Sidi Chen (Addgene #113584 ; ; RRID:Addgene_113584)
Mouse Tumor Suppressor Gene (mTSG) CRISPR Knockout Library (TBG promoter) was a gift from Sidi Chen (Addgene #113585 ; ; RRID:Addgene_113585) -
For your References section:
Mapping a functional cancer genome atlas of tumor suppressors in mouse liver using AAV-CRISPR-mediated direct in vivo screening. Wang G, Chow RD, Ye L, Guzman CD, Dai X, Dong MB, Zhang F, Sharp PA, Platt RJ, Chen S. Sci Adv. 2018 Feb 28;4(2):eaao5508. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aao5508. PubMed 29503867 (Link opens in a new window)