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News Icon Press Release: Addgene Appoints Joanne Kamens as Executive Director

August 22nd, 2011 - Biotech and Non Profit Executive to Lead International Biological Repository into New Phase of Growth

Addgene, a non-profit biological repository based in Cambridge has announced the appointment of its new Executive Director, Dr. Joanne Kamens, Ph.D. Addgene serves the academic community by providing a centralized repository for recombinant DNA molecules known as plasmids. Joanne will be working to advance Addgene’s mission of scientific sharing, expand its contributors, and enhance Addgene’s impact on the research community.

Joanne brings a unique combination of scientific expertise, business acumen, and experience with mission-driven organizations to the Addgene leadership team. Joanne received her PhD in Genetics from Harvard University studying molecular properties of oncogenes under Roger Brent. She spent 15 years in the pharmaceutical industry at Abbott Research Center and moved into the biotechnology sector as Senior Director of Research Collaborations at RXi Pharmaceuticals. Joanne has demonstrated outstanding leadership in a number of local and national non-profit organizations. She founded the Massachusetts chapter of the Association for Women in Science (AWIS), serves on the Board of Directors of Women Entrepreneurs in Science and Technology (WEST), and is Director of Mentoring for the Boston chapter of the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA).

“I am thrilled to have the opportunity to give back to the research community,” said Joanne. “I have always been passionate about scientific collaboration and sharing, and am looking forward to leading Addgene in its next phase of growth.”

Addgene’s former Executive Director, Melina Fan, will be staying on as Director of Scientific Outreach. Melina co-founded the organization and has overseen its expansion for the past 7 years to its current state of over 1,000 contributing laboratories and over 50,000 plasmids distributed annually.

“I would like to thank the Addgene community for its support of our mission,” said Melina. “I have enjoyed serving as Executive Director, and I am enthusiastic about working to advance scientific sharing in this new role under Joanne’s leadership.”