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Hamdoun Lab - Fluorescent Protein Fusion Construct Set
(Kit # 1000000033 )

Depositing Lab:   Amro Hamdoun

The Hamdoun lab has constructed fluorescent protein-containing empty vectors that can be used in Zebrafish, Sea urchin, Xenopus, and C. elegans. The following 9 plasmids have been bundled together to provide a useful “starter kit” for screening fluorescent protein fusion expression in organisms or cells in which an exogenous mRNA can be injected and expressed. The utility of this kit is that it enables the user to generate N and C terminal fusions to mCherry, Cerulean, mCitrine, or EGFP, and could be also be employed for many types of multicolor experiments or assays with fluorescent small organic molecules.

This kit consists of 9 individually packaged plasmids, which are shipped as bacterial stabs at room temperature. Individual plasmids can be ordered from each plasmid page and will be shipped as bacterial stabs.

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$350 USD + shipping
Available to academics and nonprofits only.

Original Publication

Localization and Substrate Selectivity of Sea Urchin Multidrug (MDR) Efflux Transporters. Gökirmak T, Campanale JP, Shipp LE, Moy GW, Tao H, Hamdoun A. J Biol Chem. 2012 Dec 21;287(52):43876-83. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.424879. Epub 2012 Nov 2. PubMed PMID 23124201


The kit consists of eight empty backbones for the fusion of any of four fluorescent proteins to your gene of interest, at either the N- or C-terminus. The four available fluorescent tags are mCherry, Cerulean, mCitrine, and eGFP. The multiple cloning site of each plasmid contains four 8bp restriction sites (AscI, PacI, FseI, AsiSI). Included in the kit is the modified backbone pCS2+8, which contains the four 8bp cutters and no tag.

How to Cite this Kit

These plasmids were created by your colleagues. Please acknowledge the Principal Investigator, cite the article in which they were created, and include Addgene in the Materials and Methods of your future publications.

For your Materials and Methods section:
"The pCS2+8 fluorescent protein plasmid kit used in this study was a gift from Amro Hamdoun (Addgene kit # 1000000033)"

For your Reference section:
Localization and Substrate Selectivity of Sea Urchin Multidrug (MDR) Efflux Transporters. Gökirmak T, Campanale JP, Shipp LE, Moy GW, Tao H, Hamdoun A. J Biol Chem. 2012 Dec 21;287(52):43876-83. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.424879. Epub 2012 Nov 2. PubMed PMID 23124201

Kit Contents

This kit will be sent as bacterial stabs.

ID Name
34931 pCS2+8
34935 pCS2+8CmCherry
34936 pCS2+8NmCherry
34937 pCS2+8CCerulean
34938 pCS2+8NCerulean
34950 pCS2+8CmCitrine
34951 pCS2+8NmCitrine
34952 pCS2+8CeGFP
34953 pCS2+8NeGFP
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