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Baylor College of Medicine Gene Vector Core Lentiviral and Adenoviral Vectors

Kazuhiro Oka and the Baylor College of Medicine Gene Vector Core (Link opens in a new window) have kindly deposited a series of lentiviral and adenoviral transfer vectors with Addgene.

Lentiviral Transfer Vectors

Within this set of lentiviral transfer vectors you can find reporter plasmids to test whether or not you've efficiently generated infectious virus, plasmids expressing both the Cre and Flp recombinases to remove genes flanked by either loxP or frt sites respectively, and empty vectors to express your gene of interest under the control of a variety of promoters. Professor Oka and the Baylor College of Medicine Gene Vector Core have also kindly provided this protocol detailing the process for packaging these transfer vectors and generating infectious virus.

Lentiviral Vector ID Purpose
pCDH-EF1-DIO-copGFP 72253 Expresses copGFP under EF-1 promoter when Cre is expressed by another vector
pCDH-EF1-DIO-tdTomato 72254 Expresses tdTomato under EF-1 promoter when Cre is expressed by another vector
pCDH-CB-iCre-P2A-tdTomato-T2A-Puro 72255 NOT AVAILABLE YET Cre is coexpressed with tdTomato and Pac (puromycin N-acethyl-transferase)
pCDH-CB-copGFP-T2A-iCre 72256 Expresses copGFP and iCre under from the CB promoter
pCDH-CB-iCre 72257 Express iCre under from the CB promoter
pCDH-CB-FLPe-P2A-copGFP-T2A-Puro 72258 Expresses FLPe, copGFP and the puromycin resistance from the CB promoter
pCDH-CB-FLPe-P2A-tdTomato 72259 Expresses FLPe and tdTomato from the CB promoter
pCDH-EF1-Fon-copGFP 72260 Expresses copGFP from the EF1 promoter when FLP is expressed by another vector
pCDH-EF1-Fon-tdTomato 72261 Expresses tdTomato from the EF1 promoter when FLP is expressed by another vector
pCDH-EF1-FLPe 72262 Expresses FLPe from the EF-1 promoter
pCDH-EF1-copGFP-T2A-Puro 72263 Express copGFP and the puromycin resistance gene from the EF1 promoter
pCDH-CMV-mCherry-T2A-Puro 72264 Express mCherry and puromycin resistance gene from the CMV promoter
pCDH-CMV 72265 Express gene of interest from the CMV promoter
pCDH-EF1 72266 Express gene of interest from the EF-1 promoter
pCDH-CB 72267 Express gene of interest from the CB promoter
pCDH-PGK 72268 xpress gene of interest from the PGK (phosphoglycerate kinase I) promoter
pCDH-CMV4 72284 Express gene of interest from the CMV promoter. WPRE has been removed to increase the cloning capacity.
pCDH-CB-IRES-copGFP-T2A-Puro 72299 Express gene of interest from the CB promoter
pCDH-EF1s 72484 Express gene of interest from a truncated EF-1 promoter
pCDH-EF1-Luc2-P2A-copGFP 72485 Expresses Luc2 and copGFP from the EF1 promoter
pCDH-EF1-Luc2-P2A-tdTomato 72486 Expresses Luc2 and tdTomato from the EF1 promoter
pLL3.7-TNFa-shRNA3 72598 Expresses shRNA against mouse TNF-alpha mRNA from the mouse U6 promoter
pCDH-EF1-Nluc-P2A-copGFP-T2A-Puro 73022 Expresses Nluc and copGFP from the EF1 promoter
pCDH-EF1-Nluc 73024 Express Nluc from the EF1 promoter
pCDH-EF1-copGFP 73030 Expresses copGFP from the EF1 promoter
pCDH-EF1s-Nluc-P2A-copGFP-T2A-Puro 73032 Expresses Nluc and copGFP from a truncated EF1 promoter
pCDH-EF1S-Nluc 73033 Expresses Nluc from a truncated EF1 promoter
pCDH-EF1s-copGFP 73034 Expressed copGFP from a truncated EF1 promoter
pCDH-CMV-Nluc-P2A-copGFp-T2A-Puro 73037 Expresses Nluc and copGFP from the CMV promoter
pCDH-CMV-Nluc 73038 Expresses Nluc from the CMV promoter
pCDH-CB-Nluc-P2A-copGFP-T2A-Puro 73039 Expresses Nluc and copGFP from the chicken beta-actin CMV enhancer
pCDH-PGK-Nluc-P2A-copGFP-T2A-Puro 73040 Expresses Nluc and copGFP from the PGK promoter

Adenoviral Vectors

The adenoviral transfer vectors contained within this set are derived from pAdenoX from Clontech and can be used to generate adenovirus expressing a variety of reporters as well as the Cre and Flp recombinases. Genes can be cloned into these transfer vectors using shuttle vectors pICPIS-EF1 and pICPIS-CB. pICPIS-EF1 contains the EF1 promoter while pICPIS-CB contains the Chicken-beta actin promoter with CMV enhancer. pAdx-CMV-LacZ is uniquely suited to simplify the cloning process as it can be used in blue-white screening and forms blue colonies on LB/Amp/Xgal/IPTG plates — if your insert is successfully cloned into this vector, transformants will instead form white colonies.

Adenoviral Vector ID Purpose
pAdx-CMV-LacZ 73345 Expresses lacZ from the CMV promoter, forms blue colonies on LB/Amp/Xgal/IPTG plate
pAdx-CMV-copGFP 73346 Expresses copGFP from the CMV promoter
pAdx-CMV-tdTomato 73347 Expresses tdTomato from the CMV promoter
pAdx-CMV-YFP 73348 Express YFP with an NLS from the CMV promoter
pAdx-CMV-dsRed 73349 Expresses dsRed from the CMV promoter
pAdx-CMV-iCre-p2A-copGFP 73350 Expresses iCre and EGFP from the CMV promoter
pAdx-CMV-iCre-P2A-tdTomato 73351 Expresses iCre and tdTomato from the CMV promoter
pAdxEF1-FLPe-tdTomato 73352 Expresses FLPe and tdTomato from the EF1 promoter
pAdx-EF1-copGFP 73353 Expresses copGFP from the EF1 promoter
pAdx-EF1-tdTomato 73354 Expresses tdTomato from the EF1 promoter
pICPIS-EF1 73355 Adeno X shuttle vector with EF1 promoter and SV40 polyA
pICPIS-CB 73356 AdenoX shuttle vector with chicken-beta actin CMV enhancer promoter SV40 polyA