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Plasmids for ARF Superfamily Research

The ARF (ADP-ribosylation factor) family of regulatory GTPases have long been characterized as members of the RAS superfamily, though recently have been argued to form their own superfamily (Klinger, et al 2016 PMID: 26893300). Though best known for their roles as regulators of membrane traffic, they also play critical roles at cilia, centrosomes, the plasma membrane, lipid droplets, the nucleus, and mitochondria. The activity of GTPases is regulated both upstream (by GEFs, guanine nucleotide exchange factors), and downstream (by GAPs, GTPase activating proteins, which also serve effector roles). A compatible GEF, GTPase, and GAP set is referred to as a minimal triad, with each component involved in GTPase signaling activity.

ARF Superfamily locations

Locations of ARF Superfamily members.
Figure from Szutl, et al 2019 PMID: 31084567.

More information about ARF Superfamily members can be found in: ARF GTPases and their GEFs and GAPs: concepts and challenges Sztul E, Chen PW, Casanova JE, Cherfils J, Dacks JB, Lambright DG, Lee FS, Randazzo PA, Santy LC, Schürmann A, Wilhelmi I, Yohe ME, Kahn RA. Mol Biol Cell. 2019 May 15;30(11):1249-1271. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E18-12-0820. PubMed PMID: 31084567.

The content for this page was generated with the help of Richard Kahn.

Browse ARF GTPase Plasmids by Gene

The following table lists genes in the ARF GTPase family, information on each gene, and examples of plasmid types available for each gene. Click the gene name for a full list of plasmids available. Please note that some genes may not yet have plasmids available for request.

Family Gene Entrez Gene ID Length (aa) Example Expression Systems
GTPase Arf1 375 181 Bacterial (pET), Mammalian (pcDNA3), Gateway
GTPase Arf3 377 181 Bacterial (pET), Mammalian (pcDNA3), Gateway
GTPase Arf4 378 180 Bacterial (pET), Mammalian (pcDNA3), Gateway
GTPase Arf5 381 180 Bacterial (pET), Mammalian (pcDNA3), Gateway
GTPase Arf6 382 175 Bacterial (pET), Mammalian (pcDNA3), Gateway
GTPase Arl1 400 181 Bacterial (pET), Gateway
GTPase Arl2 402 184 Bacterial (pET), Mammalian (pcDNA3), Gateway
GTPase Arl3 403 182 Bacterial (pET), Mammalian (pcDNA3), Gateway
GTPase Arl4a 10124 200 Bacterial (pET), Gateway
GTPase Arl4c 10123 201/192 Gateway
GTPase Arl4d 379 201 Gateway
GTPase Arl5a 26225 179 Bacterial (pET), Gateway
GTPase Arl5b 221079 179 Bacterial (pET), Gateway
GTPase Arl5c 390790 179
GTPase Arl6 84100 186 Bacterial (pET), Gateway
GTPase Arl8a 127829 186 Bacterial (pET), Gateway
GTPase Arl8b 55207 186 Bacterial (pET), Gateway
GTPase Arl9 132946 187
GTPase Arl10 285598 276; 244
GTPase Arl11 115761 196 Bacterial (pET), Gateway
GTPase Arl13a 392509 256
GTPase Arl13b 200894 428 Mammalian (pcDNA3), Gateway
GTPase Arl14 80117 192 Bacterial (pET), Gateway
GTPase Arl15 54622 204
GTPase Arl16 339231 197 Bacterial (pET)
GTPase Arfrp1 10139 201 Gateway
GTPase Sar1a 56681 198 Bacterial (pET), Gateway
GTPase Sar1b 51128 198 Gateway
GTPase Trim23 373 574

Browse ARF GAP and GEF Plasmids by Gene

The following table lists genes in the ARF GAP and GEF family, information on each gene, and examples of plasmid types available for each gene. Click the gene name for a full list of plasmids available. Please note that some genes may not yet have plasmids available for request.

Family Gene Entrez Gene ID Length (aa) Example Expression Systems
GAP Arfgap1 55738 414 Bacterial (pET)
GAP Arfgap2 84364 521 Bacterial (pET)
GAP Arfgap3 26286 516
GAP Asap1 5080 1129
GAP Asap2 8853 1006
GAP Asap3 55616 903 Bacterial (pET)
GAP Arap1 116985 1450
GAP Arap2 116984 1704
GAP Arap3 64411 1544 Mammalian (pEGFP-C2)
GAP Acap1 9744 740 Mammalian (pFLAG-CMV2)
GAP Acap2 23527 778
GAP Acap3 116983 834
GAP Agap1 116987 857
GAP Agap2 116986 1192 Bacterial (pET)
GAP Agap3 116988 911 Bacterial (pET)
GAP Adap1 11033 374 Bacterial (pET)
GAP Adap2 55803 387
GAP Smap1 60682 467
GAP Smap2 64744 429 Bacterial (pET)
GAP Git1 28964 770
GAP Git2 9815 759
GAP ELMOD1 55531 334
GAP ELMOD2 255550 293 Mammalian (pcDNA3)
GAP ELMOD3 84173 381 Mammalian (pcDNA3)
GEF Arfgef1 10565 1849 Mammalian (pcDNA4c)
GEF Arfgef2 10564 1785
GEF Iqsec1 9922 1114 Gateway
GEF Iqsec2 23096 1488 Bacterial (pET)
GEF Iqsec3 440073 1182
GEF Cyth1 9267 398 Gateway
GEF Cyth2 9266 400 Mammalian (pEGFP-C1), Gateway
GEF Cyth3 9265 399 Gateway
GEF Cyth4 27128 394 Gateway
GEF Gbf1 8729 1859 Gateway
GEF Psd 5662 1024
GEF Psd2 84249 771 Gateway
GEF Psd3 23362 1047 Gateway
GEF Psd4 23550 1056
GEF Fbxo8 26269 319 Gateway

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