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Recently Deposited Plasmids

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI Available On
179559 p300 core-dCas9-CBP core S. pyogenes dCas9 with n-terminal fusion of human p300 core (aa 1048-1664) & c-terminal fusion of human CBP core (aa 1084-1701) (Homo sapiens) Hilton Feb 18, 2022
179543 dCas9-CBP core S. Pyogenes dCas9 with c-terminal human CBP core (aa 1084-1701) (Homo sapiens) Hilton Feb 18, 2022
179547 dCas9-CBP HAT S. pyogenes dCas9 with c-terminal fusion of human CBP HAT domain (aa 1323-1701) (Homo sapiens) Hilton Feb 18, 2022
168787 pRecomb-loxP-mCherry-4Gcloningsite-lox2272-66 Chooi Feb 18, 2022
168784 pGem-PgpdA-Cre-TtrpC Cre (Synthetic) Chooi Feb 18, 2022
168785 pGem-LP1-loxP-bar-lox2272-71 bar (Synthetic), Homology arm (ChrIV_A_nidulans_FGSC_A4:2736011,2737053) (Other), Homology arm (ChrIV_A_nidulans_FGSC_A4:2790295,2791327) (Other), loxP (Synthetic), lox2272-71 (Synthetic) Chooi Feb 18, 2022
168786 pGem-LP2-loxP-bar-lox2272-71 bar (Synthetic), IS1 Homology arm 1 (Other), IS1 Homology arm 2 (Other), loxP (Synthetic), lox2272-71 (Synthetic) Chooi Feb 18, 2022
170124 MCP-ADAR2-DD MCP-ADAR2-DD-NES (Homo sapiens) Mali Feb 18, 2022
176651 pCDH-EF1-mVenus-p27K− mVenus-p27K- (Mus musculus) Bentires-Alj Feb 17, 2022
179953 YFVdelCME-mVenus YFV-17D lacking C, prM, E proteins but with mVenus (Other) Xu Feb 17, 2022
171885 pStA0::SPLc19-RBS21 Promoter SPLc19 and RBSc21 (Synthetic) Heap Feb 17, 2022
179545 dCas9-p300 PHD-HAT S. pyogenes dCas9 with c-terminal fusion of human p300 PHD-HAT domain (aa 1243-1664) (Homo sapiens) Hilton Feb 17, 2022
171904 pStA0::SPLc19-RBSc249 Promoter SPLc19 and RBSc249 (Synthetic) Heap Feb 17, 2022
171900 pStA0::SPLc25-RBSc123 Promoter SPLc25 and RBSc123 (Synthetic) Heap Feb 17, 2022
171887 pStA0::SPLc45-RBSc21 Promoter SPLc45 and RBSc21 (Synthetic) Heap Feb 17, 2022
171901 pStA0::SPLc45-RBSc123 Promoter SPLc45 and RBSc123 (Synthetic) Heap Feb 17, 2022
179554 GCN5 FL-dCas9-p300 core S. pyogenes dCas9 with n-terminal fusion of full length human GCN5 and c-terminal fusion of human p300 core (aa 1048-1664) (Homo sapiens) Hilton Feb 17, 2022
171896 pStA0::SPLc45-RBSc110 Promoter SPLc45 and RBSc110 (Synthetic) Heap Feb 17, 2022
171893 pStA0::SPLc3-RBSc110 Promoter SPLc3 and RBSc110 (Synthetic) Heap Feb 17, 2022
179552 dCas9-GCN5 FL S. pyogenes dCas9 with c-terminal fusion of full length human GCN5 (Homo sapiens) Hilton Feb 17, 2022
171890 pStA0::SPLc25-RBSc48 Promoter SPLc25 and RBSc48 (Synthetic) Heap Feb 17, 2022
179549 dCas9-CBP RING-PHD-HAT S. pyogenes dCas9 with c-terminal fusion of human CBP RING-PHD-HAT domain (aa 1191-1701) (Homo sapiens) Hilton Feb 17, 2022
179548 dCas9-CBP PHD-HAT S. pyogenes dCas9 with c-terminal fusion of human CBP PHD-HAT domain (aa 1279-1701) (Homo sapiens) Hilton Feb 17, 2022
179556 GCN5 FL-dCas9-CBP core S. pyogenes dCas9 with n-terminal fusion of full length human GCN5 and c-terminal fusion of human CBP core (aa 1084-1701) (Homo sapiens) Hilton Feb 17, 2022
179546 dCas9-p300 RING-PHD-HAT S. pyogenes dCas9 with c-terminal fusion of human p300 RING-PHD-HAT domain (aa 1155-1664) (Homo sapiens) Hilton Feb 17, 2022
178429 AAV-DIO-TC66T-2A-EGFP-2A-oG TVA950 Glu66→Thr (Other), Optimized G (Synthetic), EGFP (Other) Callaway Feb 17, 2022
178431 AAV-DIO-TVA-2A-oG TVA950 (Other), Optimized G (Synthetic) Callaway Feb 17, 2022
178430 AAV-DIO-TC66T-2A-oG TVA950 Glu66→Thr (Other), Optimized G (Synthetic) Callaway Feb 17, 2022
174471 pFX-GalT-EGFP EGFP with golgi apparatus-targeting sequence (Other) Ohba Feb 17, 2022
175829 pFX-β-tubulin-mCherry mCherry with microtuble-targeting sequence (Other) Ohba Feb 17, 2022
171878 pGT270 Heap Feb 17, 2022
174461 pFX-mCherry-Rab11 mCherry with recycling endosome-targeting sequence (Other) Ohba Feb 17, 2022
174459 pFX-iRFP-Rab7 iRFP with late endosome-targeting sequence (Other) Ohba Feb 17, 2022
110945 pmTurquoise-parkin E3 ubiquitin ligase parkin (Homo sapiens) Rivera-Fuentes Feb 17, 2022
110946 pmTurquoise2-Drp1 Dynamin-1-like protein (Homo sapiens) Rivera-Fuentes Feb 17, 2022
110947 pmTurquoise2-LC3 Microtubule-associated proteins 1A/1B light chain 3B (Homo sapiens) Rivera-Fuentes Feb 17, 2022
179116 pDY0423 Cargo EGFP with AttP Bxb1 site for in-frame fusion (Parent minicircle) Cargo EGFP with AttP Bxb1 site for in-frame fusion Abudayyeh Feb 17, 2022
179106 pDY0863 PASTEv4 pCMV-SpCas9-XTEN-RT(L139P)-(GGGS)3-BceINT pCMV-SpCas9-XTEN-RT(L139P)-(GGGS)3-BceINT Abudayyeh Feb 17, 2022
179108 pDY0663 ACTB atgRNA with v2 scaffold ACTB N-term PBS 13 RT 29 AttB 46 atgRNA with v2 scaffold Abudayyeh Feb 17, 2022
179109 pDY0209 ACTB Nicking guide +48 ACTB N-term Nicking guide 1 +48 guide Abudayyeh Feb 17, 2022
179115 pDY0181 Cargo EGFP with AttP Bxb1 site (Parent minicircle) Cargo EGFP with AttP Bxb1 site Abudayyeh Feb 17, 2022
179105 pDY1052 PASTEv3 pCMV-SpCas9-XTEN3-RT(L139P)-(GGS)6-BxbINT pCMV-SpCas9-XTEN3-RT(L139P)-(GGS)6-BxbINT Abudayyeh Feb 17, 2022
161616 IDG_CACNA2D2_OE_1 CACNA2D2 (Homo sapiens) McManus Feb 17, 2022
130831 pHWBF06exp SUN2 (Other) Bass Feb 17, 2022
171907 pStA0::SPLc47-RBSc249 Promoter SPLc47 and RBSc249 (Synthetic) Heap Feb 16, 2022
171905 pStA0::SPLc25-RBsc249 Promoter SPLc25 and RBSc249 (Synthetic) Heap Feb 16, 2022
171886 pStA0::SPLc25-RBSc21 Promoter SPLc25 and RBSc21 (Synthetic) Heap Feb 16, 2022
181787 pShCAST(Cas12k-TniQ)-sgRNA_entry (CJT11) ShTnsB, ShTnsC, ShCas12k-ShTniQ (Synthetic) Kleinstiver Feb 16, 2022
171883 pStA0::SPLc45-RBSc4 Promoter SPLc45 and RBSc4 (Synthetic) Heap Feb 16, 2022
171906 pStA0::SPLc45-RBsc249 Promoter SPLc45 and RBSc249 (Synthetic) Heap Feb 16, 2022