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De novo pyrimidine synthesis is a targetable vulnerability in IDH mutant glioma.

Shi DD, Savani MR, Levitt MM, Wang AC, Endress JE, Bird CE, Buehler J, Stopka SA, Regan MS, Lin YF, Puliyappadamba VT, Gao W, Khanal J, Evans L, Lee JH, Guo L, Xiao Y, Xu M, Huang B, Jennings RB, Bonal DM, Martin-Sandoval MS, Dang T, Gattie LC, Cameron AB, Lee S, Asara JM, Kornblum HI, Mak TW, Looper RE, Nguyen QD, Signoretti S, Gradl S, Sutter A, Jeffers M, Janzer A, Lehrman MA, Zacharias LG, Mathews TP, Losman JA, Richardson TE, Cahill DP, DeBerardinis RJ, Ligon KL, Xu L, Ly P, Agar NYR, Abdullah KG, Harris IS, Kaelin WG Jr, McBrayer SK
Cancer Cell. 2022 Sep 12;40(9):939-956.e16. doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2022.07.011. Epub 2022 Aug 18. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
188982pMSCV-MerCreMer-hygroExpresses tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase
189977pAAV2-sgTrp53-sgAtrx-EFS-CreExpresses Cre cDNA and sgRNAs targeting murine Trp53 and Atrx
189978pLBCX-Large-T-antigenK1 mutantRetroviral vector used to immortalize human cells

Antibodies from Article