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Revisiting astrocyte to neuron conversion with lineage tracing in vivo.

Wang LL, Serrano C, Zhong X, Ma S, Zou Y, Zhang CL
Cell. 2021 Oct 14;184(21):5465-5481.e16. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.09.005. Epub 2021 Sep 27. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
178580AAV-hGFAP-GFPExpression of GFP under the human GFAP promoter
178581AAV-hGFAP-mCherryExpression of mCherry under the human GFAP promoter
178582AAV-hGFAP-NEUROD1-T2A-mCherryExpression of NEUROD1 and mCherry under the human GFAP promoter
178583AAV-CAG-FLEX-mCherryCre-dependent expression of mCherry under the constitutive promoter
178584AAV-CAG-FLEX-NEUROD1-T2A-mCherryCre-dependent expression of NEUROD1 and mCherry under the constitutive promoter
178585AAV-CAG-FLEX-HA-DLX2-T2A-mCherryCre-dependent expression of HA-DLX2 and mCherry under the constitutive promoter
178586AAV-hGFAP-ND1-R111L-T2A-mCherryExpression of NEUROD1-R111L and mCherry under the human GFAP promoter
178587AAV-hGFAP-ND1-K139D-T2A-mCherryExpression of NEUROD1-K139D and mCherry under the human GFAP promoter
178588AAV-hGFAP-mCherry-shLuciExpression of mCherry and a shRNA against luciferase under the human GFAP promoter
178589AAV-hGFAP-mCherry-shPtbp1Expression of mCherry and a shRNA against Ptbp1 under the human GFAP promoter
178590AAV-CAG-LSL-mCherry-shLuciCre-dependent expression of mCherry and a shRNA against luciferase under the constitutive promoter
178591AAV-CAG-LSL-mCherry-shPtbp1Cre-dependent expression of mCherry and a shRNA against Ptbp1 under the constitutive promoter

Antibodies from Article