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Massively parallel assessment of human variants with base editor screens.

Hanna RE, Hegde M, Fagre CR, DeWeirdt PC, Sangree AK, Szegletes Z, Griffith A, Feeley MN, Sanson KR, Baidi Y, Koblan LW, Liu DR, Neal JT, Doench JG
Cell. 2021 Feb 18;184(4):1064-1080.e20. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.01.012. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
158579pMT_025Lentiviral expression of a customizable open reading frame
158580pLX_313-EGFPLentiviral expression of EGFP
158581pRDA_256Lentiviral expression of BE3.9max and customizable gRNA
158582pRDA_078Lentiviral expression of BE4max and customizable gRNA
158583pRDA_085Lentiviral expression of SpCas9; P2A site provides mKate2

Antibodies from Article