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Scalable, two-stage, autoinduction of recombinant protein expression in E. coli utilizing phosphate depletion.

Menacho-Melgar R, Ye Z, Moreb EA, Yang T, Efromson JP, Decker JS, Wang R, Lynch MD
Biotechnol Bioeng. 2020 May 22. doi: 10.1002/bit.27440. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
65814pSMART-Ala1NADPH dependent Alanine Dehydrogenase, Low Phosphate Dependent E. coli Expression
65822pSMART-GFPuvGFPuv Expression, Low Phosphate Dependent E. coli Expression
87135pSMART-ala10NADPH dependent Alanine Dehydrogenase, Low Phosphate Dependent E. coli Expression
127058pHCKan-yibDp-mCherryLow phosphate inducible mCherry with N-terminal linker and His tag
127060pTKhc-yibDp-GFP-β20cp6Low phosphate inducible circular permutation of GFP, which is a substrate of the lon protease
127078pHCKan-yibDp-GFPuvLow phosphate inducible yibD gene promoter expressing GFPuv reporter
134590pHCKan-yibDp-mdlCLow Phosphate inducible mdlC benzylformate decarboxylase
134592pHCKan-yibDp-GSTLow Phosphate inducible GST
134593pHCKan-INSyibp-NefLow Phosphate inducible Nef
134595pHCKan-yibDp-cimA3.7Low Phosphate inducible mutant citramalate synthase
134596pHCKan-yibDp-CBD-hGLYLow Phosphate inducible hGLYAT2 with N-terminal chitin binding domain tag
134597pCDF-yibDp-matBLow Phosphate inducible matB (malonyl-CoA synthetase)
134598pHCKan-yibDp-SBS-mCherryLow Phosphate inducible SBS (bonryl-diphosphate) synthase with C-terminal mCherry)
134938pTKhc-yibDp-GFP-cp6Low phosphate inducible circular permutation of GFP
134939pHCKan-yibDp-ald*-alaELow phosphate inducible alanine dehydrogenase and alanine exporter
134940pHCKan-T7-CBD-hGLYT7 based expression of human glycine acyltransferase with an N-terminal chitin binding domain

Antibodies from Article