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Phosphorylation of the FUS low-complexity domain disrupts phase separation, aggregation, and toxicity.

Monahan Z, Ryan VH, Janke AM, Burke KA, Rhoads SN, Zerze GH, O'Meally R, Dignon GL, Conicella AE, Zheng W, Best RB, Cole RN, Mittal J, Shewmaker F, Fawzi NL
EMBO J. 2017 Aug 8. pii: e201696394. doi: 10.15252/embj.201696394. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
98652MBP-FUS_FL_12EExpresses MBP-tagged full length phosphomimetic FUS
98653MBP-FUS_LC_WTExpresses MBP-tagged FUS AA 1-163
98654MBP-FUS_LC_12EExpresses MBP-tagged phosphomimetic FUS AA 1-163
98655MBP-FUS_FL_6EExpresses MBP-tagged full length phosphomimetic FUS

Antibodies from Article