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An Abundant Class of Non-coding DNA Can Prevent Stochastic Gene Silencing in the C. elegans Germline.

Frokjaer-Jensen C, Jain N, Hansen L, Davis MW, Li Y, Zhao D, Rebora K, Millet JR, Liu X, Kim SK, Dupuy D, Jorgensen EM, Fire AZ
Cell. 2016 Jul 14;166(2):343-57. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2016.05.072. Epub 2016 Jun 30. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
84826pCFJ889Minimos transposon with Psmu-1:smu-1:GFP:smu-1 UTR and cbr-unc-119 selection
84827pCFJ1137Minimos transposon with Peft-3:GFP:tbb-2 3'UTR and cbr-unc-119 selection. GFP was optimized for C. elegans, contains 2x NLS (SV40/egl-13), and synthetic introns
84828pCFJ1415Minimos transposon with Peft-3:GFP:tbb-2 3'UTR and cbr-unc-119 selection. GFP was optimized for C. elegans, contains 2x NLS (SV40/egl-13), and smu-1 introns
84829pCFJ1320Minimos transposon with Peft-3:GFP:tbb-2 3'UTR and cbr-unc-119 selection. GFP was optimized for C. elegans, contains 2x NLS (SV40/egl-13), and smu-2 introns
84830pCFJ1955Minimos transposon with Peft-3:tdTomato:tbb-2 3'UTR and cbr-unc-119 selection. tdTomato was optimized for C. elegans, contains 2x NLS (SV40/egl-13), and synthetic introns

Antibodies from Article