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A modular open platform for systematic functional studies under physiological conditions.

Mulholland CB, Smets M, Schmidtmann E, Leidescher S, Markaki Y, Hofweber M, Qin W, Manzo M, Kremmer E, Thanisch K, Bauer C, Rombaut P, Herzog F, Leonhardt H, Bultmann S
Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 May 24. pii: gkv550. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
65521attB-GFPPlasmid for the generation of GFP-knockin fusions via Bxb1-mediated recombination into MIN-tagged cell lines
65524attB-­GFP-­Poly(A)Plasmid for the generation of gene disruptions via Bxb1-mediated recombination into MIN-tagged cell lines. This vector can also be used to express cDNAs.
65525attB-mCh-Poly(A)Plasmid for the generation of gene disruptions via Bxb1-mediated recombination into MIN-tagged cell lines. This vector can also be used to express cDNAs.
65526attB-­GFP-­Poly(A)‐NeoRNeoR containing plasmid for the generation of gene disruptions via Bxb1-mediated recombination into MIN-tagged cell lines. This vector can also be used to express cDNAs.
65528attB-­mCh-­Poly(A)‐NeoRNeoR containing plasmid for the generation of gene disruptions via Bxb1-mediated recombination into MIN-tagged cell lines. This vector can also be used to express cDNAs.
65529attB‐mCh­‐Poly(A)-­PuroRPuroR containing plasmid for the generation of gene disruptions via Bxb1-mediated recombination into MIN-tagged cell lines. This vector can also be used to express cDNAs.
65531attB-GFP-Dnmt3b1-Poly(A)Plasmid for Bxb1-mediated recombination of the GFP-Dnmt3b1 cDNA into a MIN-tagged locus
65532attB-GFP-Dnmt3b6-Poly(A)Plasmid for Bxb1-mediated recombination of the GFP-Dnmt3b6 cDNA into a MIN-tagged locus
65551attB-GFP-Dnmt3b1-Poly(A)-NeoRPlasmid for Bxb1-mediated recombination of the GFP-Dnmt3b1 cDNA into a MIN-tagged locus using Neomycin selection
65552attB-GFP-Dnmt3b6-Poly(A)-NeoRPlasmid for Bxb1-mediated recombination of the GFP-Dnmt3b6 cDNA into a MIN-tagged locus using Neomycin selection
65553attB-mCh-Dnmt3b1-Poly(A)-NeoRPlasmid for Bxb1-mediated recombination of the mCh-Dnmt3b1 cDNA into a MIN-tagged locus using Neomycin selection
65554attB-mCh-Dnmt3b6-Poly(A)-NeoRPlasmid for Bxb1-mediated recombination of the mCh-Dnmt3b6 cDNA into a MIN-tagged locus using Neomycin selection
65556attB-mCh-Dnmt3b1-Poly(A)-PuroRPlasmid for Bxb1-mediated recombination of the mCh-Dnmt3b1 cDNA into a MIN-tagged locus using Puromycin selection
65559attB-GFP-Tet1-Poly(A)Plasmid for Bxb1-mediated recombination of the GFP-Tet1 cDNA into a MIN-tagged locus
65560attB-GFP-Tet1d834-1363-Poly(A)Plasmid for Bxb1-mediated recombination of the GFP-Tet1d1054-1363 cDNA into a MIN-tagged locus
65561attB-GFP-Tet1d834-1053-Poly(A)Plasmid for Bxb1-mediated recombination of the GFP-Tet1d834-1053 cDNA into a MIN-tagged locus
65624Bxb1-surrogate-reporterFluorescent reporter to monitor the activty of Bxb1
65625pCAG-tagRFP-NLS-HA-Bxb1Vector for cotranslational expression of tagRFP-Bxb1
65626pEX-A-U6-gRNAEmpty vector for the expression U6 driven gRNA

Antibodies from Article