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KRAS and YAP1 Converge to Regulate EMT and Tumor Survival.

Shao DD, Xue W, Krall EB, Bhutkar A, Piccioni F, Wang X, Schinzel AC, Sood S, Rosenbluh J, Kim JW, Zwang Y, Roberts TM, Root DE, Jacks T, Hahn WC
Cell. 2014 Jul 3;158(1):171-84. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2014.06.004. Epub 2014 Jun 19. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
59140pLX304-FOS-V5wild-type FOS with C-terminal V5 tag expressed from pLX vector
59141pLX304-YAP1 _SH3bmYAP1 mutants that harbored a deletion of SH3 binding motif, which disrupts interaction of YES1 with YAP1
59143pLX304-YAP1 _TAYAP1 mutants that harbor a deletion of the transcriptional activation domain
59144pLX304-YAP1 _60-89YAP1 mutants that harbored a deletion of amino acide at 60-89 position, which disrupts binding to TEAD transcription factors
59145pLX304-YAP1(S94A)YAP1 serine 94 o alanine mutants which disrupts binding to TEAD transcription factors
59147pLX304-YAP1 _PDZYAP1 mutants that harbored a deletion of the 5 amino acids
59913TGMP.shKras.1422Tet on shKras for conditional Kras knockdown
59915TRMPVneo.Yap.3093Tet on shRNA for conditional Yap1 knockdown
116871Tet-pLKO-puro shKRASTet-inducible suppression of KRAS

Antibodies from Article