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Crystal structure of Cas9 in complex with guide RNA and target DNA.

Nishimasu H, Ran FA, Hsu PD, Konermann S, Shehata SI, Dohmae N, Ishitani R, Zhang F, Nureki O
Cell. 2014 Feb 27;156(5):935-49. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2014.02.001. Epub 2014 Feb 13. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
58888PX543 SpCas9(del175-307)Truncated form of SpCas9 without REC2 domain
58889PX544 SpCas9(del1098-1368)Truncated form of SpCas9 without C' domain
68706PX429 SpCas9 N863A nickaseSpCas9 N863A nickase

Antibodies from Article