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Description CD63 molecule
Also known as AD1, HOP-26, ME491, MLA1, OMA81H, Pltgp40, TSPAN30
Species Homo sapiens
Entrez ID 967

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Plasmids containing this gene

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI
62964CD63-pEGFP C2CD63 molecule (Homo sapiens) Luzio
130901pCMV-Sport6-CD63-pHluorinCD63-pHluorin (Homo sapiens) Pegtel
130902pCMV-Sport6-CD63-pHujiCD63-pHuji (Homo sapiens) Pegtel
162591pCAG-HiBiT-CD63human CD63 (Homo sapiens) Somiya
162597pcDNA3.1-CD63-(TEV)-tTAhuman CD63 (Homo sapiens) Somiya
168217pMEH343 CD63 MS2 HACD63 (Homo sapiens) Leonard
168220pMEH371 CD63 HACD63 (Homo sapiens) Leonard
172117pLenti-pHluorin_M153R-CD63CD63 (Homo sapiens) Weaver
172118pLenti-pHluorin_M153R-CD63-mScarletCD63 (Homo sapiens) Weaver
177910pCMV-CD63-FKBP-Mychuman CD63 (Homo sapiens) Somiya
182972pKT2/CAGXSP/CD63mScarletCD63-mScarlet (Homo sapiens) Kanada
222326Str-KDEL_CD63-SBP-mCherryStreptavidin-KDEL and CD63 fused to SBP-mCherry (Homo sapiens) Perez
222327Str-KDEL_CD63YA-SBP-EGFPStreptavidin-KDEL and CD63-Y235A fused to SBP-EGFP (Homo sapiens) Perez
226770p50.mALDH1A1.CD63-GFP.wpreCD63 Pucci
226773p51.SRE.mCMV.CD63-GFP.wpreCD63 Pucci
231709pKT2/CAGXSP/GFPCD63CD63 (Homo sapiens) Kanada