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Description IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 1
Also known as HUMORFA01, SAR1, p195
Species Homo sapiens
Entrez ID 8826

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Plasmids containing this gene

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI
14503pAG17 IQGAP1 3'UTRIQGAP1 3'UTR (Homo sapiens) Bartel
14504pAG30 IQGAP1 3'UTR mutIQGAP1 3'UTR mutant (Homo sapiens) Bartel
30107pGEX-2T-IQGAP1IQGAP1 (Homo sapiens) Sacks
30112pEGFP-IQGAP1IQGAP1 (Homo sapiens) Sacks
30118pcDNA3-Myc-IQGAP1IQGAP1 (Homo sapiens) Sacks
84885pAav-IQGAP1-PQS1-3xFLAGIQGAP1 genomic region HR1 (Homo sapiens), IQGAP1 genomic region HR2 Eyckerman
98346IQGAP1_pLX307IQGAP1 (Homo sapiens) Rosenbluh
104279pHH0103 IQGAP1 WW domain IQGAP1 WW domain (Homo sapiens) Sidhu