UV radiation resistance associated
Also known as
DHTX, VPS38, p63
Homo sapiens
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ID | Plasmid | Gene/Insert | PI |
24290 | pCI-neo-HA-hUVRAG | UV irradiation resistance-associated gene (Homo sapiens) | Mizushima |
24292 | p3xFLAG-CMV10-hUVRAG | UV irradiation resistance-associated gene (Homo sapiens) | Mizushima |
24296 | pEGFP-C1-hUVRAG | UV irradiation resistance-associated gene (Homo sapiens) | Mizushima |
24400 | pET28a-UVRAG CC | UVRAG (Homo sapiens) | Zhong |
38267 | pMXs-puro GFP-UVRAG | UV radiation resistance-associated gene protein (Homo sapiens) | Mizushima |
86736 | myc-UVRAG | human UVRAG (Homo sapiens) | Kim |
86737 | myc-UVRAG S498A | human UVRAG (Homo sapiens) | Kim |
86738 | HA-UVRAG | human UVRAG (Homo sapiens) | Kim |
86739 | myc-UVRAG S498D | human UVRAG (Homo sapiens) | Kim |
86741 | EGFP-UVRAG S498A | human UVRAG (Homo sapiens) | Kim |
86742 | EGFP-UVRAG S498D | human UVRAG (Homo sapiens) | Kim |
86743 | mCherry-UVRAG | human UVRAG (Homo sapiens) | Kim |
86744 | mCherry-UVRAG S498A | human UVRAG (Homo sapiens) | Kim |
86745 | mCherry-UVRAG S498D | human UVRAG (Homo sapiens) | Kim |