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Description utrophin
Also known as DMDL, DRP, DRP1
Species Homo sapiens
Entrez ID 7402

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Plasmids containing this gene

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI
45247mpx:UtrCH-GFPutrophin (Homo sapiens) Huttenlocher
58466pEGFP-C1 Utr230-EGFP-3XNLSUtr230 with 3X glycine linker (Homo sapiens), 3X NLS with 3X stop codons (Other) Mullins
58471pEGFP-C1 Utr261-EGFPUtr261 (Homo sapiens) Mullins
58472pEGFP-C1 Utr230-EGFPUtr230 (Homo sapiens) Mullins
64358pIRESpuro3+mRFP-Utr_CHUtrophin-mRFP (Homo sapiens) Piel
64359pIRESneo3+GFP-Utr_CHGFP-Utrophin (Homo sapiens) Piel
64360pIRESneo3+mRFP-Utr_CHmRFP-Utrophin (Homo sapiens) Piel
101279pCS2.0 Tag-RFP-T-UtrCHUtrophin (Homo sapiens) Yap
104275pHH0103 UTROPHIN WW domain UTROPHIN WW domain (Homo sapiens) Sidhu
124656EBFP2-UtrCHUtrophin (Homo sapiens) Yu
133874pcDNA3.1(+)_UG3UtrCH (Homo sapiens) Terada
133875pcDNA3.1(+)_UGControlUtrCH (Homo sapiens) Terada
222393pLV-EGFP-Human-UTROPHIN_1-261Human Utrophin residues 1-261 and EGFP (Homo sapiens) Tsoulfas
225052pLV-mRFP1-Human UTROPHIN_1-261Human Utrophin residues 1-261 and RFP1 (Homo sapiens) Tsoulfas
231558pCMVtrunc msfGFPΔC10-Utr28-222Utrophin calponin homology domain (Homo sapiens) Mavrakis