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Description stimulator of interferon response cGAMP interactor 1
Also known as 2610307O08Rik, ERIS, MPYS, Mita, STING, STING-beta, Tmem173
Species Mus musculus
Entrez ID 72512

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Plasmids containing this gene

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI
127697pTRIPZ shSTING-MmushSTING Mmu (Mus musculus) Demaria
186892pRRL-mouse STING #1-gRNA-Cas9-PuroCas9 (Mus musculus) Kagan
186893pRRL-mouse STING #2-gRNA-Cas9-PuroCas9 (Mus musculus) Kagan
196625pLentiCRISPRv2_mSTING_gRNA_1mSTING gRNA 1 (Mus musculus) Manel
196626pLentiCRISPRv2_mSTING_gRNA_2mSTING gRNA 2 (Mus musculus) Manel
198186pcmv3-STING-C64S,C65S-FLAGTMEM173 (Mus musculus) Zhao
198187pcmv3-STING-C88S-FLAGTMEM173 (Mus musculus) Zhao
198188pcmv3-STING-C1471S-FLAGTMEM173 (Mus musculus) Zhao
208386Lenti-sgRNA-Cre-GpNLuc-sgmSTINGsgSTING (Mus musculus) Gupta
214148pMRX-mSTING-EGFPSTING (Mus musculus) Yan
214156pcDNA3.1-mSTINGSTING (Mus musculus) Yan
214157pcDNA3.1-HA-mSTINGSTING (Mus musculus) Yan
214158pcDNA3.1-HA-mSTING (N153S)STING (N153S) (Mus musculus) Yan
214159pcDNA3.1-HA-mSTING (V154M)STING (V154M) (Mus musculus) Yan
221240pMSCV-FKBP-STING(pLxIS)STING CTT (Mus musculus) Kagan
221241pMSCV-FKBP-STING(pLxIS) S365ASTING CTT (Mus musculus) Kagan
221242pMSCV-FKBP-STING(pLxIS) L373ASTING CTT (Mus musculus) Kagan
221243pMSCV-FKBP-STING(FL)STING without transmembrane domain (Mus musculus) Kagan
221266pMSCV-TASL-PLPLRfusion of TASL with STING PLPLR (Mus musculus) Kagan
221281pMSCV-FKBP-IRSp53 with STING pLxISfusion of FKBP-IRSp53 with STING pLxIS (NLV265RLL) (Mus musculus) Kagan
221282pMSCV-FKBP-STING with IRSp53 pLxISfusion of FKBP-STING with IRSp53 pLxIS (RLL361NLV) (Mus musculus) Kagan
221283pMSCV-FKBP-STING L373A with IRSp53 pLxISfusion of FKBP-STING (L373A) with IRSp53 pLxIS (RLL361NLV) (Mus musculus) Kagan
221333pET28a-FKBP-STING(pLxIS)STING CTT (Mus musculus) Kagan
229739pPB-EF1A-mSTINGSTING (Mus musculus) Ferguson
229740pPB-EF1A-mSTING (1-339)STING (Mus musculus) Ferguson