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Description tumor susceptibility 101
Also known as TSG10, VPS23
Species Homo sapiens
Entrez ID 7251

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Plasmids containing this gene

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI
21505mCherry-Tsg101Tsg101 (Homo sapiens) Hurley
25267UBC80ubc80.229.304 (Homo sapiens) Arrowsmith
31412TSG101Tumor susceptibility gene 101 (Homo sapiens) Klevit
38318pEF6.mCherry-TSG101TSG101 (Homo sapiens) Lu
116925pLNCX2-mEGFP-TSG101TSG101 (Homo sapiens) Simon
184810pGST2-TSG101 (2-145)TSG101 (Homo sapiens) Hurley
205948CL20_mEGFP_TSG101_YWHABTSG101_YWHAB (Homo sapiens) Kriwacki
234227pAIP4_3OBS3OBS (Homo sapiens) Bahl