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Description signal transducer and activator of transcription 1
Also known as CANDF7, IMD31A, IMD31B, IMD31C, ISGF-3, STAT91
Species Homo sapiens
Entrez ID 6772

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Plasmids containing this gene

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI
8690Stat1 alpha pRC/CMVSTAT1 alpha (Homo sapiens) Darnell
8691Stat1 alpha Flag pRc/CMVSTAT1 alpha (Homo sapiens) Darnell
8700Stat1 alpha S727A pRc/CMVSTAT1 alpha S727A (Homo sapiens) Darnell
8701Stat1 alpha Y701F pRc/CMVSTAT1 alpha Y701F (Homo sapiens) Darnell
8702Stat1 alpha Y701F Flag pRc/CMVSTAT1 alpha Y701F (Homo sapiens) Darnell
8703Stat1 beta pRc/CMVSTAT1 beta (Homo sapiens) Darnell
8704Stat1 beta Flag pRc/CMVSTAT1 beta (Homo sapiens) Darnell
11618pIND-STAT1-V5Signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (Homo sapiens) Johnson
11987pcDNA-GFP-STAT1Signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (Homo sapiens) Johnson
12301eGFP STAT1 WTSTAT1 (Homo sapiens) Perantoni
12302eGFP STAT1 Y701FSTAT1 Y701F (Homo sapiens) Perantoni
12304eGFP STAT1 S727ASTAT1 S727A (Homo sapiens) Perantoni
12305eGFP STAT1 S727ESTAT1 S727E (Homo sapiens) Perantoni
37543pCDNA3 IRF9-STAT1CIRF-9 STAT1 C (Homo sapiens) Horvath
46511pGEX Stat1-SH2Stat1 (Homo sapiens) Mayer
67116pCellFree_G03 STAT1STAT1 (Homo sapiens) Alexandrov
71453pLV-Y701F-STAT1STAT1 (Homo sapiens) Stark
71454pLV-WT-STAT1STAT1 (Homo sapiens) Stark
82183pDONR223_STAT1_p.Y701FSTAT1 (Homo sapiens) Boehm
82234pDONR223_STAT1_WTSTAT1 (Homo sapiens) Boehm
82722pGEX-4T-1 3xFlag-STAT1STAT1 (Homo sapiens) Janes
99342HisGb1-STAT1(710-750) + CBP TAZ2 (1764-1855)STAT1 (710-750) (Homo sapiens), CBP (1764-1855) (Mus musculus) Wright
115353pFL-SV40-STAT1 5'-UTRSTAT1 5'-UTR (Homo sapiens) Lai
134723pRcCMV-STAT13FSTAT1-STAT3 fusion (Homo sapiens) Darnell
134725pRcCMV-STAT31FSTAT3-STAT1 Fusion (Homo sapiens) Darnell
142350TFORF2660STAT1 (Homo sapiens) Zhang
144562TFORF3086STAT1 (Homo sapiens) Zhang
186059pTR-457 tNGFR-P2A-STAT1STAT1 (Homo sapiens) Marson
220323pLEX305_3xFLAG_STAT1STAT1 alpha (Homo sapiens) Brown
225751pGF-GAS4Xinterferon gamma activating sequence (GAS) (Homo sapiens) Han