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Description RAN, member RAS oncogene family
Also known as ARA24, Gsp1, TC4
Species Homo sapiens
Entrez ID 5901

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Plasmids containing this gene

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI
30309pmCherry-C1-RanQ69LRanQ69L (Other) Brenman
37396pTK21Ran (Homo sapiens) Cheeseman
42048pET-Ran(Q69L)Ran (Homo sapiens) Ui-Tei
108919pET11d-RANRAN (Homo sapiens) Gerace
118316mCherry-RanV19RanV19 (Homo sapiens) Stork
118317GFP-RanV19 E1RA2RanV19 (Homo sapiens), EPac1RA2 (Homo sapiens) Stork
163438BFP-RanQ69LRanQ69L (Homo sapiens) Simon
171563pET28a-His6-Ran(Q69L)Ran (Homo sapiens) Zeng
175339pH6HTC_RAN-HaloRAN (Homo sapiens) Kutter
217966pCL1333RAN (Homo sapiens) Bowman
222533pPB-cT3G-cERP2-RANRAN (Homo sapiens) Church