integrin subunit beta 1
Also known as
Homo sapiens
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ID | Plasmid | Gene/Insert | PI |
16042 | pRK5 beta1 | beta1 (Homo sapiens) | Giancotti |
27314 | Integrin beta1-tev-BHCys | integrin beta1 (Homo sapiens) | Springer |
27315 | Integrin beta1(1-455)-tev-BHCys | integrin beta1 (Homo sapiens) | Springer |
50511 | pECE beta1 R760A | integrin beta1 (Homo sapiens) | Yamada |
51920 | ITGB1 | ITGB1 (Homo sapiens) | Wright |
54129 | mEmerald-Integrin-Beta1-N-18 | Integrin-Beta1 (Homo sapiens) | Davidson |
54914 | mApple-Integrin-Beta1-N-18 | Integrin-Beta1 (Homo sapiens) | Davidson |
55064 | mCherry-Integrin-Beta1-N-18 | Integrin-Beta1 (Homo sapiens) | Davidson |
55303 | mTagBFP2-Integrin-Beta1-N-18 | Integrin-Beta1 (Homo sapiens) | Davidson |
55423 | mCerulean3-Integrin-Beta1-N-18 | Integrin-Beta1 (Homo sapiens) | Davidson |
56330 | mVenus-Integrin-Beta1-N-18 | Integrin-Beta1 (Homo sapiens) | Davidson |
57183 | PA-mCherry1-Integrin-Beta1-N-18 | Integrin-Beta1 (Homo sapiens) | Davidson |
57390 | mEos2-Integrin-Beta1-N-18 | Integrin-Beta1 (Homo sapiens) | Davidson |
57627 | tdEos-Integrin-Beta1-N-18 | Integrin-Beta1 (Homo sapiens) | Davidson |
58105 | tdTomato-Integrin-Beta1-N-18 | Integrin-Beta1 (Homo sapiens) | Davidson |
59973 | pEF1-puro/hpb1(short) | human integrin b1 (short) (Homo sapiens) | Springer |
59976 | pEF1-puro/hpb1 | human integrin b1 headpiece (Homo sapiens) | Springer |
69767 | Beta1-GFP pFB-Neo | Beta1 integrin (Homo sapiens) | Humphries |
69804 | Beta1-GFP in pHcgreen | Beta1A integrin (Homo sapiens) | Humphries |
115799 | EFIa-iTGB1 | iTGB1 (Homo sapiens) | Massague |
186083 | pTR-456 tNGFR-P2A-ITGB1 | ITGB1 (Homo sapiens) | Marson |
186137 | B1 Integrin | ITGB1 (Homo sapiens) | Rosen |
186138 | B1 Integrin-GFP | ITGB1 (Homo sapiens) | Rosen |
186139 | His10-B1 Integrin | ITGB1 (Homo sapiens) | Rosen |
186302 | Integrin Beta1-mPA-GFP | Integrin Beta 1 (Homo sapiens) | Kanchanawong |
195215 | B1-INTEGRIN WT | ITGB1 (Homo sapiens) | Weaver |
195216 | B1-INTEGRIN VN | ITGB1 (Homo sapiens) | Weaver |
221398 | PD2529 human beta1 ecto | integrin beta1 ectodomain (Homo sapiens) | Springer |
221399 | Beta1 Q280* K418* ectodomain | integrin beta1 Q280* K418* ectodomain (Homo sapiens) | Springer |
221400 | Beta1 N391* N562* ectodomain | integrin beta1 N391* N562* ectodomain (Homo sapiens) | Springer |
221401 | PD2529 human beta1 full | integrin beta1 full-length (Homo sapiens) | Springer |
221402 | Beta1 Q280* full-length | integrin beta1 Q280* full-length (Homo sapiens) | Springer |
221403 | Beta1 K418* full-length | integrin beta1 K418* full-length (Homo sapiens) | Springer |
221404 | Beta1 N391* full-length | integrin beta1 N391* full-length (Homo sapiens) | Springer |
221405 | Beta1 N562* full-length | integrin beta1 N562* full-length (Homo sapiens) | Springer |
221406 | Beta1 Q280* K418* full-length | integrin beta1 Q280* K418* full-length (Homo sapiens) | Springer |
221407 | Beta1 N391* N562* full-length | integrin beta1 N391* N562* full-length (Homo sapiens) | Springer |