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Description interleukin 6
Also known as BSF-2, BSF2, CDF, HGF, HSF, IFN-beta-2, IFNB2, IL-6
Species Homo sapiens
Entrez ID 3569

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Plasmids containing this gene

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI
19959pSuperRetropuro-IL-6 shRNA 1pSuperRetropuro-IL-6 shRNA 1 (Homo sapiens) Counter
67061pCellFree_G03 IL6IL6 (Homo sapiens) Alexandrov
79491pENTR221-IL6.ProIl6 Promoter (Homo sapiens) Nelson
108373pCI-TPI_WT-IL6_3UTR-xrRNA-4HWild type TPI reporter with partial IL6 control 3' UTR, MVE xrRNA and 4H probe binding sites (Homo sapiens) Gehring
111933pEGFP-N1-IL6Interleukin 6 (Homo sapiens) van den Bogaart
156587pD649-HAsp-IL6-Fc(DAPA)-AviTag-6xHisIL6 (Homo sapiens) Garcia
157151pD649-HAsp-IL6-COMP5AP-AviTag-9xHisIL6 (Homo sapiens) Garcia
231192CA-0033 CMVTO-hIL6Human IL-6 (Homo sapiens) Gao
231193CA-0200 CMVTO-hIL6Ra_M4-rens-hIL6hIL6Ra_M4-rens-hIL6 (Homo sapiens) Gao
231194CA-0216 CMVTO-hIL6Ra_M4-rens-hIL6-rens-IL6RbhIL6Ra_M4-rens-hIL6-rens-IL6Rb (Homo sapiens) Gao
231197CA-0201 CMVTO-hIL6-rens.1hIL6-rens.1 (Homo sapiens) Gao
231217CA-0034 CMVTO-hIL6-rens-hIL6Ra_M4hIL6-rens-hIL6Ra_M4 (Homo sapiens) Gao
231225CA-0202 CMVTO-hIL6-rens.1_DelhIL6-rens.1_Del (Homo sapiens) Gao