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Description glial cell derived neurotrophic factor
Also known as ATF, ATF1, ATF2, HFB1-GDNF, HSCR3
Species Homo sapiens
Entrez ID 2668

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Plasmids containing this gene

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI
11646pLVPT-GDNF-tTR-KRABmPGK, GDNF, tTR-KRAB, Tet-on (Homo sapiens) Aebischer
11647pLVPT-GDNF-rtTR-KRAB-2SM2mPGK, GDNF, rtTR-KRAB-2SM2, Tet-Off (Homo sapiens) Aebischer
122035pAC1-V16-hGDNFhGDNF (Homo sapiens) Tenenbaum
139624GDNF-SHCGDNF (Homo sapiens) Varjosalo
182946pLV-HuGDNFHuman GDNF (Homo sapiens) Tsoulfas