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Description GATA binding protein 4
Also known as ASD2, TACHD, TOF, VSD1
Species Homo sapiens
Entrez ID 2626

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Plasmids containing this gene

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI
46030tetO-GATA4GATA4 (Homo sapiens) Gearhart
101417pDONR221-GATA4GATA4 (Homo sapiens) Church
120444EF1a_GATA4_P2A_Hygro_BarcodeGATA4 (Homo sapiens) Mali
141982TFORF2236GATA4 (Homo sapiens) Zhang
141983TFORF2237GATA4 (Homo sapiens) Zhang
142177TFORF2238GATA4 (Homo sapiens) Zhang
167758MAC_N_GATA4GATA4 (Homo sapiens) Varjosalo
172393pMXs-puro-hMGTMef2c, Gata4, Tbx5 (Homo sapiens) Qian
172394pLenti-Ef1a-hMGT-PGK-puroMef2c, Gata4, Tbx5 (Homo sapiens) Qian
172395pLL3.7-CAG-hMGT-Ef1a-puroMef2c, Gata4, Tbx5 (Homo sapiens) Qian
172396pLL3.7-UBCp-hMGT-Ef1a-puroMef2c, Gata4, Tbx5 (Homo sapiens) Qian
192896pPB-cT3G-cERP2-GATA4GATA4 (Homo sapiens) Church
232130JDW 1059 (pME_V5_GATA4_P2A_H2A_mCherry)GATA4 (Homo sapiens) Wythe
232647pXJ-Myc-GATA4GATA4 (Homo sapiens) Shen
233549JDW 1475 (pLenti-BLAST-GATA4-P2A-H2A-mCherry)GATA4 (Homo sapiens) Wythe