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Description GATA binding protein 1
Also known as ERYF1, GATA-1, GF-1, GF1, HAEADA, NF-E1, NFE1, XLANP, XLTDA, XLTT
Species Homo sapiens
Entrez ID 2623

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Plasmids containing this gene

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI
11650pLVUTHshGATA1-tTR-KRABhUbiquitin C, GFP, tTR-KRAB, shRNA against GATA1, Tet-on (Homo sapiens) Aebischer
61062pSIN4-EF1a-GATA1-IRES-PuroGATA1 (Homo sapiens) Slukvin
67068pCellFree_G03 GATA1GATA1 (Homo sapiens) Alexandrov
118352hGATA-1 WThGATA-1 (Homo sapiens) Sistonen
118353hGATA-1 K137RhGATA-1 (Homo sapiens) Sistonen
120442EF1a_GATA1_P2A_Hygro_BarcodeGATA1 (Homo sapiens) Mali
138001pTJK482GATA1 (Homo sapiens) Kingsbury
138010pTJK637GATA1 sgRNA (Homo sapiens) Kingsbury
141986TFORF2242 GATA1 (Homo sapiens) Zhang
232127JDW 1050 (pME_V5_GATA1_P2A_H2A_mCherry)GATA1 (Homo sapiens) Wythe