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Description glutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit 2A
Also known as GluN2A, NMDAR2A, NR2A
Species Rattus norvegicus
Entrez ID 24409

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Plasmids containing this gene

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI
17924pEGFP-NR2ANMDAR2A (Rattus norvegicus) Vicini
23997pCI-SEP_NR2ANR2A (Rattus norvegicus) Malinow
45445pCI-EGFP-NR2a wtNR2A (Rattus norvegicus) Malinow
131486pORANGE GFP-Grin2a KIgRNA and GFP donor (Rattus norvegicus) MacGillavry
177531Anti-GluN2A [N327/95R]anti-GluN2A/NR2A glutamate receptor (Rattus norvegicus) recombinant mouse monoclonal antibody (Mus musculus) Trimmer
177532Anti-GluN2A [N327A/38R]anti-GluN2A/NR2A glutamate receptor (Rattus norvegicus) recombinant mouse monoclonal antibody (Mus musculus) Trimmer
180176pRB133GluN2A (Rattus norvegicus) Bergeron
199415Anti-GluN2A/NR2A glutamate receptor [N327/95R-2b]Anti-GluN2A/NR2A glutamate receptor (Rat) recombinant mouse monoclonal antibody (Mus musculus) Trimmer
206710Anti-GluN2A/NR2A glutamate receptor [N327/95R-1]anti-GluN2A/NR2A glutamate receptor (Rattus norvegicus) recombinant Mouse monoclonal antibody (Mus musculus) Trimmer
225420Anti-GluN2A/NR2A glutamate receptor [N327/95R-rat IgG2a]Anti-GluN2A/NR2A glutamate receptor (Rattus norvegicus) recombinant (Mouse) monoclonal antibody. (Other) Trimmer