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Description kinesin family member 5A
Also known as D10Bwg0738e, Khc, Kif5, Kns, mKIAA4086
Species Mus musculus
Entrez ID 16572

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Plasmids containing this gene

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI
31606pHA-ΔN335-Kin1AΔN335 kinesin-1A (Mus musculus) Brown
31607pKin1Akinesin-1A (Mus musculus) Brown
118744pScarlet-Kif5aKif5a cDNA (Mus musculus) Koller
118745pCAG-Scarlet-Kif5aKif5a cDNA (Mus musculus) Koller
120163mCh-KIF5A*-strepkinesin family member 5A (Mus musculus) Bonifacino
127616myc-KIF5AKIF5A (Mus musculus) Kittler
134611pCb.CAG-HaloTag-GA-ZF-KrabA-KIF5A 378-1027KIF5A (Mus musculus) Bentley
166952pLV-EF1a-KIF5A-HA-IRES-Puro KIF5A (Mus musculus) Segal
166953pLV-EF1a-KIF5AR280H-HA-IRES-Puro KIF5A-R280H (Mus musculus) Segal
166954FLAG-KIF5A KIF5A (Mus musculus) Segal
166955FLAG-KIF5A delta Tail KIF5A (Mus musculus) Segal
166956FLAG-KIF5A tail only KIF5A (Mus musculus) Segal
166957FLAG-KIF5AR280H KIF5A-R280H (Mus musculus) Segal
166958HA-KIF5A KIF5A (Mus musculus) Segal
172201eGFP-KIF5AKIF5A (Mus musculus) Bonifacino
172202eGFP-KIF5A-RigorKIF5A (Mus musculus) Bonifacino
190693pSN879mScarlet::miRNA(KIF5C)::miRNA(KIF5B)::miRNA(KIF5A) (Synthetic) Niwa
200789CLIPf-KIF5A-SNAPf-HisTag-FLAGKIF5A (Mus musculus) Twelvetrees
200790CLIPf-KIF5AKIF5A (Mus musculus) Twelvetrees
200791KIF5A-SNAPf-HisTag-FLAGKIF5A (Mus musculus) Twelvetrees
200792CLIPf-KIF5A(Δ954-1027)-SNAPf-HisTag-FLAGKIF5A (Mus musculus) Twelvetrees
200793CLIPf-KIF5A(1-914; Δ505-610)-SNAPf-HisTag-FLAGKIF5A (Mus musculus) Twelvetrees
200798CLIPf-KIF5A(411-680)-SNAPf-HisTag-FLAGKIF5A (Mus musculus) Twelvetrees
219683CLIPf-KIF5A(1-573)KIF5A (Mus musculus) Twelvetrees