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Description interleukin 6
Also known as Il-6
Species Mus musculus
Entrez ID 16193

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Plasmids containing this gene

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI
61286pmIL-6 FLIL-6 promoter (Mus musculus) Bishop
61291pmIL-6 mut C/EBPIL-6 promoter (Mus musculus) Bishop
61292pmIL-6 mut AP-1+C/EBPIL-6 promoter (Mus musculus) Bishop
61293pmIL-6 mut NF-kBIL-6 promoter (Mus musculus) Bishop
109296pCR2.1-promoter-mIL-6murine IL-6 promoter (Mus musculus) van Oers
112896pmIL-6promoterEGFPmurine IL-6 promoter (Mus musculus) van Oers
207126pmirGLO-3'UTR mouse Il6Interleukin 6 (Il6) (Mus musculus) Monticelli