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Description cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1B
Also known as Kip1, p27, p27Kip1
Species Mus musculus
Entrez ID 12576

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Plasmids containing this gene

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI
15191pLIA-E p27 (CC#620)p27 (Mus musculus) Cepko
15192pGFP-E p27 (CC#631)p27 (Mus musculus) Cepko
20881pGL-p27UTRp27 3'UTR (Mus musculus) Blelloch
102759sgp27#1p27 (Mus musculus) Chen
176651pCDH-EF1-mVenus-p27K−mVenus-p27K- (Mus musculus) Bentires-Alj
221286pMSCV-FKBP-p27(pLxIS-PLPLR)p27 (pLxIS-PLPLR) (Synthetic) Kagan