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Description thymoma viral proto-oncogene 2
Also known as 2410016A19Rik, PKB, PKBbeta
Species Mus musculus
Entrez ID 11652

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Plasmids containing this gene

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI
36791TAL2382AKT2-TALEN_Left (Homo sapiens) Joung
36792TAL2383AKT2-TALEN_Right (Homo sapiens) Joung
64832pLVX-IRES-tdTomato-FlagAkt2Akt2 (Mus musculus) Gonzalez
64834pLVX-IRES-tdTomato-FlagAkt2W80AAkt2 (Mus musculus) Gonzalez
223053pdest myr-AKT2 puromyr-AKT2 (Mus musculus) Gutierrez
223063pdest myr-AKT2 Neomyr-AKT2 (Mus musculus) Gutierrez